How to roast beets in the oven without foil

Let’s make delicious oven roasted beets without foil. Use the roasted beetroots as a side dish, salad topping, and more
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• 3-5 small/medium beets (or as many as you want)
• olive oil
• sea salt

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Today only just I’m showing you a quick tutorial on how to make oven-roasted beets without foil oven roasting is one of the best ways to bring out the delicious sweet and slightly earthy flavor of beets especially if you have some homegrown winds like I do for my Greenhouse this

Winter for some fresh ones from the farmer’s market you don’t want to dilute all the delicious flavors by boiling them to death so let me show you how to roast them without any need for aluminum foil first you need to wash and scrub the beads and if you have the greens

Attached trim these off but don’t discard off the beet greens those are delicious and nutritious and you can use them pretty much the same way as spinach the tender baby greens you can use raw in salad and more mature leaves are delicious sauteed help as a side dish

Now we need a deep baking dish that can hold the beets I’m using a square cake pan you can also use a casserole dish that has a lid that would be more perfect even and line the bottom with some parchment paper place the chimp beads on top and then drizzle each of

Them with a little bit of olive oil we don’t need much just enough to coat the surface of them and then use some sea salt or kosher salt and sprinkle it on top and either toss the beads around in the pan or use your hands to spread the oil

So that the Skins are nice and evenly coated with oil and salt you can roast any size beets but I highly recommend using small to medium sized ones those have the most delicious sweet flavor and they’re very tender on the inside and they also cook much faster once the

Beets are coated cover them with a baking dish or a lid if you have and roast them anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit you will know the beets are done when a small paring knife will easily Pierce them all the way through the center

After roasting let the beets cool until they are safe to handle now I like to use disposable gloves because I don’t want my hands to be stained pink for the rest of the day and I also use a plastic cutting board I found that my good wooden cutting boards seem to absorb the

Beet juices much more and seem to get permanently stained whereas from plastic cutting boards I can easily wipe off the beet juice so here you can see I’m trimming off the top and the root end with a knife and then the rest of the peel can easily be just slid off with my

Hands no need for a vegetable peeler it just slides right off and there you have it we have all roasted beets and we didn’t even use any aluminum foil now depending on how you want to use your roasted beets you can slice them up or dice them into small

Cubes if you’re not planning on using them right away I recommend you leave them whole place them in an airtight container and that way they last refrigerated for up to a week you can use the roasted beads as a Salad Topping it’s delicious on top of a bed

Of arugula alongside some goat cheese crumbles you can also use the roasted beet cubes to make pickled beets just to make a quick brine of vinegar and some seasoning heat it up and pour it over the beets place it in the fridge within a couple of hours you have delicious

Quick pickled beets ready to enjoy you can also create the map to make a creamy beet salad or use them as a simple dinner side dish whichever way you can think of using them thank you so much for watching please like and share and I will see you soon with another delicious

Recipe bye for now


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