Finding The Best Pastrami Sandwich In New York | Food Tours | Insider Food

“Food Wars” hosts Harry Kersh and Joe Avella travel across NYC to find the best pastrami sandwich in the city. They’ll be visiting three different locations in just one day to see what the city has to offer. This is “Food Tours.”

00:00 Katz’s Delicatessen
08:00 2nd Avenue Deli
15:11 Leibman’s Deli

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Finding The Best Pastrami Sandwich In New York


  1. why does it have to be so much meat? it is really too much i say, the ratio of meat to carbohydrate is not ok. its too heavy.

  2. Try a pastrami reuben at Katz. The kraut provides some acidity to cut through the pastrami. That's my go to on the rare occasion I brave the tourists and lines there.

  3. Katz is good, not denying that. But I will never pay $26 for a sandwich, $9 for a plate of fries, and $3.50 for a can of soda again.

  4. Not knowing much about it, but is Pastrami a predominantly a Jewish food? it looks delicious 🙂

  5. Someone find who that person with the cam behind them was in Katz im curious

  6. Had pastrami today, at a local shop in NL. For me it tasted like a mix of luncheon meat (a.k.a. boterhamworst) and smoked beef (a.k.a. runderrookvlees). And, to my preference, there were only some slices on the bun, and they were not dripping of liquid. What's been shown in the film is way way too much per serving.

  7. good giant sandwiches u guys need to come to new jersey and check out harolds

  8. Do not make a stingy sandwich
    Pile the cold cuts high
    Customers should see pastrami
    Comin' through the rye
    —— Alan Sherman, 1962 (?)

  9. The last thing you ever want to do is ask a British person about food.
    They have some of the worst cuisine in the world!🤮😂

  10. Leibman’s actually has the absolute best french fries. It’s always hard choosing between a knish or their fries.

  11. Give me some of that pastrami ! Dont think we got any places like that in Sweden at all


  13. Love this series! Never trust a boring English persons palette 😂 glad you enjoyed some flavours

  14. Langer's in L.A. is better. They aren't wtrictly kosher so they have specialty cheeses they put on their sandwiches.

  15. Having visited many places in NYC, I can say without doubt that the best pastrami sandwich I’ve had was at Sam’s Deli. It’s the only place that offered pastrami on garlic bread. Sounded odd, but lemmie tell ya…..absolute heaven. Next level 😎👍🏼

  16. You have a food review from a person that has never slow cooked a piece of meat before? Come on.

  17. Let's get a guy who doesn't like food headlining a food show. Who on earth doesn't love pickles?

    Please don't fire him, I love this series.

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