Beginners guide to Seared Tuna | made in a Cast Iron Skilled | Hot or cold it's just awesome #tuna

Learn the secret to making the perfectly seared tuna with a sesame Seed crust in under 10 minutes. This tuna is a super healthy, delicious ahi tuna recipe packed with flavor and easy to make. @MoaiFriends

Best tuna to use?
Whenever you serve rare Ahi tuna, use “Sushi Grade” tuna.

Thaw the tuna (overnight in the refrigerator) or on the counter.
Make the spice crust.
3 Tablespoons Sesame Seeds (black and white)
1 Tablespoon Granulated Garlic
1 Tablespoon Crushed Black Pepper
1 Tablespoon Sugar
1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning

2 Pieces of Tuna
1 Tablespoon of Soy Sauce
2 Tablespoons high heat oil

Coat the Ahi tuna in the sesame seed spice, pressing it into the flesh and coating all sides generously. The Soy Sauce helps it stick.
Heat the skillet, which needs to be very hot; add the oil. You can use any high-heat oil (I use 2 x Tablespoons Avocado oil).
Carefully place the Ahi tuna in the pan and turn it after 60 to 90 seconds; turn the Ahi tuna to the sides, and then remove from the pan.
The objective is to get a golden crust on all sides without cooking it all through.
Place the Ahi tuna on a cutting board and slice the tuna into thin pieces.
Serve either hot or cold.


Today we are going to do SE tuna it is remarkable super easy fantastic let’s get into It what we’re going to do is we need to have ai tuna get the best tuna pieces tuna steak that is available you need to have sushi gray it makes it a whole lot better you’re going to need to have a couple of spices black and white sesame

Seeds you’re going to need garlic powder Italian herbs some sugar black pepper and soy sauce we’re going to be covering the soy sauce to make the tuna wet we mix the spices get it onto a hot hot hot pan the hotter the pan the better if the

Pan ain’t hot it’s going going to fail and then it is literally 60 seconds of searing on each side and the tuna is Dead How beautiful do these SE tuna Stakes look wow let’s cut them open and check it out wow this is super Soft Look how beautiful and pink that is on the inside this looks incredible wow you can see that it’s got the Searing on the outside it’s slightly cooked around on the out and the inner is that beautiful pink looking color you can serve this hot you can serve it cold

Let’s take a bite of this wow that’s delicious it’s got that peppery taste to it the sugar brings a little bit of caramelization around it it adds the the brownness and the and the color to it the Sesame make it nice and Crunchy look at that that is beautiful Imagine This on a bed of rice on a salad wow this would just be amazing beautiful and pink super easy to make nothing complicated about this at all you have when you have your tuner it cannot be frozen it has to be completely thored

You can either let it Thor out in the refrigerator or keep it out on your cupboard or your countertop and then when you’re good to go just put into the refrigerator get it to be cold not frozen in any way you’re then using the soy sauce to just have

The spices stick to the outside of the the tuna well it’s not to stick to the inside of the tuna right cuz it’s only on the outside but it’s going to stick to the tuna and he going to be a winner wow it’s super Soft just Delicious give it a go it is really and truly not difficult in any single way and anyone that you share this meal with will love it and with that catch you guys in the next One

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