Cheesy Meatloaf Recipe: A Delicious Twist on a Classic #cooking #cheese #potato

This cheesy Italian meatloaf recipe is really a delicious twist on an old classic. It’s filled with Italian cheeses and the mashed potatoes are already in it! A little something different for dinner. It’s delicious and easy to make with simple, every day ingredients. Ground beef mixed with onions and herbs for a savory flavor.

It was my first time making this meatloaf from my grandmother’s cookbook – Italian Casserole Cooking printed over 50 years ago! I couldn’t be happier with the taste. This meatloaf is moist, filling, hearty and the perfect meal for a winter night. You can serve it with the vegetable of your choice, a nice salad and bread.


Matthew 28:20, I Will Be with You Always Even Unto The End of The World.




Who doesn’t love a good meatloaf today we’re going to make a meatloaf from a recipe that’s over 50 years old it originated in cisy and it’s an old-fashioned classic that is timeless if you love cheese as much as I do this is the recipe for you it’s quick easy and Delicious when I make meatloaf I like to serve it with mashed potatoes but today we’re cutting Corners the mashed potatoes are going right into the meatloaf with some cheesy goodness so this is going to be a fun recipe and I’m telling you I’ve never made this before

This recipe is coming from the Italian casserole cooking Cookbook by Angela katenzaro I tried to do some research on her but I can’t find much I did see in her little author’s note note about the author that she is a this is how she’s described a diminutive

Brunette bursting with energy my kind of gal right what the book says about it it is a unique cookbook there are Italian cookbooks and there are casserole cookbooks but here is the only Italian casserole cookbook how fun is this this was my grandmother’s cookbook I’ve kept

It all these years you can see the pages are all tattered falling apart car I don’t even know how to preserve it but it’s so special to me because it has her handwritten notes in it and I never knew my Italian grandmother to use a cookbook

But apparently this is over 50 years old with a copyright of 1970 apparently there was a time and a place when she used this cookbook to me I’m going to do the same thing today I’m making my very first recipe from this cookbook and I think I’m going to work

My way through it I’m always looking for new re recipes that are easy and delicious and quick so I’m really going to have a good time with this cookbook and I hope you will too because you’re going to make this with me for the first

Time and I think it’s going to come out great so the recipe said to grease your meatloaf pan with two tablespoons of olive oil so that’s what I did that’s the first thing we’re going to do and get it ready and then I preheated my oven to

350 because we’re going to bake this for 1 hour at 350 so you are going to need a pound and a half of ground beef I used 85% lean I figured if I went any lower it would be too fatty because we’re going to have cheese in this which is going to create

Some oil and some fat so I went with 85% because I think 90 and up is not enough fat for this recipe so a pound and a half of ground beef one onion I would say medium siiz onion finely chopped I’ve got a half a

Cup of water I have one cup of season I’m sorry my dog is making all kinds of noise Nico shush one cup of seasoned breadcrumbs the recipe doesn’t specify seasoned or not seasoned but that’s what I had so that’s what I’m going to use I have one teaspoon of parsley dried

Parsley the recipe says a tablespoon of fresh so you can use that if you have it I’m going with the dry one teaspoon I also have a teaspoon and a half of salt but if you’re watching sodium you can cut back on that or you

Don’t even have to put it in at all and an eighth of a teaspoon of pepper basically a Sprinkle I have a cup of grated pralon cheese I just went to the deli and asked them to give me a quarter of a pound of pralon not sliced and then I grated it

Up pralon is a softer cheese so you might have a hard time grating it gr is as much as you can and then just dice it up small that’s what I did I have a half a cup of grated peino Romano cheese which is going to go in the meat I like

To buy it fresh I think it tastes better and then grate it myself but if you already have it grated just use that it’ll be just fine then I have two eggs that we’re going to beet up and put in the meat and I have two russet potatoes Now the

Recipe said to cook drain rinse and not add anything it didn’t say to add anything so I’m not it’s it took everything I had in me not to add some butter some milk like regular mashed potatoes but it didn’t say to do that so I have two rusted potatoes and I just

Mashed them up good okay so I’m going to beet these eggs a little bit and then we’re going to add it to the meat okay looks good eggs are messy pop that in the sink we’re going to add our Onions we’re going to add our half a cup of water one cup of bread crumbs our seasoning and it’s not a lot of seasoning which I’m not used to usually it’s garlic and onion powder and oregano and parsley but it’s just parsley salt and pepper for this which tells me the

Cheese is what’s going to give this meatloaf all the flavor okay and we’re going to add our half a cup of grated peino romano and and now it’s time to stir and mix this is going to go inside the meatloaf after we’re all done mixing it

Up so now it’s time to get the hands dirty okay so just mixing this Good mixing meatloaf it’s kind of like a really great stress relief isn’t it safe get effective okay this is looking good okay so I got all the ingredients mixed into the meat and what I did was I took half half the amount of meat I put

It in the pan flattened it down and made like half a meatloaf so now we’re going to spread the mashed potatoes on top just going to put it right on top and spread it around okay this is almost all the potatoes I got a little meat on there but sure that’s

Okay so I’ve got all the mashed potatoes on top of the meat and now we’re going to sprinkle the grated pralon on top well that smells really good kind of flatten it out a little bit smooth it along the top and now we’re going to take the remainder of the

Meat and put it on top and you know if you don’t like pralon cheese you could probably substitute it with Swiss cheese cheese or even cheddar if you don’t like the grated pecorino Romano I’m sure you could use parmesan cheese and it would be just fine it all depends on what you

Like and what your family likes what is what happened first time making this recipe when I pressed down the other half of the meat on top a lot of the mashed potatoes and cheese oozed out the side so she didn’t specify but she probably meant put the mashed potatoes

On a thin layer and then press the meat down and kind of pinch the sides together so I had this much extra of potatoes what I did was I just took my spatula and I scooped around the sides whatever was too much kind of oozing out and now it looks perfect and there’s

Still a good amount of potatoes and cheese in there so the next step I actually might fry this up later or bake it I’m going to use these extra mashed potatoes that’s for sure because it’s got the onions in it that aren’t cooked so I’m going to cook this in the oven I

Believe all right she said use the remaining oil to drizzle on top and I’m just guesstimating here it was about a tablespoon but I’m not going to use quite that much and now this is ready to go in the oven at 350 for 1 hour and I will be

Back when it’s finished and we’re going to see how this turned out okay guys I just took it out of the oven after an hour it looks amazing but I’m going to say I still think that there were too much potatoes because it didn’t seal properly but I can tell from the

Smell it’s going to be delicious okay so like I said I think the next time I make this because I’m going to make this again I’m going to use either one just one potato large potato or two small potatoes I may have gotten potatoes that

Were too big and I’m going to do a thinner layer of potatoes in between so I can really seal the sides of the meat and I think that’ll be better hey guys I got to tell you the potatoes actually look perfect the amount that I used actually looks pretty perfect now it’s a

Good filling all right I’m going to try this get some potatoes this is so good I can taste all the cheese the Romano the pralon it gives it such a nice flavor and it’s stringy the melted cheese is stringy it’s delicious it’s really good but the real test is going to be

When my husband gets home in a half hour he loves my regular Runo the-mill meatloaf but he loves cheese so I think he’s really going to like this I’m going to let you know what he thinks now in the recipe Angela katanzaro canazaro says that you can replace the potatoes with either ricotta

Cheese a pound of ricotta cheese or as we Italians say rot or cottage cheese I’m not a cottage cheese fan maybe you are so I wouldn’t replace the potatoes with anything because this is delicious okay try it out what do you think good be honest taste the cheese I’m gonna eat [Laughter]

More yay he likes it this recipe will serve four so I hope you try it and I hope you like it and I want to thank you so much for being here today if you like this recipe and this video like And subscribe to my channel

And I can’t wait to see you guys on the next video have a great week a great weekend and be blessed


  1. Good Evening Chris. That's a first for me. I usually have my mashed potatoes on the side 😂. In the future may I suggest making a "well" in the bottom layer of the meat. Also flatten the top first then put it on top. I knew that had to be deli sliced provolone because imported would have been Tooooo sharp in taste. Please never buy pre grated cheese, it has different kinds of junk in there so it doesn't clump up. I usually season my loaf with thyme, marjoram, parsley and a little granulated garlic 🧄. I add some eggs,plain crumbs and a squirt of Heinz Ketchup. Thanks you for not putting ketchup on the top, hate it. I used to serve a loaf I called "Shepherd's Loaf" it was a meatloaf seasoned like a shepherd pie, even the peas. I wish I could send you a copy of my Cookbook. Have a Blessed and Beautiful Night ✝️📖✌️💞🙏🥖🐟🐑🦶💦🦶💦🦶💦🛐🥀

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