Mashed Potatoes Recipe - Prepping for the Holiday

Mashed Potatoes Recipe – Prepping for the Holiday | Suzanne Somers
We are Thankful and prepping for the Holiday

Daisy is swinging by today to help Caroline prep for our favorite family holiday. Let’s prep!

We’re prepping I was trying I was trying to get you to sing more I was like she’s singing uh you guys we are in the kitchen today Daisy is here and we are prepping for Thanksgiving um this is obviously an odd year for us it is our first time celebrating Thanksgiving

Without Suzanne and uh it was it is our family holiday like it like it to me it feels like it isan’s birthday it is it is the suzan event and the entire family has always gone down to the desert at magical home that they had for so many years and now they’re in

Like a new beautiful I’m still saying they cuz it is still they to us so Suzanne always just the true meaning of Thanksgiving with he and home and family and tastes and smells and goodness and just really beautiful family time so we are taking all of that love and

Tradition and of course carrying on that beautiful tradition for the family yes suzan and I have been cooking Thanksgiving dinner together for about 30 years so we really had it down to a Mad Science I always did the stuffing she always did the turkey and gravy um

We used to do the mashed potatoes together but you know now I I have to say Michael does the best mashed potatoes Michael is yeah he helps us down at the house and he’s I’m I’m going to completely give him mashed potatoes because they’re literally that good I to

Watch him yeah Suzanne or I would do the cranberry sauce um she always made the most amazing soup to start the meal and then we would either have brussels sprouts or green beans sometimes both baby yams never a sweet potato casserole kind of thing it was always just a

Beautiful baked baby yam do you know the first time I saw a sweet potato casserole I was like I was like what am I looking at I know and no sh like this is like this is classic they was like what so if you love a sweet potato casserole with marshmallows and brown

Sugar it looks beautiful yeah go go for it Suzanne has always done these little baby yams just baked to Perfection and then me an obscene amount of butter she always Ed an obscene amount of butter yeah um so what I’m trying to do this year is

Prep as much as I can at home before I I’m going to be there on Tuesday um most of the rest of the family is coming in on Wednesday but you know we also have this tradition after Thanksgiving that then we do crab lunch the next day which

Is just a the best day of the year yes so beautiful fresh cracked crabs Daisy and I always make the lemonade oie together um and then we have turkey soup the next night so so how do you yeah how do you adjust that first year where we have such a system down

So obviously not cooking with Suzanne the week before is sad and hard and we have lots of feelings beautiful and sad but but so like filled up and so good about that too so what do you do you like pull in your your people so today I

Have Daisy here with me and this girl loves brussel sprouts I really do so she is we are going to show you how to make a gorgeous roasted brussel sprout dish with um our favorite infusio um this vanilla fig little glaze at the end of the roasted brussels sprout you’re you’re you’re

Going to like brussels sprouts if you never liked brussel sprouts before um so this year like I said I’m trying to figure out what I can cook in advance because I always like to do everything last minute I am not someone who’s me too I’m not like a I’m not but I forced

My but I forced myself to do it so I did make my cranberry sauce yesterday do you want to taste it yeah I was scor okay hold on that Theo code oh okay what is the promo code thanks 25 thanks 25 oh sorry there’s this one and here sorry my hands are

Wet whoa who whoa yeah all the cousins have been talking about it too about how like we’re all going to we’re all going to step up and be little chefs yeah especially I’m like Ari Ari has become a chef this year and I’m like he’s going

To be chefing it up in the kitchen with us now he didn’t sign up for a dish but I know it’s just cuz he’s too busy I know I feel like he’s working constantly good man I just feel like he’s not on he’s not on social he’s not on his

Phone checking no not at all not at all one time I texted him he text me back like 5 months later and I was like respect honestly I think that’s cool but yeah all the cousins have been talking about how important Thanksgiving is going to be this year for all of us okay

This is the cranberry sauce I made it yesterday secret ingredient Tangerine juice instead of water and tangerine zest and I also put a little lime and lime zest in there so da thank you tell me how we did here yes you can just eat it with a SP this is camia’s favorite I

So I feel very blessed and I usually cut the sugar in like about half to 3/4 tanging right not too three one more bite yeah not too sweet but like a little tank M no it’s perfect this is perfect no I’m serious um I made it if you want to see how I

Made it go to my Instagram which is @ Carolin Summers and it’s on my story um you guys should try this I should try to do a real but literally just take your basic Cran sauce recipe replace the water with freshw Tangerine juice and then add some of that Tangerine zest and

Then if you want you can also do some lime with the lime zest and I cut back on the sugar no that’s per yeah I I love I can’t wait for this so the other thing that we yes I well my next cookbook is going to be holiday recipe so my book

That’s out right now which is called genius served yeah and I have to do all my holiday recipes now next you have to put uh Violet’s Ginger snuts oh yeah of course of course um okay so let’s get some of these Brussel sorry I’m moving like at a

Snail’s pace no it’s okay I just want to get them cooking so that we they can hopefully be done before we are done with our show here okay so brussels sprouts let’s get some olive oil on these just Ro them I just use a regular extra virgin olive oil you don’t have to

Use your flavored infusio for that delish roasted vegetables are perfect in every way that’s what I love is when you just put olive oil salt pepper throw them in the oven they’re perfect but I’ve always been a big vegetable lover yeah you you’ve always been a good eater ever since she was a

Baby she’s always a good eater okay I’m going to let you add to this but I want to get them cooking or no I agree I age I’m literally going so slowly okay all right so that is that I want to talk about our hand wash and

Hand lotion because we have these at every place where you would need hand wash or hand lotion we have them in the kitchen we have them in the guest bath we have them in our um in all the bathrooms so this cute little set here we have in four different scents

This is the peppermint cream which I love around the holidays I love it I mean I love it at all times but I really love it around the holidays because it just smells like the holidays to me um and this is the hand wash this is the

Hand lotion the hand wash doesn’t have any sodium Laurel sulfate in it it’s really it is actually really moisturizing for your hands but it does get them clean and if you have watched us over the years every time Suzanne would make a chicken or a turkey I I mean literally every time she

Would rub the turkey with the olive oil and then she would grab the olive oil bottle and go like this and everyone on the show with be like ah you have to wash your hands you can’t touch the olive oil bottle with your chicken hands no like you whenever you touch raw

Chicken or raw turkey you have to wash your hands before you then go and touch them otherwise it’s like you have all that poison potential germ on the on the bottle so I would remind her I’m like don’t forget to wash your hands if you

Touch the all I’m like or let me pour and you you know one person Pours and one person rubs um so that’s just one of those little things that I’m going to miss this year because it was always a a good little we won’t wash our hands in honor um the temperature on

The oven I did it at 4:25 um because I want them to get nice and roasted and then we’re going to smash mash them and then we’re going to drizzle with that vanilla fig glaze so that’s happening the other thing that I did yesterday actually I did this over the um on

Saturday was I made some homemade turkey stock so this gorgeous it only took me two days but it is it is the key to your gravy is having a really good stock so if you can you know if you have the time and the fortitude to make a homemade

Stock that is the base that is really going to give your gravy the most flavor my biggest I mean not pressure but kind of pressure Suzanne was the Gravy Master and the secret to her gravy is always really good stock she didn’t put a lot of thickener in it um she actually

Stopped using any kind of flour completely um over the years it’s it’s changed she used to use a little bit flour then she would use gluten-free flour then she would use some other kind of you know thickening agent like Arrow or something and then she’s just like No

The pan drippings are better so the way Suzanne always made her gravy was she would take the pan drippings and she knew just from when that turkey came out she knew if the gravy was going to be good or not just by looking at the Pan

Um and she would say to me oh this is going to be a bitching cool and cool gravy like she just knew um oh thanks you want to just throw them on there here teamwork they’re already sizzling oh and it smells so good too I’m eating more cranberry sauce um so

and good then and cool so then she would um take the giblets from the turkey and dice them up so finely the that she would take the the gizzard and the heart and the liver and make them tiny tiny tiny tiny cuz you don’t

Want like a big bite of that but I’m telling you and if you’re thinking like ew I’m telling you I’m thinking ew and I’m like I was eating it’s always always tiny tiny tiny fine Dice and she’d add that and then she would start adding this beautiful stock and she would and

Then she would finish it with an obscene amount of butter and she’s like that is the thickening agent and she would just sit watch every now and then she would add a little bit of like gluten-free flour if she felt like it needed a little but usually not usually just

Those gorgeous pan drippings don’t forget to taste for salt usually your drippings have plenty of I mean the way we season our our bird it usually had plenty of seasoning in it but she would always add taste taste taste and then check for seasoning um do you put olive

Oil on the brussel sprouts when you roast them yes Nancy I did put olive oil on it now those are roasting away um so anyway that’s the gravy so wish me luck I’m going to be doing it the the gravy part you don’t need luck you’re good no

I know but you know listen I don’t you don’t need to be intimidated by a turkey a turkey is a big chicken so if you can roast a chicken you can roast a turkey um how you check for it when it’s done that is the thing that a lot of people

Get really freaked out by I think putting a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the breast meat when it gets to 150 or 155 pull out the bird it’s going to need to rest for at least 30 minutes so before you carve it to keep the juices

And then you have that 30 minutes to get any of your sides reheated or to assemble the rest of your Buffet then you’re going to carve that you know take out the stuffing carve that bird and you know you’ll have time to make your gravy

So I’m learning so much I mean it’s like I can’t do it in you know well if I were a if I had less things to do I would be making a whole mock turkey and showing you how to do it but it’s not happening today I was like Suzanne always used to

Call me the little red hand you guys remember that did you ever read that book my girls had no idea The Little Red Hen you you people who are my age know this is like a Nursery St it’s like The Little Red Hen she planted the wheat and

Then she nurtured the garden and then she watered the wheat and then the wheat grow and then she harvested the wheat and then she ground the flour and then she made the bread and then she was there and then like these people showed up and they’re just like cool bread yeah

And she was like but I planted the wheat and I so it’s it’s actually like someone who’s actually a little bit of a a a martyr as well which sorry guilty I really am like I’ll do it all but like I want you to know I did it all can’t help it

Um so anyway I have been Suzanne when she would see me cuz she was a little red hen too um when she would see me running around like that she would say oh my God you are really being a little red hen um this year the Little Red Hen

Is trying to prepare the food in LA and transport it so can we talk about this this is an issue right when you have to transport whatever because a lot of us are bringing things to somebody else’s home so this jar I really love this is

Like a large mason jar and it has this safety lid on it here so that’s going to do really well now I left some room in here because I can freeze this and then it’s going to be thawing on my way down there so this is something that this is

Actually going to hold this week so I’m not worried about that um there are other things that can be frozen so Daisy I was wondering Daisy my girl no one loves soup as much as my niece and this is the butternut squash oh no one loves I mean everyone loves

Dany soup cuz that was like her M her mom thing yeah but literally this one with the soup it was like a thing from the time she was a baby she I want more soup well zeni always told a story about how she would catch me with the bowl on

Top of my face licking it clean I have been I used to lick plates clean as a kid I don’t do it anymore I should start again no but you know what I’ve always loved that about you is that you have such an appetite for life oh like you

Really do yeah I but also it’s like I grew up in a family where I’m like I’m literally eating the greatest food that anybody on the planet is EA but like the fact that you were so like aware of it at such a young age so true Suzanne has

So many soups that were her signature soups okay cauliflower cauliflower soup turkey soup turkey soup Onre uh mushroom soup mushroom soup okay and this one one which is a recipe that she was inspired by from Wolf Gang Puck actually and it is a butternut squash soup with Thai red

Curry in it which is like a seasoning blend that you can get at a store and then it has coconut milk in it so I The Roasting the butternut squash she’s a I mean I this is not the fun part of Thanksgiving but I did it on Saturday

So what I did was I took six whole butternut squash I cut them in half which is the hard part I kept my finger um you scoop out the seeds fing again no no no I kept it oh okay good so I you scoop out the seeds and then I drizzle

It with olive oil good salt and pepper and you roast it until it’s really soft um 60 to 90 minutes depending how big your squashes it also helps to put a little bit of water in the bottom of your roasting pan so once you can pierce

It with a fork then you have to take take out all that flesh this is just look how beautiful the color is it’s it’s one of it’s one of God’s perfect foods that is such a beautiful color I thought I thought it was pumpkin yeah no it’s but it is butternut squash

So what we do with this every year and again suzan was always the one to kind of make the soup and then she and I would taste and season um what we’re going to do is we’re going to add the butternut the coconut milk canned coconut milk like this not the

Not the kind we use in the smoothies um and then you know spoonfuls of this Tha red curry paste interesting that the brand that I usually get for this is called Thai Kitchen and they it’s not at my grocery store anymore so I was like oh I guess we’re using this brand now

This one is so much spicier good than the other one no but you have to be careful cuz you can wreck something you know you’re adding like a couple tablespoons and and all of a sudden you’re like whoo that was like way way hotter than I expected um this is six

Six squash Deborah um sixo butternut squash so um this is something again that I’m going to do when I get down there and I had to think about it cuz I was like I mean obviously I could make the soup now but it’s harder to transport soup oh my God I can’t imagine

So this is a really easy thing and adding the seasoning once I get there and then pureeing it and thinning it with some stock it that’s going to be easy so easy peasy right I’ll help you yeah no you can help me but it makes

More sense just to so you know I mean I wish I had a sexier show today so I could show you a bunch of finished dishes but isn’t this what you guys are doing right now is like getting prepping what you can so you can do your

Cranberry sauce now that will hold um and you can definitely make your chicken stock now um this is hilarious I also started my stuffing so my huge contribution to Thanksgiving is the mushroom sausage Chestnut stuffing so I started it yesterday and I refrigerated what I have so far so here are the

Ingredients I use about eight onions and I sliced them very thinly again this is on my story at Carolin i s about eight onions really thin and then caramelize them like get them nice and brown don’t pull them too quickly it takes 30 to 40 minutes to caramelize

Them slowly um it took me so long to learn how to like properly caramelize onions cuz I always trying to do it too fast and then I was taking them out too soon so that is a skill these are do we need to probably um the Brussels sprouts are not

Going to hold I’m making those for you today just so so you can see how we make them we are going to make those and eat them today oh my God they look beautiful oh okay good yeah keep going um should maybe turn it down a it

Just you know when you open the oven it just like blows hot there and you’re like it feels good for a second and then you’re like my jewelry is burning yes exactly and your and your eyelashes melt mascara melts on you um okay so we start with eight onions and we caramelize the

Hell out of them then I take the onions I set them aside into this Bowl then I use about two heads of celery I chop it up very finely I saute it just for a second and then I set it aside and put it in the bowl then I use sausage this

Is a sausage shitake mushroom stuffing that’s the base we don’t use bread it used to be that we would put some bread in there or we do one with some bread and one without bread and then it just got to the point where like you can’t it

It isn’t it’s the bread is not what gives it the flavor it’s the sausage and the mushrooms so we just got rid of it and it was like during the sumers siiz years when we were trying to not eat carbs anyway and this is just how the

Family stuffing came out so it’s so good I use 4 lbs of hot italian sausage and 4 lbs of sweet Italian sausage and you take it out of the casings or get it if you can get it without the casings that’s even better sauté it up and then

Just break it up into little pieces sauté it and then it goes in the bowl so the next things that that that’s where I am so far because I thought this if I had to freeze this today I could freeze this and then I could add the rest of

The things when I get there on Wednesday so the rest of the things are going to be two enormous bags of shitake mushrooms um about like 10 times that amount and you can’t use the stems with chiaki mushrooms cuz these are too chewy so you take the stems up you slice them

Tiny tiny thin and sauté those they going to add to the bowl and then of course the the roasted chestnuts so this is what we were talking about Violet went to a friends giving and she wanted to make the family stuffing but she went to the store and she got all these like

Shortcuts she brought she bought bagged roasted chestnuts and z Zeta just gave her a Zeta was like you didn’t like she had betrayed the family of course it was so funny so anyway we do roast the chestnuts you have to put an x on them

When you roast them my trick is that I par boil them before you roast them and it helps them to peel what’s par boiling it’s like a quick boil okay so you’re going to boil them um so Allan always helps me peel the chestnuts that’s his

Thing so we’re going to do this when I get there um and then you also add uh six to eight apples I I like a Fuji apple or a honey crisp apple and it just gives you know when you have something rich like sausage the Apple just gives a

Little bit of balance to that sweetness and I it is it is a great great stuffing recip I didn’t know yeah if you go to my Instagram at Carolin Summers I have the whole thing saved on my highlight reel and then what you finish it with is

Fresh Teragon so hold on let me get you the Teragon here give me the Teragon this is very like it’s a verbally instructive show but I wish it were a little more buy so this is what no I feel like I’m learning I just learned what por boiling is yeah I just learned

There’s apples and the stuffing I’ve been eating oh you didn’t know that no I’ve just been taking it for granted eating beautiful things not knowing this is Teragon and this is what Suzanne always uses on the turkey and and this is also what I put into the stuffing um

It’s delicious let me spin it is delicious and the combination of the sausage and the Teragon and like that roasted earthiness of the chestnuts and then you get like a little fresh little fresh crunch from the celery and the little sweetness from the Apple oh my D

God it’s really good guys how am I going to wait until things coming now I’m like I feel like I’m so the big question the big question is like do I freeze this or do I just let this be for Thursday I mean let me tell you I have

Eaten stuffing the fourth day after Thanksgiving without it being frozen and it is not a problem at all so some of you might have an opinion about me making my stuffing this far in advance but I actually don’t think I need to freeze it follow there’s nothing in this that is going to

Go what how long do you cook the Brussels sprouts in the oven Rose it kind of depends on how big they are we’re going okay you guys are agreeing with me don’t freeze I love fresh time braa um Judy said she’s making Teragon chicken yeah great herb with poultry see

I don’t see I’m not a I don’t freeze either but I’ve just never had to make something this far in advance but thank you all for your support no freezing you’re all saying it’ll be fun we’re not freezing worst case we all get sick and

We all stay together no no no no one’s getting sick no one’s getting sick I mean if I felt like it was at risk of anyone getting sick I would definitely not do it but I am pretty my sister um studied nutrition in college and so she learned all about

Like safe food handling issues and O are those they’re I would say a little bit longer before we smash them okay but like literally like minutes okay I’m going to put this back in the fridge I’m going to put my soup back in the fridge yes so Daisy can you

Just tell everyone the code again and absolutely a little about those your favorite brightnesses okay wait this one goes here why is this so confusing thanks 25 you guys okay let’s talk about my favorite scents I think that all of you guys know that peppermint sorry I’m like looking

At myself my eyes look crazy um peppermint will always stay being one of my favorite scents I was using I’m I have the body wash in my shower right now and I literally used the end of it today the peppermint body wash I got to the end of it today and that was

Disturbing for me so Peppermint’s definitely my fave and then my second fave I would say is cocoa mango those are my two absolute favorites I used to be obsessed with the clove one but we don’t have clove anymore I don’t know why Coco mango Coco mango and peppermint and I agree

With Caroline too that sometimes it’s nice to like have your special little Christmas holiday scent during the holiday time it’s also a really great hostess gift that’s really true and also I have it next to my sink in my bathroom and whenever my friends are washing their hands in my bathroom they like

You’re so fancy having the matching set of the hand wash and the lotion like is this a hotel that you didn’t um add lemon verbina I’m I mean what I like I’m not saying I love all of these but I got to choose some I chose two favorites I know

But that’s the classic to me it’s hard for me to leave lemon bbina out cuz that’s the CL like when I think about especially like when I think about Thanksgiving and being at the Palm Springs house I think about that scent well yeah cuz that house does feel like

A lemon house but one year I showed up um at Susan and Allens and it was during the holidays and I got out of the car and the whole property smell like peppermint oil and I was like she is so amazing the house even smells like peppermint like everything smells like

Peppermint and I walked in I was like my God this woman is like the greatest Hostess Entertainer So Glamorous the best food and now her house smells like peppermint I was like suzan wow the peppermint is it’s amazing and she goes oh we have rats okay that’s I like she

Was like she’s like I like it has to be like exter like a problem with M it was mice we’re having a problem with mice did you hear peppermint oil did you hear about when a mouse crawled on me no when I was sleeping I was in the Stone House

In the ston house and then everyone got scared to sleep yeah exactly this is what it was me and my mom are sleeping in the ston house which is one of our favorite rooms to stay in and I woke I kept I was was hearing stuff I was

Hearing like you know hurrying and scurrying that’s literally what I said and I woke my mom up and I said I’m hearing hurrying and scurrying happening I know that there’s mice in here and she was just laughing at me I think because I said oh my God because I was saying

Hurrying and scurrying then I wake up because something jumps in my hair and I like screamed and I got up and it was like but it was cute it was like a little mouse literally this big their little brown mice and so and so yeah so I had a mouse and

My mom she was gaslighting me into thinking that I was wrong but there was truly a mouse in my hair but I’m happy that I had that and my can you guys see can you see what’s happening here I can’t believe that there’s so perfect I’m just going to use a heavy bottomed

Glass oh can you see that they can see yeah okay wait I’ve never I do this with potatoes I’ve never done it with brussel sprouts amazing and they get like nice I need to have one sorry oh I’m so happy this is ready for us but see now they’re going to go back

In the oven we’re going to crisp them a little more oh my gosh I’m saving one for myself but I burn my fingers trying to get it so again this is not going to be saved this is going to be brussel sprouts are not as good left over M they

Start to smell like ass yeah and I feel like they get really bitter yeah sorry that was fell but that was so terribly fou there there were some things Suzanne like Suzanne did not like making cauliflower soup in advance she did not think it held well

Yeah I would agree with that as well actually she said it gets stinky yeah there’s some vegetables that just like emit like broccoli too sometimes just smell so weird and bad yeah but they’re I’m so excited cruciferous they’re they’re also really dang good for you one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving

Also is that so we eat this massive dinner we’re all like so full the parents they all go to sleep the cousins return to the kitchen to continue somehow eating more and more chamelia chamia can eat more than anybody I’ve ever seen she’ll just she is my daughter

She’ll like pull out all of the containers and just be like eating like eating CR Berry sauuce out of the out of the Tupperware right out of the fridge and she’ll just keep going and going then she’s like more dessert do you guys want more oh I actually need more turkey

Now and she she she’s great e she is she is even better than me honestly okay here you go here’s what we’re going to do here can you see the smashed okay now we’re going to take the vanilla fig and we’re going to just glaze these a bit and they’re going to go

Back into the oven now you could crisp them first and then glaze them at the end I might do both wow oh my God the smell so the vanilla fig it just has such like a delicious earthy kind of flavor um and I think it is really good

This time of year but I’m going to say this would also be unbelievably good with balsamic with the pomegranate or the Cherry I would agree these are going back in I would tend to agree I’ll show you guys this again let those crisp

Up um I had one of you dm’d me and asked about the infusio oils and vinegars and when there was going to be a deal um here’s the deal today 25% off everything on the website that is not already discounted more than 25% so these 25%

Off thanks 25 the code is Good Monday and Tuesday Wednesday we have a new deal I can’t even remember what the deal is Wednesday um you don’t need to remember right now you’re doing just you know that this is good for November 20th and November 21st look um one guy got left

My gosh devastating man wow I’ll put him right here so he feels part of so you know what I wanted to do Daisy I wanted to play I’m ready to play whatever it is we’re GNA make concoctions with oh Wednesday’s the Black Friday preview that’s right we’re going to make concoctions

With these okay I’m ready like mixing them I already have an idea all right when you guys were kids did you ever take a lemon and cut it in half or an orange and cut it in half and then put a peppermint a candy cane in it and suck

The juice what you’ve never done this wait I don’t even understand how that could possibly work you take I don’t have a candy cane you take half of an orange or a lemon you cut it in half and then you stick a candy cane in it but a candy can doesn’t

Have a hole it does it does yes you have to keep sucking through it did anyone else do this come on somebody out there no you guys done this no no no never okay where are my girls from oh my mom did LOL okay thank you Class Act nope

Nope they’re all saying no never no show us yes because it’s the sweetness of the candy cane but you get then that little sour or that little wait delish so here’s what we’re going to do should I pop these open yep one of my favorite parts of getting okay we’re we I’m going

To I’m going to give you the peppermint lemon okay ready give me your hand you’re going to wash your hands now with One S of lemon and one okay see what happens straight candy cane oo me smell get in here and that’s what it smells like wow

Okay I’m going to try it I want to also try peppermint you get like those thin like the the candy cane sticks are any of my siblings on pleas please somebody yeah you suck the lemon suck the lemon through the candy can yes what desserts are we making wait now I

Want to um okay again dessert is a little challenging with our family because we have so many people who are gluten dairy egg free it’s actually at this point it’s like it’s like everyone so normally I make a salted caramel PTO creme and then we make some kind of a

Gluten-free vegan dessert for everyone else so what we’ve been doing are the baked apples with the Jack Daniels and baked apples are like hands down one of the easiest and yummiest desserts and healthiest desserts you can have yes so butter brown sugar and cinnamon you

Stuff it in the middle of a baked app of an apple core your Apple I like to use a Fuji or a pink lady pink lady is great honey crisp is great um and then I drizzle them with honey and then I pour some Jack Daniels over the top I don’t

Like alcohol flavored desserts but I’m telling you it adds this richness and sweetness to I mean it’s unbelievable so that recipe you can find on my website or I think it’s actually on suzan’s site too oh my God she’s she’s going up the arm wait you don’t go up the arm my

Elbows are like made out of turtles it’s Dr Daisy uh wait it’s lotion it’s not so can you imagine if I was just washing my full body wow she’s like going for it um so yes those are the baked apples that I made for Allan U Marlene and

Those work great for everyone and then I get a scoop of I like honeycomb ice cream o or and then I get a vegan vanilla for the dairyfree folks and that is amazing so I mean am I going to make the Salted Caramel Pota crem it’s

Literally going to be for like four of us I don’t think that’s it’s so good I know okay oh that’s right you can eat that cuz it doesn’t have yeah I’m just I just can’t have she just doesn’t have the gluten it’s very hard to remember who has what

Well now Zion is newly well Z it’s nothing anymore is like gluten- free Violet and Chamilia not he’s not vegan no he’s not vegan sorry but he’s dairy free dairy free yeah dairy free gluten-free yeah and you will eat eggs andg all day but you won’t eat yeah no

Bread your mom won’t eat do eggs at all but that’s it for her she can’t eat crab but that’s different so um so anyway that’s what we are doing for dessert and then Violet makes a gluten-free Ginger snap a gluten-free dairyfree Ginger Snap which is delicious so they’re very like fall

Yummy great things um okay now I’m going to give you I I did a mixture of cocoa mango and peppermint lotion up the arms oh cocoa Co I never would have done that cocoa mango and peppermint that’s crazy get a whiff of this wow I was going to

Say can we have should go okay you know what we’re doing in honor of in honor of violet we are having a Hawaiian rain shower cocoa mango and Rain ooh I’m excited to see what this smells like it is raining in Hawaii Violet is in Hawaii right now with

Jeff’s Family they do oh whoa sorry this is this might be even better oh oh I like that we go little pineapple shower okay we got a TR pleas oh yeah true we forgot no we became in thralled oh I can’t wait for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is the time of

Year that I look forward to the most ever since I was a baby crab lunch is my favorite one thing about our family is sometimes we do competitions to see who can eat the most food and it really I feel like it’s always on crab lunch it’s like how many

Crabs did you ate I ate two I ate three okay we’re going to try these now even though I am going to let them cook a little longer but just they look so good friends at home so they get okay now I have the cleanest and softest

Hand wo okay maybe rain is up there with some of my face you know what’s dumb is like now I’ve ultimately said that all four of them are my favorites and so I’m so sorry because at some at some point or another they all are right

Okay so I put a little cranberry sauce on here because like if it were on your Thanksgiving plate they’d all kind of be okay so what you really want to do is this beautiful Fork you know you want just kiss it with a little bit of

Extra salt cuz I’m a salty girl myself zy made me very salty my mommy’s always Bam put so much salt in the food and I was like it’s perfect for you perfect little I think there are 14 of us for dinner do you know if Claire is

Coming I don’t know I’m not in the loop okay I’m putting just a little extra Kiss of the vanilla fig this is also like if you’re making a sh cterie board and you want to just make it special get some of that infusio okay go Daisy eat for the

People oh she went right in for the cranberry cuz I got to do a little bit of this you know Wow okay okay this is your Brussels sprout that is going to make people who don’t like brussels sprouts be like are you kidding that’s a brussel spr BR don’t mind if I do so yum so y it’s going to crisp up a little more this one’s a little bit crispy here

Oh that’s delicious yeah come on yum and don’t forget the Tangerine juice in your I love cranberry sauce as do I Okay delicious lunch I know all right you guys that is our little visit today I I got cranberry sauce or balsamic 25% off sitewide the promo code is thanks 25 it’s all available at suzan I hope you guys have a happy and non stressful week getting

Ready for Thanksgiving I know I’m the first to like we’re blessed that we have these big family gatherings if if you’re a part of a big family gathering um make sure to invite someone to your table that doesn’t have a place to go for Thanksgiving I think it’s super

Important um holidays can be really triggering for some people if they don’t have family or friends and if you are someone who is you know not in a group my god get together with some friends go at least like get together with friends yeah do a friendsgiving or just go to a

Movie together and hang out together Li say ignore limit sorry I have Instagram on a time limit yeah there you go there we go so sorry oh Daisy Daisy was trying to be not um I’m was trying not to be on social media I appreciate that okay there you go um so

Anyway we’ll be back on Wednesday the whole family is going to be together on Wednesday in Palm Springs and we will finish up these dishes and show you how we’re getting ready for the holiday um love you all thanks for thanks for being my my helper of course it’s my pleasure

Yeah love you I’m learning okay guys take care


  1. Would you consider printing a cooking book with Suzanne's recipes and your recipes? I'd love to have it, don't know why but some of us prefer to read our recipes. Happy Holidays 🍷

  2. I find your tribute to Suzanne endearing and comforting to me….I can only imagine how you will get thru this important family day. I moved to México and chose to take only a few Cookbooks and one Suzanne's book came down with me. Thank you for making me smile this morning. She will be so very missed. She championed us all…not just her ladies.

  3. Just watched the COCO nuts show from 3 yrs ago. You in the background. Lol.Suzanne oh wow. Love them. Love her. She will be sorely missed. I suggest you watch again
    The best.😂 Happy Thanksgiving

  4. May God’s 🙏🏻 Blessings Shower Down Upon You All …
    At This Thanksgiving 🍁 Time 🍁
    ( Suzanne is there with you – 💜🙏🏻💜. -,) 🍁🍁

  5. Love Daisy she is a gem 💎 she is so lovely 🌹 she is always so helpful. Caroline you now will be that person to keep everyone together and make new memories ❤️

  6. I’m new here, sadly because Suzanne passing, I’m so glad I came across these videos. I love watching you All!!! You’re inspiring to cook more! Thank you for keeping this going! I’m from Irvine Cali ❤️ happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃

  7. This is amazing her spirit lives through u all I love this and Mama Suzanne is so proud watching over u all 😢 thank u for posting ❤

  8. Happy Thanksgiving! Since pur beautiful Suzanne passed I was hoping you would really think about selling her bracelet from October box so, that we all could carry her with us. Please find away , especially with her added love saying , it could live on. I truly hope you think about it. Of course less is more meaning , out here you can usually but those tie bracelets cheap its why everyone likes then as well as they go on easy in otherworldly make it a 20 dollar bracelet you'll keep her within many hearts. Blessings to all..❤

  9. Caroline and Daisy " little Suzanne.I love you guys. Caroline I would of loved a daughter in law like you!! Your the best.Daisy I love your Vibe.Keep making us entertained.I also miss Zannie and al..

  10. Ya'll could get better videos if you turn your phone horizontally and not vertically which is too narrow. Thank you.

  11. The firsts of firsts are difficult. Hope through your grief you laughed and spoke of many cherished memories of Thanksgivings past. I'm sure you did. A life well lived Suzanne.

  12. I would love to order the Bible cook book and the oils for cooking. Caroline you are great 👍 Suzanne will always be with us

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