Fagioli e Scarole | Beans & Escarole | A Neapolitan peasant dish with a rich flavour!

The original Neapolitan dish is super simple, with very minimal ingredients. Of course, I had to have fun with it by adding my personal twist and embellishment. Whether or not you want to follow suit, is up to you, but for me I really enjoyed it! It is still super easy to make.

Normally cannellini beans are used, but navy beans or other white beans work too. Fagioli e Scarole can be enjoyed with a toasted baguette, as a side, or main. I personally think this bean and escarole dish is filling – especially with the baguette garlic bread!

You shall require the following:

Head of Garlic (for roasting)
1 1/2 Cups Asian Sweet Potato
1 Cup Red Onion
Olive Oil (for cooking)
1 TSP Fennel Seeds
2 1/2 Cups Escarole (packed)
1 1/2 Cups Pre-Soaked Navy Beans or Cannelini Beans
2 Cups Veggie Stock (richer broth favoured)
1 TSP Dried Rosemary
1 TSP Thyme Leaves (Dried on the branch)
3 TBSP Lemon Juice
1 Cup Leftover Tofurky Ham-Style Roast (optional)
1 TSP Chilli Flakes (or to taste)
Freshly Ground Black Pepper (to taste)
Salt to taste (if using a low sodium broth)
Vegan Parmesan (optional – to finish)

Optional pairing:
Garlic Bread (baguette)



If you are adding leftover vegan “ham”, make sure to add it towards the end. The final 10 minutes should. be good.

It is important to rinse your dry beans throughly and soak them. This will make it easier on the stomach and ensure any dirt is washed away. (Check for stones too). If you are tight for time, at least pre boil the beans and rinse them well before proceeding. This will help to avoid embarrassing moments at the dinner table (if you know what I mean).

Wash the escarole very throughly. It can be quite sandy. Some people remove the stems but for my preference, I don’t. You can cut them into smaller pieces if you wish. I find that they soften up enough anyway.

The outer leaves of the escarole are more bitter – but you’ll notice it more so raw. Those who like a bitter veggies, will not find these very bitter. The inner leaves are preferred in salad by most – but I personally also enjoy the outer leaves in salad.

Dried chillies are also nice to pop in whole. You may remove them before serving or warn your guests. It’s a good idea to check with your guests to see what their spice tolerance is.

The certified vegan Better than Bouillon Vegetable Base contains more salt, and you may find that you don’t need to add salt if using this product. It is important not to skip the taste testing so that you can adjust the seasoning if you need to.

If you have your own homemade stock, you may need to add some extra salt, to account for all of the ingredients. I do like using miso paste in the mix to provide a salty umami flavour. Molasses is another one that can provide depth to the flavour in combination with savoury herbs. A little nooch also can aid in this regard.

What do you think the minimum ingredients should be if you want to keep it super simple whilst keeping it tasty? Do you have a family recipe? Do you make beans and escarole, or have you made it? Perhaps you have a memory of your nonna and/or nonno making it. Feel free to share in the comments.

Most people may like to use yellow onion, but I wanted to make things a little more interesting with the red onion. Feel free to use an onion of your choice.

You may like to mash some of the beans to add more thickness, but it is up to your personal preference.

This Neapolitan peasant dish will make you feel amazing after you try it – much like a warm hug. You’ll forget about how affordable it is to make with the delicious flavour.

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By The Light of the Silvery Moon – E’s Jammy Jams
Hold on a Second – John Deley and the 41 Players
Cover Charge – TrackTribe

#fagioli #escarole #veganrecipes #veganitalianrecipe #beansandgreens

Welcome back everyone to another episode of vegetarian cooking with JJ in this week’s episode I’m making foli escarola which translates to beans and escarole it’s a super easy Italian Dish and normally it calls for kolini beans but I had a ton of navy beans that I wanted to

Use so I’m using those and I’m sticking with the esir but I’m putting my own spin on things and you’ll just have to stay tuned all the way through to find out this dish was especially popular when times were tight financially and especially during the times of the Great Depression in North

America this dish originates from Naples and you will find that although the ingredients are simple and affordable The Taste is Rich I’m really excited to get started and of course try it in the end so without further Ado let’s head over to the kitchen and get cooking [Applause] And roasting a head of garlic chop off the ends and coat it in olive oil wrap it in foil and pop it in the oven for 45 minutes your oven should be set to 425 F be sure to rinse and soak your navy beans for a few hours hours or

Overnight we have our Asian sweet potato we’re dicing up and we have 1 in 1/2 cups worth and I’m dicing up some red onion and we’ll use a Cup’s worth get your stove top heated to medium get your Dutch oven hot add some oil in traditionally olive

Oil and once your oil is hot add your red onions In now our red onions have soften and we’re adding 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds and I’m adding the diced Asian sweet Potato thoroughly wash your escarole Pat it dry and chop it Up and I’ll be using 2 and 1/2 cups worth I’m adding the 1 and 1/2 cups of our pre-soaked navy beans and adding in the Escroll add 2 cups of your veggie stock and consider how much salt is in the stock before adding more Make sure everything’s thoroughly Incorporated and we’re going to keep it covered for most of the time I’m adding in one teaspoon of dried Rosemary I allowed some time to dry on the branch and I’m adding in one teaspoon worth mix it all up Our roasted garlic is ready so we’ll remove the cloves add in the roasted garlic this dish is said to have originated in Naples also known as napi coming from the Greek word neapoli meaning New City the Historical Center is a UNESCO world heritage site and the biggest in Europe

And underneath Naples you’ll find a Labyrinth of tunnels and catacombs telling stories of the history and speaking of the history the first pizza was invented in Naples and it was simply a marinara Pizza tomato sauce and pizza dough that’s pretty much it and if you’re Italian or very familiar with

Italian culture Simplicity goes hand in hand when it comes to Italian cuisine it’s only in North America where we add a lot of toppings and embellishments myself included Lan Pizzeria de m is one of the oldest pizzer Ras in Naples dating back to 1870 and it’s been kept in the family

Ever since but if you want a pizza you’ll have to take a number and it’s very very busy and in the end you only get two choices the marinara Pizza which has tomato sauce dried oregano and garlic and the Margarita Pizza which has tomato sauce mozzarella and basil this

Pizzeria was mentioned in the book Eat Pray Love and you’ll also see Julia Roberts at this Pizzeria in the film we’re getting some freshly squeeze lemon juice and we’ll be using 3 tbspoon worth add in the lemon juice I’m cutting up some leftover toe fky vegan ham style roast this is an optional

Addition I’m adding a little more than a handful add some chili flakes if you like and some freshly ground black pepper you may prefer to use a whole dried chil or two our stew has been cooking for a little over an Hour now it’s time to serve It for the Finishing Touch I’m adding some Earth island vegan parmesan shreds and I have some garlic bread which I made with our Ace bagette you can just enjoy this with a toast to bagette or no bagette it’s that time again everyone get to try our foli escarola our beans and

Escarole of course it’s my take on it with the Bigot it’s like a warm comforting hug Perfecto I’m absolutely satisfied with the way this dish turned out I love the saltiness in combination with the sweetness from the sweet potato and the bagette of course it’s optional but it is absolutely Divine feel free to put your own spin on things some people say

Online they find these types of greens to be bitter which I don’t know why I don’t find them bitter at all but if you have other greens that you prefer or need to use up this is a great dish for that so there you have it everyone

Another delicious recipe to add to your recipe booklets and remember if you like this video in any way shape or form hit that Thumbs Up Button subscribe to my channel hit that little bell notification icon so you don’t miss a single video there’s going to be a new

Video popping up every Monday at 8:00 a.m. eastern so you don’t want to miss it this is JJ signing off keeping things interesting in my kitchen and in yours Bon W


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