TOO Many SQUID | Catch Clean Cook

I finally hit the squid migration that I’ve always wanted to. I make some squid ink risotto and cook the squid to perfection.

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#Squid #fishing #risotto

What is going on guys welcome back to another episode of cooking M clams I’m will and uh short story last night I was in uh Huntington which is on the North Shore of Long Island and went down to the dock uh at night to see if there was

Any squid and we actually did there was three of us we did okay we got about 15 between the three of us but if you go back about a year ago um I’ve done a squid video from that dock so I didn’t want to do just the same thing even

Though the recipe would be different I didn’t want to do the same thing over again so what I actually saw was out in mon talk the boats have been doing very well with squid and uh I decided why not let’s take the trip out to mon talk it

Is a gorgeous day look at this very little wind um just a little bit not a lot of swell out there so it’s going to be a good night the boat goes out we’re going with uh eptide fishing and the boat goes out around 7:30 so I

Got a couple of hours to kill and then once it gets dark we’ll head out on the boat um I’ll show you my rig setup and everything now because I don’t know how well the footage will be later because it will be night time and I didn’t bring

Any lights or anything to bring on the boat but uh I’m going to take in a little mon talk sight SC and then uh we’ll head over and start fishing we’re going to take a uh quick walk down to the water but a quick little uh piece of trivia oh there’s a

Rabbit quick little piece of trivia if you are a fan of the show stranger things on uh Netflix go ahead and search the monok monster and Plum Island and uh it’s what that show is actually well not based on but it’s what they wrote a lot of the show with that in

Mind so a lot of you uh every time I post a video from New York ask if I’ve moved out of the keys the answer is no I have not moved out of the keys um it seems like every video from New York people are like why aren’t you back in

The keys I split my time between New York and Key West uh Key West is really a place where I just get to have fun and hang out and make some videos and hang out with who you all know Key West Waterman Aaron Young and uh his fiance

Fiance meline my two best friends um and then New York is where I grew up and it is where my business is which is uh Greenpoint fishing Lobster it’s a a uh seafood restaurant and a seafood wholesale business you can follow us on Instagram if you want nice

Plug but uh also you know my family is here my mother is here and uh every year I try to do a couple of months up here and then a couple of months down in Key West and then travel in between but um so if you’re new to the channel it does

Bounce around a little bit between New York and Key West it will keep doing that for as long as I can do it and uh I hope you enjoy both aspects of the north and south of the East Coast all right so we’re at the dock here and uh I just

Want to show you the setup here for uh squid fishing before it get it’s completely dark out and I can’t show you so it’s basically a high low rig and you have here uh squid jigs what squid jigs are they look like a fish or a shrimp and then they have

These little spikes there so they’re not really hooking the squid what they’re doing is that the squid come in to grab what they think is a shrimp or a fish they wrap around and then as you jig up all those little spikes their tentacles get in twined and you reel them up

Slowly not too slow not too fast it’s a bit of a very nuanced uh method because if you go too slow or if you give slack they can come off The Jig they swing away if you come up too fast and try to horse them up you’re just going to rip

Right through their tentacles so it’s got to be this kind of steady pace and because we’re on the boat I have a bit of a stiffer rod in case I get two on at a time and we can boat flip them up and uh it is really fun if you hit a big

School of them it is some of the most fun fishing and the fact that I absolutely love love squid to cook and eat so I’m looking forward to tonight all right so what do we what do we have we have porgi pory she strip bass and she bass oh seab bass oh

Beautiful and then whiskey yeah jinen wh jinen wi yeah jinen okay okay good yeah sit down no problem see you know that’s one of my favorite things about fishing is the people you meet and uh I just went over by the boat to see you know if they were ready or

Leaving early or anything or if leaving at all in case we didn’t have enough people for the trip and those guys were a trip man they were like sit down and eat come on you got to eat it’s just awesome so I’m going to grab my stuff and

Have a drink and a bite to eat with those guys before we head out so funny enough a school already swam by the boat we haven’t even left the dock yet I didn’t get my jigs down fast enough but uh you know the jigs come in different colors I got blue and

Green on some people got orange and pink and we’ll see uh what people are catching with and then we’ll switch up I have orange and pink with me so and depending on the size Squig can be very finicky very finicky so fingers crossed they’re just turned on and frenzied all right we got

One there you go buddy all right we’re one in still settling in I’ve had three hits that I missed so far so that’s [Laughter] unacceptable there we go you got the Hollywood drag on oh yeah this is the ultra Ultra there you go can you my hand y coming right up

Massive that’s a good one I thought his was a giant that one’s [ __ ] that’s huge holy cow there we go that’s great I can tell by the rod I’m like oh that’s a good one yeah Yeah jumbo there you go I’ll take it all right so we went way lighter line switched out to the pink and orange and now we are catching I think so too oh we’re both on all right I think you have a good one that’s a measuring what do you

Got I got a small one yeah yeah yeah okay sque the squeeze oh jumbo jumbo you got a jumbo yeah all right all the jumbo schies come around okay nice let see nice okay there we go good one both of us all right our side just turned on over here I think good

Size nice one good one good one oh yeah very good one there we go yeah that’s great size wow double my first double all right maybe oh yeah look at that [Laughter] one that’s a good one so guys as you can see the fishing has been absolutely insane um and I’m

Not even one of the high hooks on the boat and I’ve been doing really well um and it’s funny at first they were down on the bottom and then we had to hit them mid column um I’m I’m done I got half a bucket full more than enough more

Than enough to cook with to freeze and to use as bait um definitely a uh a very very good trick but yeah so the next time I’ll see you guys we will be in the kitchen well all right I pulled some of the uh smaller squid we’re going to clean them

We’re going to do a uh barbecue squid we’re going to grill these guys on the barbecue and then I’m going to try to get the ink sack out and make a uh squid ink risoto to put them on top of so let’s get to cleaning I’ll show you real quick how I clean

Them and they are sometimes messy but if you pinch at the top give a pull everything should come out and whatever doesn’t come out we will uh there we go well let’s see all right so what I like to do right below the eye here give a

Cut and then inside here inside the uh the head you’re going to find the beak right there so you push the beak through pull that out put that aside and then Weir going to marinade everything before it goes onto the grill but what I want to show you here the only problem is

That they may have expelled the majority of their ink which is all over my hands and cutting board so we may have to go through a couple to find a uh a full ink sack but yeah that one ‘s empty it looks like a uh like a little silver silver

Bag but anyway we’ll we’ll find one and we’ll harvest the ink or I’ll just clean it off the uh The Cutting Board here now you can go in run them underwater I just go in and try to pull everything out here uh there is the ink

Sack ah I broke it in half but that is the inck there that little bit of silver let’s see if I can get that into this container that’s not going to do it so yeah we’ll go through we’ll go through a couple of these and I will uh not bad not

Bad might take a while but I’ll I’ll get some now I’m going to leave these actually the skin on a lot of people wow wow all right well at least I know uh there’s Inc in there if I could get that into the cup I will be doing really well

We’ll keep trying a lot of people take the skin off I’m actually going to leave it on for what we’re doing and that’s pretty much it I would run this underwater oh also inside there is What’s called the quill and that is this piece here that

Looks like a piece of plastic and it is the Squid’s only structure and that’s it so you can dip it in the ink and write out a note but I always find that to be one of the coolest things all right let me get a little bit

Cleaned up here and we’re going to try that again on another squid to get that Inc out in one piece and hopefully expel the ink not on my hand but into the cup okay so I devised a little bit of a system here that is the ink sack there

So we are going to cut it right above without puncturing it and then cut it right below what I’m going to do is take this entire piece and put that into the risoto and mash it with the spoon rather than trying to squeeze everything out

Because I know all of the ink is in there so we’re going to put that piece into the risoto and that is what is going to give us our squid ink without covering my hands and cutting board and everything else so let’s see I grabbed

Uh I grabbed the big one to see if the uh uh if the ink sack will be a little more pronounced okay so I’m going to try to separate with my finger okay there we go perfect okay perfect that’s going to be all that we need right there so the same

Thing I’m going to cut around it to try to separate it and then we will add that to our risotto anyone who’s done this before if you have a better method please share with me I’ve never tried to extract the uh squid ink I’ve always had the little packets

Of uh I believe it’s sepia ink but that is full of ink full of ink okay there you go guys trying not to burst it okay yeah so we’re going to put that into the risoto hit that with a spoon and that’ll explode and put all of the

Ink into our risoto so I’m going to put these aside let’s make our uh our marinade okay so now for our marinade uh just so you know also I went inside and all I did was just rinse these out real good underneath the uh faucet and sprayed out

Anything inside that is undesirable so now I’m going to use black pepper white pepper a little bit of paprika some seasoned rice vinegar and some olive oil now if you notice I’m not putting any salt the reason why is because if I put the salt now it’s going to draw out

Moisture from the squid and that’s going to make it tough and chewy so we’re going to Salt them the minute that they go onto the uh barbecue so just give a quick mix and we’ll put that aside and we will make our risoto okay this is going to be a very straightforward uh

Risoto with the exception of the squid ink so just a little bit little bit of olive oil some people say put in the rice uh cold with no olive oil I put in a little bit of olive oil it’s okay so you want to use a Boro rice a boreo rice

Has a higher starch content than normal rice and you’re not rinsing it off or anything you want all that starch in there because as you’re stirring it the starch starts to break up and that’s what’s making the risoto so nice and creamy is the starch of the rice so it’s

Very important that you use a boreo rice so we’re just going to toast the rice just a little bit and then we’re going to add onion chopped garlic a little bit of white wine butter and then I have here uh some chicken stock that my mother made so we’ll add that one Ladle

At a time and then when it’s all cooked through We’ll add the parmesan cheese and the uh squid ink and hopefully if if I’m right the squid ink will spread throughout the the risotto and turn it a nice shade of purplish black okay in with our onion in with our

Garlic nice old piece of Irish butter and our white Wine once the alcohol and the white wine Cooks off then I’ll start adding my stock one Ladle at a time and you want to do it nice and slow risoto is a labor of love it takes a long time if you want a more detailed uh recipe for risoto you can go

Back any of my episodes where I do rice balls I go a little more in depth on the risoto but this is this is a quick version that also works but yeah you want to keep one Ladle don’t add two I know the urge to add two is there don’t

Do it one at a time and stir stir stir takes about 20 minutes 25 minutes to get it just right but you want to cook down that lad the stock then add the next one all right that first Ladle is stock is almost cooked off now we

Going one more one cup of rice can take about four or five uh ladles of stock so just make sure that you have enough now once your risoto gets going probably by about the third uh the third Ladle you don’t have to stir as

Much you can let it sit for a little bit and stir about half the time because you’ve already released all of that starch like you can already see how thick it is and it almost looks like a cream is in there I had another idea too that I’m

Going to do right now actually is if I take a little bit of this stock and put it inside with the ink that’s going to get us all of that ink out of there there we go that’s going to help our cause we’re getting close so the rice is right about where I

Want it so now I’m going to add my parm and just in time there’s somebody mowing their lawn right behind me I swear 24-hour lwn care in uh Long Island but the parm’s going to thicken it up so I like to add it before that last Ladle of uh stock is cooked off

Just so I can see if I need to add any more stock I mean not parm all right and then just a little bit of salt because the parm is in there that’s plenty salty so just a bit and now we’re almost ready to add our uh squid

Ink and also remember when you take this off of the uh the stove that’s going to tighten up too so you want to take it off right about where it is so let’s add this oh yeah that was full of ink yes yes oh that’s perfect that’s beautiful oh that’s

Awesome that is so awesome okay I could not be happier right now that is amazing that one sack had so much ink in it all right let’s let get our squid ready for the barbecue this is done we’re going to put it aside we going to

Leave it in the pan there if we need to loosen it up at all you can add a little bit of stock put it on the heat again and loosen it up but I think this is going to be just fine when we come back to it oh that is beautiful oh that’s

Beautiful okay so for our squid we’re going to skewer them tentac first just like that and then the uh the tubes so we’re going to go through both sides and this is just so that they sit nice and flat on the uh on the barbecue so our tentacles I might even skewer

That one just to make sure we don’t lose it on there all my skewers are ready let’s move over to the barbecue I already got my coals nice and hot W I forgot to put the legs up on that one we’ll put them up top otherwise they’ll fall into the

Grate okay my coals are ripping hot so these are going to cook these are going to cook very very fast and remember we didn’t salt them so I’m going to lay them down salt them real quick we’ll give them a flip and I have a feeling so a little bit of salt and

Remember squid is 30 seconds or 30 minutes flip give them another turn I just want to make sure those tentacles get cooked through okay I think that’ll do it that’s a thing of beauty all right let’s go play them little bit of our risoto I could not be more happy with that

Risotto that is perfection now they should slide right off you know what we’ll leave it there just to leave it pretty and uh a couple of parsley leaves parsley gets a bad wrap I think because of old Italian joints they used to chop it up and put it on the plate

But it really is an amazing herb to lighten up a dish and make it just absolutely delicious and I like to not chop it up until there’s nothing left of it it’s a very nice overlooked herb and then these are uh col laan chilies they’re cured so these are spicy but

Also a little bit sweet they’re fruity very very nice and the little bit of acidity from these is going to help cut through that dish okay we’re ready to dig in all right let’s digg in guys I’m wiped I didn’t get home until 3:30 in the morning I am shot so I

Am so excited I’m excited about two things I’m excited to eat this and I’m excited that I didn’t get one spot of Black Ink on my pants so that it’s very important I did get some of my hat but that’s from last night but okay first into the Risoto the squid ink is such a subtle flavor very very subtle but it’s there all right now the true the true test of a proper cook will be the tentacles to see I’m not even going to cut them I’m going all in tender the rice vinegar in the marinade

And that white pepper and the white pepper um man again cut through the risotto risotto can be so so rich and those uh the calabrian chilies really nice now let’s go in go in on a tube and like I said so just cook through just just cook through to where it’s opaque

Now don’t want to cook it any more than that because it’ll get chewy and the another thing too is after I catch them I don’t put them directly on ice I’ll put them in a plastic bag and then put the plastic bag on ice and that seems to

Kind of keep the texture a little bit better that’s a home run that was worth the five hours in the car that was my gosh if you guys ever get the chance to go squid fishing I know it’s a little goofy but it the payoff is

Amazing and now I have Frozen squid that I’ll probably do fried calamari with just because once it’s frozen it can get a little bit tougher um I have bait for striper fishing which I’m going to do this week and I have more fresh squid for a couple other things so I am beside

Myself with how excited I am and learning how to uh take out that ink sack that was a learning experience I’ve never done it I’ve always pulled them out and discarded it and I’ve never uh thought that there was enough ink in them to actually flavor an entire dish

But all right okay I’m going to stop talking with my mouthful I’m going to finish these and if you’re wondering where the other two went I already ate them but man that’s a good one and if you’re wondering the skin absolutely doesn’t change the texture whatsoever if I had

Them even lower down to the coals that that top skin that purple would have burned right off you wouldn’t have even noticed it but the bigger ones I will peel it off it’s just another tedious task cleaning squid can get kind of tedious so that’s why I wanted to use

The smaller ones and just leave that skin on but thank you for watching guys thanks for coming along uh thanks to my new uh friends on the boat that fed me sashimi and uh jining Jin sing whiskey appreciated that that kept me nice and warm and uh thank you to just another

Incredible beautiful fall day um it’s amazing I I just I’m beside myself what a great what a great night and what a great day today and thank you guys for coming along I’ll see you on the next one


  1. Man, you killed it Chef.
    30 seconds or 30 minutes seared into my mind. That plate deserves to be in your restaurant.

  2. What video to kick back, chill and watch! I love watching your content & Aarons. I know you said no more restaurants, but would you please make a cookbook? I'd buy one for myself & each of my family!

  3. Great video Will! Love how you stopped fishing when you had enough. That was a beautiful plate of food. The colours were amazing.
    What is ‘seasoned’ rice vinegar seasoned with? I had always heard that the squid ink sack was quite salty, is that true? I know chefs love their salt, so as an amateur, I was wondering.
    This must’ve been from a while back where Aaron was still engaged. Lol
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Looked like a fun day in Montauk. Cuttlefish and the Skunk ape must have had the day off. That's a nice-looking dish at the end.

  5. Always say yes when people offer you food!! Great way to meet new people and experience new things. I am scared of squid, it is either perfectly tender or like chewing on rubber bands. I may try the marinade/grill method. I have some squid lures from Athens when I was there in the 90's….a fishing shop. The lures were way more fancy than yours……very cool looking. Have a good one! Love the video!

  6. That's one thing I have never done is squid fish. Nor have I had a dish with squid ink in it. I will definitely try it next time the opportunity arises. Nice dish Will!


  8. pretty good Will!!!!! I didn't know you can eat the ink….. and yes, i have heard weird things about plum island. 😯

  9. Remember they are married now LOL I am sure that was just you on auto pilot. The views of NY on long island are amazing. As when I think of NY I think of the city. Good catching! I also wonder if stuffing the squid with some other protein might give it a nice kick. No doubt it is awesome as you prepared it though. Any thoughts Will on what would be a good stuffer protein for squid?

  10. We have a tremendous squid run in the summer here on the Passamaquoddy Bay in south west New Brunswick (Canada, not New Jersey). The warf in Saint Andrews By The Sea is the hot spot. Check it out on google map.

  11. Thank you Chef Will for sharing your fun squid fishing video and fancy but easy, delicious risotto recipe! Always fabulous gourmet cooking at its best where nothing goes to waste🙌🏼🦑💫

  12. Good Video, I'm going to get a few of those Squid jigs to have in the tackle bag. Was out one night in summer and a bunch of Squid showed up out of Tampa that I can catch next time.

  13. Does that ink have any flavor? Idk why but I thought that ink would have a terrible taste to it. Really neat using it to cook

  14. What the fresh seafood!!! Expensive here in restaurant that I can't afford mate!! U get it for free what the lucky person on this earth!!

  15. I have eaten squid and I like it, but never have had anything like ink to my knowledge. What does it taste like? Cool video and say hi to mama Clams!

  16. Hey Will can you or do you cook any of the fish roe you guys get. KW Waterman said he doesn't use the roe, but maybe you can do a show cooking fish roe Here on Central Florida's East coast we do all the time and it's great for breakfast or other. Favorite is Whiting Roe.

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