Colossal Jumbo Shrimp Stuffed with Blue Claw Crab Meat Recipe | Ya'Eat Shrimp? EP-44 Cooking Channel

EP-44 | Colossal Jumbo Shrimp Stuffed with Blue Claw Crab Meat Recipe.
#StuffedShrimpRecipe #JumboShrimpRecipe #CrabStuffedShrimp

Ya’Eat Cooking Channel- Servings: 2-4 | Prep Time 15 minutes | Cooking Time 20 minutes

Today we will be making Colossal Jumbo Shrimp Stuffed with Crab Meat Recipe. This Colossal Jumbo Shrimp Stuffed with Crab Meat Recipe recipe will impress you, your family members, friends, and guests. Don’t miss out on this easy recipe that is sure to be a hit in your house. Join us for Episode-44 on #YaEat. At Ya’Eat we specialize in #Italian and #Seafood #Recipes but do so much more.



On the Ya’Eat cooking channel, we feature Italian and Seafood recipes.

On this episode of your eat we’ll be making colossal jumbo shrimp stuffed with blue claw crab meat if you enjoy shellfish as much as i do you’re gonna love this recipe Hello everyone and welcome to episode 44 of you eat as usual i’m really excited to have you here and i really appreciate all of your support today i’m going to be making one of my all-time favorite seafood dishes it’s a combination of my favorite shellfish of shrimp and blue claw crab meat

So today i’m going to be making stuffed jumbo shrimp with a blue claw crab meat i’m excited and ready to make this recipe are you ready here we go print all our recipes on your we’re gonna get started by peeling some garlic and then we’re gonna brown that

In some extra virgin olive oil we’re going to flavor up the oil and then we’re going to remove the garlic after we’re done browning it we’ll set the garlic aside we’ll use that later now you can just cut the back of this if you have kitchen shears

Um i don’t know if you do i don’t happen to have mine with me so what i do i clean these shrimp as i take my thumb here and i just gently scrape through here you’ll see that all this will then peel off just like that and then we’ll come back

And then we’ll clean it i usually save my shells and i freeze them to make a stock for the future to clean and devein this shrimp we’re just gonna gently run your knife along the back of the shrimp you’re gonna break the initial layer and then we’ll just pull out what’s inside

After removing this part of the shrimp you want to discard let’s run them under some water real quick to make sure that they’re nice and clean so we’re going to gently butterfly this shrimp we’re going to start at the very top of the shrimp and slowly run our knife through the back

As we fan it open we do not want to cut it all the way through these shrimp are you four to six which means they’re about four ounces a piece which means they’re like the size of little lobster tails to help fan open the shrimp just put a

Little pressure on the shrimp with your hand let’s wash our board down so now that we cleaned and fanned open our shrimp we’re ready to make the crab stuffing i’m going to start with about half the garlic that we roasted earlier in the oil and let’s just chop that up let’s

Add the chopped garlic to a mixing bowl now we’re going to add roughly about two tablespoons of mayonnaise i like to use the olive oil mayonnaise but use your favorite we’re going to squeeze about a half of fresh lemon into the mixing bowl and let’s mix those ingredients together

Real quick now we’re going to add a little touch of smoked paprika and some chopped parsley Let’s mix that up and see our consistency i’m going to add a little extra virgin olive oil a little salt and pepper some fresh oregano we’ll add the crab meat and i did not realize that my camera was out of focus let’s add a little more mayonnaise and just a touch of breadcrumbs

Let’s incorporate that together and see if we can get this back in focus oh there we go it’s almost like making tuna fish salad we’re going to take the remaining garlic which i should have diced up earlier we’re gonna brown this garlic a little more and we’re gonna put it back in the

Pan that we already brown the garlic in we’re gonna just line the pan and we’re gonna bake the shrimp in with some clam juice we’re gonna place the shrimp with the tail and the butterfly portion facing up and then we’re just gonna add a little stuffing on top of that now

The crab that i use is back pain it doesn’t have to be jumbo lump for this recipe we’ll turn on the heat to start the sauce and we’re going to need some of that sauce to bake the shrimp with and we’re going to fan the shrimp tail

Out so it looks nice on the plate after we brown the garlic we’re going to add some white wine and we’ll cook that out for about 30 seconds or you just give it a quick stir or a hot flame and it’ll burn out in about three seconds

We will add the remaining clam juice one ounce of butter and a quarter of fresh lemon juice let’s just cook that until the butter melts and then we’ll ladle the sauce over the shrimp Let’s top it off by sprinkling a light coat of breadcrumb and then a light coat of the smoked paprika we’ll put this in the oven at 400 degrees for about 15 or 20 minutes we’re going to get started on the sauce and the pasta while the shrimp is baking we’re going to add

One more ounce of butter to the pan we’re going to add a flour slurry to the pan just a little bit to thicken the sauce that’s going to take about 10 minutes to cook out the flour taste i’m going to add a little bit of the pasta water to the sauce

I’m gonna add some more fresh lemon juice So i’m trying to time this i put the shrimp in and the pasta around the same time so let’s drain the water and our shrimp are just about done i like to enhance the flavor of the sauce so if you can get your hands on some lobster base

Just a little bit goes a long way and will give a nice color to the sauce as well okay we’re just about ready to eat let’s pull the shrimp out of the oven let’s nicely and gently place the shrimp on the plate and then we’ll add the remaining sauce into the saute pan

And we’ll cook that down a little bit we’re gonna add the linguini to the pan we’ll cook the pasta in there for about a minute we’ll give it a nice toss and we’ll add that to the plate we’ll top it off with some sauce on the

Pasta and a little sauce on top of the shrimp lastly we’ll just finish it off with some fresh parsley and we’re done colossal jumbo shrimp stuffed with blue claw crab meat you eat you wanna eat make this recipe it’s delicious okay that wraps up this week’s recipe of

Uh stuffed shrimp with a blue claw krabby and i’m going to give it a quick taste test and we served with a little linguine on the side with that with the sauce we made Very very very awesome thank you for joining me today we’ll be back next week with a new recipe we’ll see you next week have a great week here’s an offer you shouldn’t refuse subscribe to this channel you


  1. Totally love this recipe! Reminds me of the incredible meals I was lucky enough to have as a kid growing up in Jersey. After making this I looked up YaEat TV and can't wait to make more of Chef Dave's recipes!

  2. I've made this recipe close to a dozen times now. It's officially one of my favorites! Even if you don't have any crab for the stuffed shrimp, the sauce is a perfect wine sauce for shrimp & pasta. Take Chef Paul's advice & get the Better Than Bullion Lobster Base. I've had it with & without, and it totally enhances the flavor & color of the dish. Also, use fresh lemons… it really makes a big difference to give it a fresh flavor! I've also discovered that getting my pasta from an authentic italian market makes a huge difference in the taste & texture. The only problem is whenever I go into my local Italian market, I wind up spending a lot more than planned on all of the yummy, authentic Italian cook & serve foods….and the best part is that I wind up with a ton of quality, authentic Italian food that would cost me triple in a restaurant. But I also walk out with top quality ingredients to make my own dishes at home! Thanks again, Chef Paul! Keep those recipes & cooking lessons coming!

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