How to make Swedish Meatballs | Homemade Ikea Meatballs

Juicy flavour-packed meatballs in that classic rich and creamy Swedish meatball sauce.
It makes such a great comforting dinner served with mashed potato and of course some lingonberry jam (although I’ve got some other suggestions if you can’t find it).

Free printable recipe here:

Swedish Meatballs Ingredients:

500 g (1lb)beef mince – ideally 20% fat
250 g (1/2 lb)pork mince
1 onion – finely chopped
1 clove of garlic – minced
4 tbsp panko breadcrumbs
1 medium egg
5 tbsp (75ml) full-fat milk
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp white pepper
¼ tsp allspice
2 tbsp vegetable or olive oil

3 tbsp unsalted butter
3 tbsp plain – all-purpose flour
180 ml (3/4 cup) beef stock
120 ml (1/2 cup) vegetable stock
120 ml (1/2 cup) double (heavy) cream
2 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Dijon mustard
¼ tsp salt

To Serve:
Finely chopped fresh parsley
Creamy mashed potato
Lingonberry jam – or redcurrant jelly
Green veg – such as broccoli or green beans

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  1. And I'll see you for dinner. Lol I'm going to make this next week. This week I think I'm going to try a BBQ meatball recipe with a cranberry jam. Perhaps with jasmine rice.

  2. I have a small, counter top deep fryer and as I roll the meatballs I fry them in a combination of lard and bacon grease ( peanut oil also if I need extra volume). I set the heat as hot as the machine will go and fry them only until the outside browns. They then go into the pan I cooked the onions in and into the oven.
    They come out round and GB&D. I still get the drippings for gravy.
    My fryer is useless for anything but meatballs however I will buy another Walmart special when the time comes just for meatballs

  3. I’m from the Arctic and don’t have access to lingonberries, so I used cloudberries instead. Absolutely divine!

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