Recipe for Cold Millet Salad

In this video I show you how to cook millet and then create a cold millet salad. Easy, Quick and Plant-Based. Hope you enjoy.


  1. I love how you do that with the millet. I did that with my rice (before I got a rice cooker). I learned it from my old Brazilian life.

  2. This looks so yummy and healthy Jill. I'm definitely going to try it. TYSM for sharing it. 🙂

    Also, did you know millet grains contain laetrile (vitamin B-17) which helps fight cancer cells? I eat apricot seeds daily to get my B-17 in but I love millet meals too. I can't say for sure it's the addition of B-17 to my diet or not but I've been cancer free since 2009.

    BTW, I truly hope you are feeling as great as you are looking. You look radiant in this vid girl. 🙂

  3. Yummmmo!!! I found your page from a plug Chef Rosa gave on her channel….I'm loving you and The Director!!! So fun and healthy too!!!! I'm in AZ so I know what you mean when you speak of a cool meal is in order

  4. I made comments about that within the video as I put them in the bowl but here ya go: 1/2 cup total of red and green peppers, 1/4 cup onion, 1 cup kale, 1 ear corn, 1/3 cup celery. Hope that helps.

  5. I keep reading that you have to rinse millet first, how do you toast it first if it's wet?

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