Beat The Cold With Delicious Potato Soup And Steamed Fresh Pumpkin!

Warm Up On A Chilly Day With Homemade Potato Soup & Steaming Fresh Pumpkin
Ever wondered how to make your Potato Soup recipe taste like mama cooked it? Look no further.

Potato Soup for a Cold Day
Recipe is in our Volume 2 Cookbook and can be purchased through our website here:
Printable recipe is free through our website here:
Potato Soup (Simple)
Put potatoes in medium saucepan. Add water to top
of potatoes. Add ½ Knorr bullion OR 2 cubes of
regular bullion. Bring to a boil on medium/high
setting. Once boiling set timer and boil 12 minutes.
In glass measuring cup combine half and half,
cornstarch, pepper, and salt. Whisk well. Add to
potatoes when timer goes off. Put on medium/high
heat and add butter. Stir well.
Simmer 5 minutes and serve.
Optional (add cheese or garnish as desired) I love this
soup just as it is. Serves 4-5 (one per potato)
TIP: DO NOT add skim or low-fat milk into boiling
base or it will curdle! Use half and half or whole milk.
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Hey y’all it’s Chris and Tammy with collared Valley Cooks we’re going to make some potato soup and while our potatoes are boiling we’re going to haul out my pumpkin um so we’ll we’ll have a few things to do and I’m just going to chop up a little bit of bacon and brown

It for our soup we’re just having simple potato soup it’s cold outside and I’m lazy and it’s so easy to make this all right we saw or I saw a viewer Saturday um at the Fall Festival and she said I’ve never like potato soup until my daughter made yours and it was the

Best potato soup I have ever tasted now a lot of y’all think that has to be doctored up with a lot of stuff but can I say if you just make this recipe the simple recipe just like my book tells you to you’re going to love it it so

We’re going to start off let’s start off peeling our potatoes because we need to get them to Boiling it’s going to take them 12 minutes to boil come on around here baby we’re just going to peel our potatoes and I don’t know why I didn’t think about peeling these before you

Guys got on here but these potatoes have a few little Sprouts on them I guess is what you call them um but they’re still good now I will say this if you have potatoes that are the least bit spongy what I would call spongy or not even real real

Soft but just a little bit older don’t try to cream potatoes with them and this is a good tip all right A lot of people think it’s something else they’ve done that makes their potatoes sticky and you know what I’m talking about have you ever made cream potatoes and when you mixed them

Up they were just sticky instead of being creamy and good if you use an older potato that’s uh softer or more spongy um it’s okay to make potato soup with it like what I’m doing today and it’s okay to fry it but it’s not okay to make cream potatoes with if you do

They’ll be sticky all right A lot of people don’t know that they think it’s something else they did but that’s exactly what makes it that way and you should always mix up your cream potatoes while your potatoes are still pop popping hot letting them cool down can also make them

Sticky before you mix them and she means mashed potatoes for everybody that’s that doesn’t understand so people call our potato soup cream potatoes oh that’s true we all kind of weird that’s true I didn’t think about that yeah I’m we say cream potatoes and probably because my

Mother uh always mixed them with a mixer she never just mashed them we call mashed potatoes mashed potatoes but to me mashed potatoes is when you take a potato masher and you just mash them a little bit but because we blend them we’ve always Blended them um we call them cream

Potatoes well they have cream or milk well yeah but even the mashed potatoes we did that way too yeah they’re made the same way except one is whipped and one is not whipped potatoes yes kind of like you whip your children whipped children nobody whoops their children anymore y’all let me tell

Y’all what my mama did Chris let me see the camera my mama kept a hickory on top of the refrigerator and and she used a hickory on us and if you don’t know what a hickory is it’s a switch if you don’t know what a switch is it’s a piece of um

There’s a certain type of weed that grows outside that Mama would use to use as a hickory and if she couldn’t find those then she would pick it off of a young tree a younger tree branch and that’s what she would whip us with when I met

Chris um this is a good time to tell stories when I met Chris he didn’t really I don’t know if his mama really used hickories did she Chris yeah or did she use a Bel they used whatever they could pick up find they felt like they

Need to used well um when we got ready to whoop our kids when they were little Chris wanted to use a belt and I didn’t and um so we always used to Hickory now I know a lot of y’all don’t believe in whooping your kids but that’s

Just the way it is we were raised that way so I cut my potatoes these are medium potatoes I cut them down one way and down another way like that and then I cut them about like that about like that for potato soup whoops now what we’re going to do is

Cover these with water but we’re going to add bullion to them now uh my mama never did but I do and it’s super delicious so let’s add the booon and then add the water let’s see I tell you to put in a half a nor bullion Cube so I

Would say that’s about a teaspoon of granules this is a half a tablespoon so about that many granules all right and then we’re going to add our water we’re going to add water until it just covers the potatoes now if you’ve never made potato soup this

Way you’re going to love it if you give it a try promise so I’m going to turn turn this on high and turn the flame down a little bit for this size pot we’re going to put a lid on it and when it comes to a boil

We’ll take the lid off we’re going to boil them for 12 minutes so now we have 12 minutes of fun now this is a quick supper it takes 12 minutes that’s all it takes so during the 12 minutes unlike me I’ve got already everything already laid

Out but when you make potato soup at home you can do this step and then get out everything else because it’ll give you something to do but we’re going to chop up a little bit of bacon and I just happen to have Smith Smithfield because

It was on sale and y’all I buy what’s on sale that’s how I roll and so because this is for potato soup it’s we don’t need a lot of it so I’m only going to Brown what I think we need and the rest I’ll put in the refrigerator we’ll

Have it for breakfast we can’t eat a whole lot of bacon anyway we don’t need to so that’s plenty for potato soup right there and it’s going to shrink so we’ll turn the skillet on over here I think this is the right one no this one okay and I’m going to add this

Bacon to my little Skillet what are y’all doing tonight is it cold where you are it’s cold here in I guess we’re considered Middle Georgia are we Chris South South Georgia or Coastal Georgia everything’s south of making W gosh that’s hot South Georgia well Mon’s right in the middle of state

So we’re well below mon okay so you got time to make you a little bit of bakon for the top of it I’m GNA rinse my hands now um we’ve got laid out sour cream and cheese and if you notice my cutting board is washable when I use meat all

Right I use this cutting board for vegetables I’m just going to set that right there for now now we’re going to use a little bit of cream with some milk and the reason we’re doing that is my recipe calls for half and half half cream half milk you

Can buy half and half here in the South already in a container or you can make your half and half and that’s what I’m going to do today I don’t know why I’m yelling I I keep forgetting that I have this thing on oh Lord so we’ll be using corn starch

Um cream and milk we’ll have this for when it’s done and this for when it’s done okay and right now what we’re going to do is we’re going to take this pumpkin and we’re going to get it prepared what you do that milk put it in

The freezer oh you want your milk to be really cold so that your cornstarch mix as well so my milk is actually in the freezer since this is at room temperature and it would warm it it up I decided to get it really cold all right this is my

Pumpkin what I’m going to do is put a few holes in it and microwave it a little bit so that it’s easier to carve and peel okay hm I guess I could have just cut one part of it off here let me cut the bottom of

It off have you ever done that before no but I think it’ll work okay see how hard it is to cut yeah you’ve done the holes you just had done the cut off I cut it crooked but it don’t matter okay so I’m just going to

Put it in the microwave like this you can put it in a little bit of water if you want to like in a pie plate put a little water in it you can do the same thing with any type of squash if you want it to be

Easier or rudaba to cut up now the only thing about rudaba is that it’s got wax around it so you can’t microwave that I’m just going to put it on three minutes that should be good and let’s stir this up right quick I need to turn that on don’t I okay delicious bacon

I’m going to turn it down a little bit now that’s good hot and we’re just waiting for that to come to a boil it’s getting there it’s simmering around the edges now I’m going to make these apples um I’ll probably do them tomorrow I was going to start them tonight but instead

I just decided to do the pumpkin okay but I want to make some fried apple pies I know y’all have watched me make fried apple pies before do y’all get tired of watching me make fried apple pies because I sure don’t get tired of eating them and you can freeze them too

Which is nice let’s check on our pumpkin now you don’t want it so hot you can’t handle it I think that might be enough that was a minute and and a half and everybody’s microwave is a little different so what I’m going to do pour this

Here I got to keep an eye on this let me turn it down to low you want them to be golden but not burnt now they’re not smoking near as much so I think I’ll turn the fan off you can ignore that oh is that’s your phone yeah Chris is getting a

Call okay so I’m going to take the pumpkin let’s just scoop out the inside right quick okay he forgot to turn his phone off and I’m going to scoot this out right here on this I think I’ll do it here because I want to save the

Seeds I like eating them so I usually toast them and eat them and you don’t have to of course but I like them really good on salads and just to eat with snack and I tell you what’s good is to just put a little cinnamon sugar on them when you roast

Them spray them with some olive oil or some oil or toss them in some oil and then sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar and then roast them and they’re really good you really have to use your elbow grease to get this out y’all it don’t just come right out

Now most people do not use fresh pumpkin when they make pies and stuff but I do I love it okay I love it okay and I will continue to wait a minute my hands too wet let me stir this I’ll be right back over there I’m GNA turn it off oh this is

Boiling how long’s it been boiling Prius three minutes or so guess all right I’m going to turn it down a little bit okay and then we’re going to put the timer on I’m G to put it on 9 minutes cuz I I think they’ve been pretty hot for a

While cuz I wasn’t paying attention Okay let me dry the handle of my knife so now everything’s good to go we just got nine minutes left on the potatoes so we got plenty of time to carb our pumpkin and this is how I do it y’all

May have a better way if you do you can tell me but this is about how I do it every year I actually like them up and down like this I think my knife need sharp in what do you think Daddy seems that way awkward

Okay and then we got the bottom as well but I might do that when we’re off the air so I’m going to take my knife that I used to fill the potato with I like a tearing knife and then what you’re going to do is you’re going to cut those strings

Out just like that and then you’re going to have to cut this part off as well so you need pieces that are small enough that you can handle with your pairing knife Guess That’s Why They Call These bacon pumpkins huh yes um you don’t use they’re still they still don’t have like

A real thick pump pumpkin layer but these are the ones that you’re supposed to use to bake with and if you don’t want to handle that long of a piece with your pairing knife then half it and then it’s easier to handle see you don’t want to cut yourself when you’re peeling your

Pumpkin now you can make any anything with this you can make pumpkin pie you can make anything you can make pumpkin puree with so what I do is after I do this I steam it just like I do my sweet potatoes so I cut it in slices and steam

It just like I would my sweet potatoes when I did my sweet potato supp the other day and you watched me do that now you might want to ask what a pair ing tool do you know like the one that you scrape and peel potatoes

With we can try it right quick and see how it does if you want to let me get this off we’ll try it with this one and see how good it works we just always used um pairing knives when I was growing up we didn’t have any of those other things

But of course I have them now all right so we’ll get one out and see I think they’re in here this one’s pretty big yeah you can now I would make sure I peeled it all the way down you know get all the orange off but yeah that works

Good it’s probably safer if you’re not real good with a knife to use one of these that way you don’t have to worry about coming back and cutting yourself so is anybody asking questions or this is kind of boring one person said you could put them in a in the oven and the

Outside shell would come off oh really what real easy I guess you mean I guess yeah well really um me you put them in the microwave the microwave is kind of the same thing yeah um and I mean it helps it but it’s still not an easy easy thing

To do it’s not like peeling an egg no so if you don’t want to spend time doing it you know buy it for raade out of the store but I’m G to tell you this tastes a lot different and the reason why is is because I’m gonna be honest with you

Those taste a lot more like a can than you realize and you don’t realize it until you because really how often do we really use pumpkin out of the store not but about once a year you know a certain time of the year so um if you want it to have a

Real fresh flavor then you can do it this way I don’t really know which one’s faster it’s according how good you are with your knife really okay we got three minutes three minutes yep so I just wanted to have something to do y’all while we waited on the

Potatoes today so I’m going to peel this one and then we’re going to start the rest of our recipe and you you can zap these more and they’ll be easier to peel too like after you slice them up you can put them back in there and get them a little

Softer with some water if you want to okay so look at all our pretty pumpkin and we got our pumpkin seeds and really for the seeds you just have to kind of you know take them out of the Center stuff I keep something under this board so it don’t slide and

Um roast them and I’m going to do that I am going to do that today okay this here all right y’all y’all ready to make my potato soup hope y’all had a good Sunday I got a lot of thank you notes done it was a nice day for me

Um doing my thank you notes Lord this is real cold super cold when we add this maybe it won’t be so cold okay okay so like I said you’re going to use half and half half milk half cream now evaporated milk a lot of people don’t know it it’s equivalent to cream for

Real no joking see if we can break this oh yeah now that’s really cold and that way when I add my corn starch it’ll do better okay so you want your cornstarch to dissolve good good it says two tablespoons of corn starch and I don’t know where my

Tablespoon is here it is two tablespoons one two and you’re going to whisk it good in that cold [Laughter] milk this is so easy easy easy I wish I knew where my little um bowls are were I don’t know where they are well we never used them because we couldn’t put

Them in the microwave so there’s no telling where we’ll use these you think they’re in there what you say okay what your timer timers okay now let me for use a fork and make sure these are good and done you they need to be fork tender but you don’t

Want to cook them so long that they just disintegrate you know but you want them to be about fork tender they’re they’re almost they’re really ready because by the time you put your milk in here I’m GNA turn them up some get them hot now you want the the

Water once they quit boiling you want it to be about to the top of the potatoes just like you see it here you don’t want a whole bunch of extra water or the thickness of the potato soup is not going to be right okay so try to do it

Just like the recipe and now all we’re going to do is add our salt and pepper and make it just like the recipe the salt and pepper is a half a teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon so half a teaspoon of salt 1/4 teaspoon of pepper butter let me get the butter three to four

Tablespoons well I just happen to have three or four tablespoons right here okay I need a five uh oh there’s a piece of paper I want that all right so you put your butter in there and now we’re going to pour our cream in and it’s going to make it

Thi with our cornstarch and there’s some cornstarch in the bottom of that that needs to be mixed in so I’m going to swirl it get all of it out of there Okay all right now let me get me a spoon is this [Applause] one okay now a lot of y’all like onion in your potato soup and different things and I mean you can put an onion in here when you’re bowling it it’ll be fine if

You just love the taste of onion or some onion powder either one but I promise because you put that bullion in there it gives it you know it gives it an extra flavor anyway um I’m telling you that lady that came to the Fall Festival she

Hugged me and she just was like oh your potato soup is just so good and I said I know I I agree with her I think it is too so it’s getting hot now once it starts to Boiling a little bit it’s going to get a little

Thicker so we’re going to let it come to a boil and then we’ll have us a bowl of potato soup and I can’t remember if I put heaping tablespoons of cornstarch in there or not but it’s pretty creamy and look cornstarch is not going to thicken until it gets hot it needs to

Really come to a boil just like if you’re making gravy you got to bring it to a boil okay all right that’s it I saw there is to it you just bring it to a boil and dip it now you can let it sit here for five

Minutes or or you know if you want to if you think the potatoes aren’t quite ready you’re just going to put it in your bowl all right let’s get a little bacon come on over here show it to him daddy where you going little bacon Bacon’s perfect and I like a little

Cheese and if you like sour cream they put a little sour cream on it I don’t like too much I don’t want the cheese to I don’t want it to taste just like cheese and not taste like potato soup too all right we’re going to stir that

Up and get us a bite let me get me a spoon and I’ll just go ahead and tell you if for some reason your potatoes aren’t quite soft enough just let it sit on the stove for about five minutes before you dip it okay but they should

Be tender enough they should be done enough that they hold their shape but tender enough that you can eat them now I’m going to mix it up now not everybody will want the sour cream and the cheese and all that so but if everybody wants it you can just go

Ahead and add it to the whole pot but now this is hot I don’t want to get bur so I’m going to blow it let me pick out the smallest potato so it’ll get cooler faster on me but you can see the cheese now if you like a lot

Of cheese put a lot in there has anybody on here made our potato soup have they said Chris that you noticed uh yeah I think at least one person said they had it’s good it is good easy ready in 12 minutes on a cold day so if you’re feeling cozy

And lazy this is a good dinner super fast and easy you can make for everybody this is in our second cookbook on page 159 simple potato soup all right y’all have a wonderful and blessed Sunday night and I still got to steam my pumpkin we’ll see you next time we love you


  1. I'm in Alabama and it's cold here, but i want to know where you get your children granuals, and what brand you buy, i can't find what you're using ❤❤❤❤

  2. I make my with chunky potatoes cuz I love potatoes. Put the potatoes in water to boil with a bit of bacon grease and onion. I like green onions in mine but you can boil with regular onion. Salt and pepper to taste. Boil until potatoes are done and water is basically all gone. Add lots of butter and milk and enjoy. Easy and tastes great. My grandma always made potato soup when we were sick and it always made me feel better

  3. I was always told to never use an electric mixer for mashed/creamed potatoes because it bursts the starch and makes them sticky xx

  4. I am going to try making your potato soup very soon. Thank you for the tip about the softer potatoes that make your whipped potatoes sticky! I didn't know that! And I remember being spanked when we were bad. Best life lessons your parents could give you! I'm afraid that the problem with kids today is the sad lacking of being spanked (whipped) or disciplined much at all, frankly. Now we have a generation or more of people who feel entitled, and like the world owes them something. Very sad, but the saying 'Reap what you sow" comes to mind. Anyway, thank you for the great recipe! Looks delish!

  5. I can count on my fingers how many switches or slaps I may have gotten not many… What I did get was parents who raised me in the Lord, reading the Bible, Praying, and Respect of Parents and Elders.
    Doing unto others a big deal in my household.
    Reap what you sow, more than you sow, later than you sow.
    Children need correction. You love them… God corrects his children because He loves us. ❤

  6. I learn something new from you each time Tammy. I did not know that evaporated milk was equivalent to cream. Not sure where I have been all my life. 😜

  7. I never saw a child that didn't need a spank on the butt once in a while. It is not abuse. I think not teaching them right from wrong, and not making them follow rules is abuse.

  8. Laughed when you mentioned rutabagas. My Mom and I were the only ones that liked them, but we both hated to cut them up. We would say. I'll buy it if you will cook it. Remember the switch on bare legs. I'm 84, didn't do any permanent damage. Taught me a lot.

  9. I'll have to try that recipe. I've never made potato soup before but that seems simple to make. Thanks for the info about sticky potatoes. I've had that problem but didn't know why.

  10. Tami and Chris. Im gonna make that potato soup tonight. We are having our first cold snap. And that soup looks so good. I ordered one of your cookbooks and I cant wait to get it. Have a blessed day.❤❤

  11. Tammy and chris thats why our prisons are over flowing with big kids that their parents stopped correcting them when they were small now they are locked up for life and in and out of the prison systems because no one can ever tell them no you cant do that!

  12. Hi Tammy, just wanted to let you know I made this potato soup and it was absolutely delicious thanks for showing how to make.

  13. Where I live we always have people from different churches and college and other places bringing meals for the elderly. Someone brought a meal once that included mashed potato salad and it was delicious!

  14. ha ha ha You’re killing me talking about whipping!!! Switches..the good ole days!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Back when children had respect or learned it!!

  15. Love potato soup. 💖 My family has only used flour to thicken, I’ve never used corn starch.

  16. Taters are a marvelous thing. They can be used to feed a hungry belly.

    I’m thankful today that my parents believed and enforced spanking. We did the same with our son.

  17. If you roast your pumpkin for about 20-25 minutes you can scoop it out of the shell and save on all that prep time. Roasting them also brings the nutty flavor out which enhances the flavor

  18. Hi Ms. Tammy 💕 this was so easy and delicious I was apprehensive for nothing!! Thank you and God bless you and your family ❤

  19. Love potato soup in this house, 🏡 sure will try and make it like you tammy, thank you so much , god bless you and Chris 🙏😇✝️❣️🙏 have a great weekend !! Bye for now, 29:19

  20. My mother taught me to make potato soup..I still make it and my husband always says I make the best he's ever eaten. I have this past year ventured it and used Leeks as well in it.
    In regard to "whippings"… my mom kept a fly swater handy, and if she was outside she had a peach tree switch she'd use. This was not abuse, it was an attitude adjustment or behavior corrector …. it didn't take but one good swat to correct the situation

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