Grilled Fish Tacos with Homemade Corn Tortillas

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Kent Rollins
Cowboy Cooking, Cast Iron, Outdoor Cooking, Grilling, Dutch Oven Cooking

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On this episode you are lucky because we got some wet water behind us and I got my fishing pole what are we gonna do we’re gonna catch some fish and make some grilled fish tacos with some homemade corn tortillas so come on the official quit biting pretty quick Hey thank y’all for stopping by the neighbor’s pond he don’t know we’re here so let’s try not to tell him before we get these fish coat yep we’re gonna do some fishing we are right here today my name is cowboy Kent Rollins and whoo-whee I’ve got you fixed up with a

Good one today what are we talking about grilled fish tacos and it don’t get no fresher than this right out of the pond trying to catch me some of them big old fat perks and big slabs whoo we’re gonna grill them up to where they are so good

And tender mmm homemade corn tortillas and then we’re gonna make us a smoky coleslaw that goes on top you don’t want to miss out on this episode or any of them so be sure you subscribe to our channel because that’s what it’s about so let me see can I catch us one of

These fish do I have any fishing tips it helps can you get one on the hook my daddy used to say fishy fishy on the Brooke get up on our little hook so we can build a fire and you were gonna cook so we’ve been out here about three hours

Kent how’s it going well let’s wait a minute it’s a good thing we had some fish in the freezer at home that we thought out just cuz this might happen so let me reach in here this bag is not plumb full of fish folks I promise this

Is what I would call a trophy sea but folks sometimes it is not about how much you catch or what you catch it’s just the fact that you got to be out in Mother Nature and the great outdoors and have a good time pull me out some old catfish that me and

Shannon called a while back and we’re going to use them you need a firm whitefish a lot of people want to tell you on the recipe you can use tilapia you can use cut but I like something to be a little firmer than that and be a little

Fresh now if you can get them right out of the ocean out there how you go for it but I love to use a perch a bass a walleye catfish something like that that you’ve caught or a crappie and whoo it just makes things better now I’m gonna

Go ahead and cut these right down the middle so they’ll be a little quicker to get done but also they’ll soak up that marinade and don’t think I ain’t gonna clean him in a minute folks I am fixing to show you some of my finer knife

Skills so let’s go ahead and just put these in this little ziplock bag and dump this goodness in there with it you know folks in this is some olive oil some lime juice pure lime squeeze back in there some chili powder some cumin some smoked paprika let’s go ahead and

Fillet this little rascal out you don’t – now here’s what we call a perch and we’re just gonna slice it right there bring it down right over here to the bottom of that Gill right there take that knife and fold him back under here look at this folks look at all that meat

We gonna get to have to lay them rib bones right off there and we got nothing folks but quality for life now we’re gonna take this here I’m gonna leave the skin on him but we got to get them scales off get all this and get it loved

Together and we’re gonna put this in the cooler and let it sit and we’re gonna get our fire ready and make us homemade corn tortillas I won’t be totally offended if you go to the store and buy you some corn tortillas but let me tell you folks this is traditionally with a

White corn tortilla so I just be using me some of this instant muscle right here it is the easiest thing in the world just a white corn flour muscle that’s already mix two cups we’re calling for we are we’re gonna use about two teaspoons of salt which is yonder

Much two cups of warm water and I like to start by cupping 3/4 and then go from there and then just go to mixing now you could use a spoon if you want to but guess watch hand yeah uh-huh so this is what you call we gonna get in

There and go to work so I want you just to keep working that till we can get it to a soft ball stage and you got to knead this for 4 or 5 minutes you do we are going to need a little more of this and you can see as we’re working this

Around now it’s beginning to what you can’t let come together that is staying together it’s a lot of moisture it cracks when you pull it like that and we’re going to add about a tablespoon of corn hole that way we’ll have some more bonding and elasticity just go to

Rolling this back over till we can get that all incorporated well and I’m gonna tell you something else while we’re just sitting here vishton amongst ourselves make sure you need this whale because it’s going to make that go all stick together and that’s what we’re after

Folks so we’re going to put it right there we are gonna cover it for just a moment let it rest for about three or four minutes we have gonna take it out here pinch you off something that’s about I would say nearly golf ball now Shannon was probably gonna get onto me

For making that bigger in a golf ball but folks I’ve never played a lick of golf in my life so I’m gonna call that about like a golf ball if I was a play we have got it to the size of golf ball hen fruit and in between ping-pong ball

We have and y’all remember the last video how much trouble we had with that saran wrap well folks I’m just telling you this here and me work a whole lot better than saran wrap we do place one right in the middle and go ahead and

Give him a little mash put the other one in there to where you’re centered give him another now you can see that when there is a little thicker so you can either right directly on that board or if you want keep your wax paper out here take

Your rolling pin roll it out just to tad more to make it whatever size you want and get it a little thinner we got our corn tortillas ready to go and I broke out my stargazer just for this purpose because it’s got a longer handle and I’m

Cooking right here on the ground now you can use bacon grease you can use corn oil I prefer either one don’t make me no difference I just want to make sure it’s got just a tad in there and we just want them to brown just a tad to where they

Will set up but they’re still pliable and they won’t crack let’s take a gander and I want to tell you when you’re cooking these under cook them just a CAD because they’re gonna have to sit you can see it’s got a little flexibility to it and that’s what we want but if you

Ever find one you think is a little dry before you get it back to there just get you a little water in your hand mix that dough back up press it back out roll it out you’ll be good to go and you want to make sure that what you take that fish

Out let it warm up a little before you ever throw it on that grill cause cold fish and a hot grill it want a steak to pull all apart make sure you all it really really well and also make sure that your spatula is big enough to pick

Up your fish now for that little bitty fish we could probably use like a fork maybe I don’t know it wouldn’t take much but one thing I do like to do and this to folks is when it come time and I’m gonna go ahead and do it now I like to

Grease the snot out of this because that helps it get under that fish that way you can turn it better but we’ve got a season at two folks and our original seasoning has some lemon pepper bass to it so lemon pepper really go good on fish so let’s give it a

Dousing now today I’m using me some mesquite and some oak but I ain’t got a lot of fruit wood trees down here accessible to me but I really like to have some apples some cherries some peach something like that to mix with some fish it really helps well but also

Hickory and cherry worked when we turned that fish over folks I want it to be white on that underneath side because we’re not going to skin on these fillets we filleted that skin right off them catfish so make sure when you turn that over it is firm enough to the touch when

You slide that spatula in there or you’ll lose it roll it over and you’ll see a good flaky whiteness start there in that fish so you’ll be good to go he caught something we got he’s a yeah but y’all ain’t kitchen y’all ain’t catching nothing oh you

Should have seen this one he’s like this long you gonna bear it underwater huh I think it’ll sink if you’ll just put it it you’re gonna drown cause your mouth is open hey get over here So we’re nearly done folks I can tell because that’s getting a little firm to the touch with the smoke there but you want to make sure that that will flake right off there and you can see it does so we’re often close to getting it to where it’ll just fall apart this little

Biddy feller he is ready to go so into the stargazer he becomes Wells it is near a done deal it is and beforehand we don’t want in there and what I call make me a smokey coleslaw got sort of a deal tangy taste to it sour cream mayonnaise a little chopped

Dried ancho chili some horseradish lemon juice liquid smoke a little pinch of sugar a tablespoon or two a fresh deal who or what you get out of the jar but make sure you get plenty of it in there because that gives it that zing take me some of this chilly smoked grilled

Catfish and just crumble him up right here we got our fish crumbled up in there let’s get us some of this smoky a tangy a deal coleslaw we’re gonna go ahead and add the cheese and this is some queso fresco you’d be using whatever kind of cheese you like and

Then I’m gonna add me a little avocado right here to the top side of that thank you Lord for the blessings you have given me and the dining that I’m about to do praise sweet Jesus fish water great outdoors people I don’t normally order a fish taco when we go to eat

Mexican food but Shan Bo Durham all the time I think she would really be liking about of this if you could do it Shan can you do it you ain’t the only one be dancing that smoky grilled catfish with that chili bass seasoning to it but the

Thing that does it to me folks is that right to it is good eatin so let me have another bite had a good time it’s great to be out in Mother Nature’s kitchen in the great outdoors beautiful day it is the Lord has blessed us with

Be sure and look on our website WWE and some we might be in your area we’re going to be Memorial Day weekend in Lebanon Missouri wagons for warriors such a great cause it is but we’re also going to be in California and Nevada in July so be sure and check it out

Yes I forgot about Ohio in July well I tip my hat to all the servicemen and women and all the veterans who have kept this country free and safe and folks be sure that you honor them every chance you get we never take it for granted you

Watch our videos man Shannon the vehicle be sure it hit the like the subscribe and the share and be sure and share it with the neighbors folks because that’s what it about and the world needs more good neighbors it does god bless you each and every one and I will see you

Down the fish taco trail we had a big milestone about two weeks ago we did we hit a half a million subscribers and what did we do to celebrate we give away my old black hat and I want to thank you for such a great response that you

People reached out on Instagram and everywhere else and you tagged it cowboy can’t hat giveaway I was proud to see all of you that entered we was we thank you so much for doing it but we have a winner we do do we have a drumroll

It was Dustin Latham so Dustin if you’re watching my friend you fitnah get an old black hat that’s been through hell and back and seeing a lot of wood fire and smoke me Shannon and the Big O will sign it and get it to you my friend we hope

You cherish it because it is a true gift I promise you but again thank all you folks that entered on Instagram we appreciate you god bless you each and every one


  1. Well Kent what time is lunch or is it supper. Yummy fish taco with homemade corn tortillas. What a great video, I loved it…wish I was there.

  2. Like your show keep up the good work and my God bless yall both wish yall would come to Mississippi sometime

  3. To get in good with the Brass the Sergeant Major would go to the river near camp and catch catfish for the officers mess. I was lookign for a hungry Heron to swoop by and attack our lunch.

  4. Forgot to add the Red River Ranch Original seasoning but these were great in spite of that fact. The smoky slaw was delicious!

  5. Croppie is some plum good camp fish! Sweet and buttery.😋
    Love ya Kent and Shan!! And Beag, Maj, Sadie, Duke! God bless you for your rescues. and RIP to those that cross the rainbow bridge. God's love and peace upon you all ❤

  6. HELLO love watching your cooking. I just bought your cookbook at Barns and Noble TODAY. Looking forward to use and read. Fish tacos yum. Thank YOU BOTH. GOD BLESS YOU. ♥️♥️♥️😃😁😊🖐️👌👍☮️☮️☮️

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