Beef & Bean Burritos For The Freezer

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Friends today I am making some real nice beef rice and bean burritos to put in my freezer and I thought you know what I’ll show you how I do this I’ll do a video on it so right here I’m gonna put my taco seasoning and I got about a good

Pound of burger in here and I just turned my burner on so I’m gonna get this nice and brown this has got to be I want this cooked all the way through so I’m gonna get that going I’ve got my rice ready and I’ll show you

That in just a second okay right over here you’ll be able to see my wife this is my Minute Rice that I put together look how fluffy it is once it you know it rehydrates isn’t that wonderful perfect for my already and so is garlic powder almost easy there so all I just

Got to do is get this fried up and then we’ll be ready done build up burritos so when this is done I’ll be back and I’ll show you how we put this all together friends I am back and I’m gonna show you how I put this

Together the ground beef is all done and it’s beautiful it smells wonderful so with that I’m just gonna put a little bit right in the middle of my burrito I’m gonna put a little bit of rice in with it as we love that I need a little

Bit more okay now what then I’m gonna put some beans on there not smashed whole I like the I like them whole I just used my canned black beans okay so we got that then we’re gonna take and put a nice little bunch of cheese in

Here all right now all I do is I roll it and pull it back a little bit and then I fold in the sides just like so and just roll it nice and tight there you have a beautiful look at the size that burrito that’s a meal right there and then you

Can put you could put you could make a beautiful wet burrito out of this to its perfect size you know with all your fixings and your sauce on there wonderful anyway I’ll do another one here okay these are gorgeous all right so here and you can do it with anything you want

I’ve seen them any kind of new you one I’ve seen them with chicken and a combination whatever but these are absolutely wonderful for the freezer and they’re good for quick meals okay there’s all my rice put some beans in there a nice big little spoonful of

Beans get them all in there get some cheese on here you use any kind of cheese you want to and there we have it we’re gonna fold this over pull it back a little bit and then fold in the sides fold in the sides and roll it nice and

Tight beautiful there you go that’s how easy it is to put together so there you have it friends I’ll show you when it’s all done dear friends here is all six of my burritos that I did that I got ready for the freezer now I’m just simply

Gonna put them in the freezer just the way they set just like this on this tray and when they’re frozen tomorrow then I’ll transfer them into my Ziploc bags or vacuum seal them however I choose to package them but that’s all you do and

That’s how easy it is and I got one two three four five six meals out of one pound of burger and a little bit of rice and one pint of beans and probably a total of a cup of cheese in there so that’s a that’s a huge budget friendly

Meal so there you have it give it a try your family will love it and then when you make them you can you can add your lettuce your tomatoes your all your toppings and make a you know wet burritos they’re wonderful or they’re good just to eat plain you can heat them

In the microwave put them in the oven heat them however you like but there you have it that’s how easy it is and that’s how budget-friendly it is thanks for watching


  1. Do you wait till the filling is cooled before you roll them since they’re going in the freezer ? And how do YOU like to reheat them ?

  2. Hello, what a great idea. Great way to have supper ready and not think about it. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful day.

  3. I never thought of making these up and freezing them for later! slaps self on the forehead By the time your done with me I am gonna need 3 more freezers!!!

  4. Renea, these are exactly what I have been wanting to make also for my freezer. I love the ingredients you used I wouldn't have thought about the rice but love it. Hope you have a great weekend. You do such a great job on your videos and you are just too sweet. Love talking with you!——Tressa Daigle

  5. It’s almost midnight and my family is fast asleep. This would be a great thing to have so I could sneak in the kitchen and eat one while I’m watching videos. Just kidding they do look delicious and I know my husband and daughter will ❤️ these. Thanks

  6. Oh my goodness gracious I could eat a couple of those they look so good. I make the breakfast burritos for the freezer but haven't thought about making some like these. My husband usually comes home for lunch, my son has an odd work schedule, and my daughter who is a senior in high school has early dismissal and is home for lunch. I said all this to say that this would be great to have on hand for them as they come and go at lunch time. I just love watching your videos, Ms. Renae! Thank you so much my friend. 🙂

  7. You are amazing 😍 so many delicious recipes and I know my picky eaters will also like it. THANK YOU so thank full I found your channel 😊

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