Roasted Croutons - perfect with Soup and Salads

#crouton #croutons #roastedcroutons #soup
checkout the tomato soup that goes brilliantly with the croutons:
Rich roasted tomato soup that is just so amazing you will love it. #tomatosoup #tomatosouprecipe

– Slice a 2 or 3 day old baguette into 1 inch thick pieces, cut into four.
– Pour olive oil over the cubes
– Add crushed salt, pepper
– Add garlic and Italian herbs (dried)
toss together and add more olive oil if needed

toast in the oven at 400F until golden brown.

Okay we’re going to do some croutons you’re going to take um a baguette that’s probably like 2 3 days old like pretty much just before it becomes stale so it’s quite Hard we’re going to cut it into pieces these are going to be the tastiest croutons you would ever have they are significantly nicer than any store-bought Crouton okay get olive oil Grizzle it over we’re then going to get pepper salt garlic we going to have herbed salt put in some Italian herb and

Some garlic this is going to be fantastic if you click on the description below I’m I’ve got a video of tomato soup click on that video and you can check to see how tomato soup is made there’s a roasted tomato soup which is to die for just give it a SSH

Around let’s get them in the oven you’re going to toast them for a couple of minutes uh when you start seeing them going brown just swirl them around toss it to the other side and let it get brown and then they’re done so we have the crons they are looking f

Fantastic uh you can keep them in the oven uh we prefer our croutons to be quite crispy uh because they get put into soup or they get put into salads they they just are just fantastic that way you can keep them in the oven for however long you want to um there’s no

Predetermined amount of time but it is looking fantastic let’s try one of them Out so you can see what they look like they really are fantastic you’re taking bread that’s a couple of days old you’re going to land up probably throwing it out anyway so you might as well turn it into something else we’ll cut them up/ qu in/ in sizes

Put them into cubes put a bit of olive oil salt pepper garlic Italian herbs and you have a awesome quick little accompany dish with your soup and salad with that catch you guys on the next One

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