Turkish White Bean Salad - Piyaz

Recipe / Receta 👇Indulge in the wholesome goodness of Turkish White Bean Salad – Piyaz, a delightful and high-protein salad that doesn’t rely on meat for its nutritional punch. Packed with protein-rich white beans, this dish offers a burst of flavors with fresh parsley, zesty lemon juice, and aromatic spices. It’s a perfect choice for those seeking a delicious and meatless protein source. Whether served as a side salad, meze, or paired with grilled meats, chicken, or even barbecue, this salad is a true Mediterranean delight. A healthy and flavorful addition to your table that’s both satisfying and nutritious!

Turkish White Bean Salad – Piyaz

1.5 cups of White Beans (Boiled) (you can use canned beans)
1 medium red onion
1 cup of parsley (roughly chopped)
Juice of a lemon
3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
½ tablespoon of sumac
½ tablespoon of chili flakes
4 tablespoons of olive oil (more to drizzle)
Salt to taste
1 boiled egg (for garnish, optional)


Cut the onion in half and slice it very thinly. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and rub the onion to remove the bitterness. Add enough tap water to cover, let it sit for 1 minute, and then drain.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the olive oil, vinegar, sumac, salt, lemon juice, and chili flakes. Add the boiled white beans, parsley, and onions, and mix well to combine.
Place the salad into a serving dish, garnish with a boiled egg, add more sumac if desired, and drizzle with a generous amount of olive oil.
This dish is traditionally served with grilled meat, chicken, barbecue dishes or meatballs as a salad or can be served as a meze.

Ensalada Turca de Judías Blancas – Piyaz

1,5 tazas de Judías Blancas (Hervidas) (puedes usar judías enlatadas)
1 cebolla roja mediana
1 taza de perejil (picado en trozos grandes)
Zumo de un limón
3 cucharadas de vinagre de sidra de manzana
½ cucharada de sumac
½ cucharada de copos de chile
4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva (más para rociar)
Sal al gusto
1 huevo cocido (para decorar, opcional)


Corta la cebolla por la mitad y córtala en rodajas muy finas. Añade 1 cucharadita de sal y frota la cebolla para quitar la amargura. Agrega suficiente agua para cubrir, deja reposar durante 1 minuto y luego escurre.
En un tazón grande, combina el aceite de oliva, el vinagre, el sumac, la sal, el zumo de limón y los copos de chile. Agrega las judías blancas hervidas, el perejil y las cebollas, y mezcla bien.
Coloca la ensalada en un plato para servir, adorna con un huevo cocido, añade más sumac si lo deseas y rocía generosamente con aceite de oliva.
Este plato se sirve tradicionalmente con carne a la parrilla, pollo, platos de barbacoa o albóndigas como ensalada o como meze.

#cooking #food #recipe #cleaneating #beans


  1. Hey, fabulous foodies! 🥗 I hope you enjoyed my recent bean salad recipe. If you did, I'd love to hear from you! Would you like to see more delicious legume-based creations on my channel? Whether it's more bean salads, lentil stews, or chickpea recipes, I'm here to serve your cravings. Drop your thoughts in the comments if you're up for more legume-inspired goodness! 🌱 #LegumeLove

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