Sassy Mama: Weeknight Italian Wedding Soup

Sassy Mama is sharing her weeknight Italian wedding soup recipe.

Okay it’s soup week here on news9 at 4:00 and we are making a Hardy soup it looks like right we are and you know I have to say it is a little tougher to make soup in 3 minutes so I’m trying to get this to get to boil and your mom

Knows she did Mom she got up early to start this well this is another week night soup you can make very quickly very easily so have you ever had Italian wedding soup mhm yeah love it so what doing something like that yeah we’re going do a wedding soup so what

I’ve got is we’re going to make the little meatballs okay what did you put in there you look okay so what I did is I added some breadcrumbs I added a little bit of Parmesan cheese one egg and some garlic powder and some basil now I like to use fresh basil if

Possible but if you don’t have fresh basil don’t sweat it dried stuff’s working great in the win don’t use it as an excuse to not make the soup that’s true Carl that’s so true I have girlfriends that are like oh I can’t get the ingredients do no basil there’s

Basil honey always basil always basil you could use beef or sausage ground sausage or what’s the deal what I would use is I would use ground turkey I would use ground beef you could even use ground pork okay chicken I think could end up being like a little uh well I’m

Afraid that they’d end up being little hard balls the bottom of the B yeah don’t think they’d be you want there to be a little bit of fat in this so we going to roll these up here so we’re going to roll them up I’m not going to

Make you do it cuz you’re not going to want to have meatball fingers true so what you’re going to do Bobby Sue is you’re going to take lemon yep you want me to right there just cut the lemon and what I’m going to do hold on cut I’m

Going to show you a trick if you do not have zest or a zester oh that’s too bad cuz I love zest if you don’t that’s too bad get one in your life if you don’t have one love just get AER sorry about thank me later

If you don’t have one what don’t worry and I’ve learned this on many a trick so what you can do cuz you’re trying to get the taste of this rind you’re just going to take your knife o you’re good at you thr in the air for a second professional

You’re just going to cut and then are you going to like around it like this is that what you’re going to do uhhuh just like this and then what I do is I score it it’s not going to be exactly the same wow but what you’re trying to do is you’re trying to

Break all the basically the outside shell and you’re getting all that yummy oils zesty zest ready do I then we put that in we’re going to put that in like that so this is a little different this is more of a Greek type of way of making it because

They have a make a comfort soup it’s a Greek Italian wedding soup well it’s very similar My Big Fat Greek Wedding soup exactly my friend Michael love that I’m doing that they do so I’m going to take this is going to come to a boil imagine that in your your mind it’s

Bubbling it’s bubbling it’s going then what you’re going to do is you’re going to add orzo pasta orzo pasta looks like rice pasta but guess what guys not rice it’s pasta yeah throw in your Oro we’re going to let this come to a boil we’re going to turn it back and

Then we’re going to add teaspoons and we’re just going to make little meatballs drop those in there I add kale to this I’m going to put a lid on it I’m going to let it cook for about 15 minutes I added the onion into the meat

With the eggs yeah okay this is this is all working out and it’s just going to come to a boil it’s going to do great and it’s going to be perfect for the super cold weather that David’s going to tell us all about soup weather time it’s here soup we David

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