Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Recipes

There’s no debate over peanut butter and jelly being one of the most beloved sandwich combinations of all time, but grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches take a lunchtime classic from familiar and delicious to knee-slapping, lip-smacking, “OMG”-inducing fantastic. Crunchy bread paired with a warm, gooey inside instantly elevates the basic PB&J to gourmet level status, while the addition of ingredients like almond butter, bacon, and even cheese (yes, you heard that correctly) will make all prior lunchbox creations pale in comparison. The possibilities, as with most culinary endeavors in life, are truly endless.


  1. Even saying it aloud "dorito consomme" just doesn't make sense. It scarred me, killed this once great channel and is now apart of my long term memory that could have been used for good recipe/tip.

  2. 278000 people still subscribed for the sole purpose of writing a doritos consomme joke

    never stop, internet

  3. This video is in more of the tutorial style that I like from this channel in the past, even if it's something that kind of doesn't need a tutorial it's still kind of cool. but I think they're going to have to work really hard to get back any kind of viewership, they have a quarter of a million subscribers in yet nowhere near that many views not even a fraction in the first week which is always a bad sign. they might be able to get their viewers back with videos that have personality and tutorials that aren't advertisements for restaurants in strange cities or overly basic tutorials I really hope they do, I would love to see that kind of material again for these guys that I would love to see what they can do again. good luck guys 🙂

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