Four Ways to Put Up Apples | Heartway Farms | Stocking up for Winter | Fall Apple Harvest | Shortage

Today we’re talking about four ways we are stocking our pantry with apple products this fall! By the end of the day, apple butter, applesauce, apple juice, and frozen apples will all be stashed, ready to go for winter!
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stocking up, food storage, supply chain interruption, no more shipping, winter, covid lockdown, solar minimum, homestead, homesteading, apple orchard, apple cider, apple cider vinegar, fall activities, pumpkin patch, supply shortage, supply chain shortages, inflation, aluminum shortage, carbon dioxide shortage, apple butter recipe

For His Name’s Sake! Psalm 106:8

Music: Tracks recorded by Levi Montgomery and from YouTube Audio Library

00:00 Intro
01:57 Apple Butter
07:35 Apple Juice
12:09 Applesauce
17:17 Frozen Apples

There’s a local family here that contacted me and asked our family if we would like to come over and pick apples from their apple tree she had already taken what she wanted and had reached out to some other farms in the area and we definitely took advantage of all

These beautiful apples so we went yesterday and picked a lot of apples between her house and our apples out back we had over 200 pounds of apples so suddenly you know we have all these apples what do we do with them today we want to talk about four different ways

That you can put up your apples for the year we’re going into fall here in illinois favorite time of year for sure because of apple cider and uh you know going to the pumpkin farms and doing all that plus cooler weather and all all the apples become very available

Um sometimes you can get them for great prices and different things so if you find yourself with lots of apples we want to just talk about the different ways that you can put those up and stock your pantry with those items because these are great things to have through

The winter when they’re not available fresh to go pick off your apple tree so we’re going to talk about four different ways to put up your apples for the year first we’re going to talk about juicing or making apple cider you can do either or depending if you have an apple press

Or not number two we’re going to talk about freezing apples we’re going to make apple butter and can that up to put in the pantry and we’re going to make homemade applesauce which is the best even if your apples aren’t the best quality you can make delicious

Applesauce and we use it for all sorts of things we’ll talk about that later so let’s get started okay let’s get started on our apple butter the first thing you’re gonna need to do is peel and pour your apples and we have this apple horror and peeler

Which makes the process go much quicker then i’m going to need to peel and chop six and a half pounds of the apples Do Do So Oh Okay we have prepared our apples in each of these crock pots there are six and a half pounds of apples so in this crock pot we’re gonna add we have our apples already we’re gonna add one cup of cane sugar one cup of brown sugar one tablespoon of ground cinnamon one

Half teaspoon of nutmeg a quarter teaspoon of ground cloves a quarter teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon of pure vanilla and we’re gonna add that same amount also to here i’m doing two batches right now so now we’re going to lid our crock pots it’s very full now but it will cook down

And we’re gonna put it on high for one hour and then after it goes on high for one hour it’ll be quite a bit cooked down already but then we’re gonna move it to low and let it cook for 10 hours at least and we’re gonna stir it and squish it

Down every couple of hours just make sure it all gets completely smooth the apple butter has been going for about an hour now and i’m ready to mix it you see it’s already kind of ooh it smells so good it’s kind of breaking down a bit i’m just going to carefully stir this

So you’re going to stir these up and then what i’m gonna let it go i’m gonna turn it on to low and then i’m gonna let them go for ten or more hours stirring occasionally maybe more i might let it go a whole 24 hours because it’ll give me a richer sweeter

Butter in the end yesterday we started the apple butter in the crock pots and i let those let that go for 24 hours and every couple of hours i would stir it just to make sure there was no burning and then this morning i turned off the

Heat on the crock pots and took my stick blender or immersion blender and i made sure it was all smooth and then i added to each crock pot a quarter cup of maple syrup just so we could have that maple syrup essence and as you can see now it’s like beautiful caramely

Color and it’s very spicy and appley the kitchen smelled amazing this morning so now it’s time to canada and i’m going to give it a half inch of headspace roughly I’m going to be water bath canning this for 20 minutes and these are for half pints and i got 22 jars from the two crock pots Another way that we are going to use some of these apples is to make apple juice we already did some yesterday and we’re going to do more today because who likes apple juice this kid okay well actually several people do in previous years we have uh borrowed an apple press from a friend

And we have made large batches of apple cider and have canned those jars and put them away for the year that is a wonderful thing to do this year i’m not doing that so we’re just going to make some apple juice for us to use this week and next week it lasts for

A few weeks in the fridge but you can go onto the ball website and find out the correct proper times for canning apple juice or apple cider if you decided to do that like i said this year we are not going to be doing that we want to use our

Apples mostly for applesauce and apple butter so that’s what we’re going to do but i’ve got my buddy here he’s going to help me so when you’re making apple juice here we have our breville juicer which we really like and we’re going to wash our apples it’s nice because we don’t have to

Peel or core these apples but we are going to cut them all right jesse you want to go ahead and put put turn it on we’re going to cut the apples into fourths all right you go ahead i’ll cut and you put them in not yet let it build up a little bit

You can turn this apple juice into a spiced cider as well by just adding a little bit of maple syrup cinnamon nutmeg whatever you like to put in your cider you can put into this juice and and have it you know nice and warm and it’s just really delicious perfect on these cool

Fall nights all right let the juice out whoa so our yeah our juicer allows the juice to come on this side and then the pulp gets uh pushed out on this side we use the pulp for a couple different things um you can use it for making

Cookies you can use it for feeding to your chickens you can use it to make apple cider vinegar or you don’t need to shake it that’s okay when you put the other one in it’ll go down okay here we’ve got these all here this time let’s do this so it doesn’t

Explode on this there we go okay okay so we’re gonna do all of these apples until we get another half gallon jar full and we’re gonna i’ll show you but we’re gonna strain it with a fine mesh strainer just to get out any other pulp because my kids don’t

So we’re gonna get that all out and then put it in the fridge Jesse did you give me just a second buddy Okay Me okay so for a half gallon of juice we juiced 20 apples um and that did it so yeah that’s a good way to it obviously depends on the apple size and all that but it took us 20 apples to fill a half gallon of juice Now we’re going to make one of our family favorite recipes and that is our applesauce the first thing we’re going to need to do for our applesauce is we are going to need to peel core and chop our apples again i’m going to be using the peeler corer slash chopper

Machine and then we’re going to fill up our pot with apples and this recipe isn’t i don’t actually have it written anywhere so bear with me we’re going to do estimates for this recipe okay so to fill this pot i used 40 apples and now i’m going to

Put in three quarters a cup of lemon juice in with the apples I’m going to go ahead and cover it and put the heat on medium like medium high and i’m just going to let the apples kind of soften and break down a little bit marie is this where you normally do your math no i was turning off the video there’s usually multiple things

Happening at once right so not only school but apple extravaganza Okay we’re back to the applesauce this has been warming up boiling for um 15 to 20 minutes i’m gonna turn the heat off until they’ve gotten quite a bit softer it smells really good in my house right now it’s way better than chickens yeah and i’m going to add to it

A quarter teaspoon of nutmeg two teaspoons of cinnamon a tablespoon of vanilla we like our vanilla in this household now let’s do two and then two cups of maple syrup all six heavy it’s like the secret ingredient in everything Debbie Okay i’m going to stir that up and then i’m going to continue to cook this on medium with the lid off so it can kind of reduce for a bit how long you’re just gonna eyeball it i’m gonna eyeball it i’ll tell you when i come back okay julianne likes to eyeball things

Very good at eyeballing things the applesauce has been cooking for around 20 minutes and as you can see it’s reduced by quite a bit and it’s turned very caramely i’m just going to take my potato masher and just get rid of any of the larger chunks we prefer chunkier applesauce so i’m not

Going to completely puree it if you wanted to completely puree it you could use a blender and immersion blender let it cook a little longer but i’m just gonna do this for a couple minutes i’m going to put them in jars and i’m going to jar them

You can them up yeah um what size jars i think i’m going to do quartz this time because they have enough pines all right okay i’m gonna water bath those for 30 minutes okay so we’re not going to show the start to finish process of that today if you guys

Want a more uh involved video on how to can applesauce we can do that but today because we’re doing so many different versions of apples we are just going to give you the overview I don’t know where they keep coming from they’re just getting more in my hands now we’re going to talk about freezing apples okay so this is a nice easy step it does take up a little bit of space in your freezer because you have to freeze these flat at

First but then once they’re frozen you can consolida consolidate them into freezer bags and then it really doesn’t take up that much space we are going to be doing a small amount of frozen apples so that we can use them for pies and for tarts and for apple crisp but i’m not

Going to do a ton we’re really going to can most of our stuff so that it lasts all winter it doesn’t take up freezer space but what you need to do for this process like you saw what elise just did we are going to core you can see right through it we’re going

To core and peel uh several apples i’m not sure i’ll let you know at the end how many we actually do i’m gonna do several layers and stack them on top of each other once you freeze them that’s so easy once you peel it once you court all i have to do is

Chop it in half okay then i’m going to take these and put them into it is a water with lemon juice mixture okay this is currently this is four cups of water and it has two tablespoons of lemon juice in it this is we’re gonna soak this for just a minute

And she’s gonna give me you know here’s another apple so i’m gonna do the same thing i’m gonna put these in here i’m gonna let these soak this will help cut down on the browning having that uh lemon juice in there once i kind of get this full i’m going to strain this

And then i’ll show you what we’re gonna do remove the apples over here and lay them flat over on the parchment but let’s do this for a couple minutes first You have to keep them separate for the freezing process otherwise they freeze into clumps big big chunks and that’s no good um so this is a way to avoid that it’s an extra step but it works and i’m going to do this layer and probably maybe we’ll see what we get to maybe

Like five layers on this pan we’ll see and then put it in the upright freezer and there’s really no rush you can let it sit in there for several hours or a few days and then bag them it doesn’t really the timeline doesn’t matter too much for that Okay we’ve got several layers here we’re going to pop this in the freezer and get these all frozen up once they’re fully frozen then you’ll pull back the layers and put these in freezer bags and have them stored up for whenever you want to use them All right you guys there you have it that’s the four different ways that we are going to put up this huge bulk supply of apples that we were blessed with which was awesome and wonderful if you guys have any other ideas on things to do with apples please let us know

Below in the comments and we will check it out all right we hope this was helpful and just you know inspired you guys to put up some more stuff in your pantry and uh yeah we’ll talk to y’all soon Oh you love the airbrush


  1. Hello and welcome y'all! Here's the link for the apple peeler and we attached a few more that you might be interested in.

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  2. I made apple butter in about 3.5 hours. Chopped up apples with skin on (cored them). Then let them cook up up on the stove with the sugar. I added the cinnamon later ( found out it tends to get bitter) but put in 1 cup sugar for 10 lbs. of apples. I stirred occasionally until they were mixed enough on a medium heat. Then simmered for almost an hour. This allowed the apples to thicken. I then added my spices that I like to use (nutmeg tastes great with the cinnamon). I let it simmer for another 15 minutes. Then I scanned them. Yum!

  3. Could you use the apple mixture that you’re using for apple sauce before mashing them for apple pie filling?

  4. I put a lot of apples in the dehydrator for winner very good snack, and I will use your recipes for the apple butter. I had not use that and maple syrup. That sounded great. Patsy’s recipes onto my granddaughters. Thank you girls.

  5. My memaw used to save the apple peelings and candy them for us grandkids ❤️❤️❤️ this brought back memories 🥰🥰🥰

  6. My favorite way to put up apples is to make apple pie filling and put them up in quart jars. All year long I can pull out a quart jar put it in with my piecrust and then into the oven. We have easy apple pie the rest of the year.

  7. Thank you for the applesauce ideas.
    I never thought about using vanilla or maple syrup. I used both.
    Abt 10# apples
    1/4 cup maple syrup
    1/4 apple cider vinegar
    1/4 lime juice
    2-4 tbs cinnamon
    1-3 tbs vanilla
    It had a wonderful tartness with just enough sweet. 💕

  8. PLEASE share why you chose the slower juicer. I’m really needing to buy one asap so I can juice our apples as they are ready. But I’d I want to juice to drink daily and use it for apple juice making did you choose the slow one for a reason? Thanks for sharing. I’m not understanding what to buy and why 😊

  9. I know not everyone has a freeze drier but apples freeze dry beautifully. Using the Johnny Applepeeler made life so much easier. I have processed 280 lbs of apples by myself this year. All the apples I would have frozen I freeze dried instead. I also made applesauce and apple butter. A couple of apple pies and I'm all appled out for now. It's a blessing to have all these apples processed for future use.

  10. Hello there…..thank you for sharing the apple butter recipe……I just finished jarring my first ever batch……very yummy, very sweet….can't wait to share with friends and family……Great Video Hartway Family….so easy to follow along and reference as I was making the batch…..

    P.S Mrs Hartway…..Consider a juice pot for making your apple juice… pulp if your put in your apples in a brew bag (remove Core/stem) no need to peel and cleanup is a breeze. I have an 11 quart pot and I get aprox 1half gallon or 2.5 liters per run…..and the extra bonus is the juice is so clean you can transfer straight to Manson jars and seal immediately…….thx again……Dirksy

  11. What kind of apples do you use for cooking, baking, freezing … not all kinds work for processing…. I get mine from a local farmer market so I need to know the best kind….

  12. Just found your channel. Will definitely subscribe. I use a Julian strainer for applesauce. Just cook the apples skins seeds and all. Run them through the strainer (works like your juicer) a roaster full of apples finished ( except cooling) in about 2 hours.
    Your daughter did an amazing job explaining the process. You should be very proud!

  13. I have a pear tree and processed @300# of pears this year. I used my new Kitchen Aid food processor with dicing kit and dehydrated pears daily until my supply diminished. The dehydrated pears can easily be rehydrated for any recipe and are also used instead of medjool dates as a sweetener. I made lots of pear, cranberry, and raisin breakfast oat bars for my freezer. You can always use apples but these oat bars are so good!

  14. I always leave the peels which are a great source of nutrients, flavor and fiber on the apples when making apple sauce. After taking the it of the slow cooker I put it through my blender. Of course it you want chunky applesauce this will not work. I cannot Scarface nutrition. Thanks for the video.

  15. I would rather keep the Apple peel on for the nutrients in the skin. W t tried to find a ca I meannning recipe to that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  16. Hi there!! Just found your videos and LOVE THEM!!! Love how your home has the Lord everywhere! I desire to raise my kids with Christ all around!

    Question, where did your daughter get her cute apron? I have been looking for one in that color and style but haven’t been able to find any 🙁

  17. Was not blessed w/children, but am blessed to have Sister & Brother-in-Law who collect/process their own Maple Syrup! She just sent me 3 qts for our 25th Anniversary! It’s absolutely delicious! I use most in homemade granola.
    TY for vids. Such a joy to see children who are so intelligent & well behaved! Gives me hope for future of mankind!

  18. I wish someone would ask me to come pick apples off their yard, or any other fruit for that matter. Ha ha beautiful apples.❌⭕️🙏🏽♥️

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