Nutrition A Health Life

A pleasant good night to you all we would like to thank you for joining us tonight in our Jamar based on nutrition uh my name is karlen Tomlinson I’m here representing the Jamaica diaspora task force Action Network and this presentation is brought to you in collab with the collaboration of our our health

Task force as well as the Jamaica Teachers Association we’re so pleased to be able to offer um a Jamar at at your request so we know that there is there is interest and I’m not going to waste any time I’m going to go ahead and set the table for our

Presentation by introducing um Emily Cardwell who will be our speaker tonight she’s a registered dietitian and a certified di Diabetes Care and education specialist originally um healing from Chicago Illinois while learning how to cook as a hobby between her classes and studying at college she discovered how dietary choices affect mental health and

Overall well-being so because of this Arian um experience she promptly switched paths with dreams of helping others by providing nutrition education she has a master of science degree in nutrition and dietetics and she has enjoyed working with a wide variety of patients in both the private and Hospital based settings she currently

Works at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami Florida and there she plans meals for and educates impatient clients at the rehabilitation center there uh Emily has also works as an outpatient dietitian at Miami transplant Institute she’s passionate about helping others with her inclusive gentle planned forward approach and she’s excited to

Collaborate with us and the Teachers Association to bring us this belly full tonight so Emily we set the table and we’re now going to ask you to please serve us up a nice nutritious main course over to you that was beautiful thank you so much and I’m so excited to

Be here thank you everyone for having me and let’s go ahead and get right into it the greatest wealth is Health Miss Beverly actually sent me that phrase and I just loved it I’m just so excited to dive in with you all oh there we go all righty so why are we

Here why does nutrition matter so much nutrition plays a huge huge role in the prevention of a lot of chronic diseases from type two diabetes cardiovascular disease even certain cancers per the NIH 90% of type 2 diabetes 80% of coronary AR artery disease 70% of stroke 70% of colon cancer diagnosis are potentially

Preventable by healthier habits these are huge huge numbers imagine nine out of every 10 type 2 diabetes diagnosis being prevented not being needing to be made uh based on healthier Habits Like diet physical activity avoiding smoking reducing alcohol intake so nutrition is hugely important nutrition is also super

Important for our mental health I feel that this does not get um quite as much attention as you know some of the other chronic disease but more and more research is actually showing that the better we eat the better we feel and we’re going to dive into that a little bit more as

Well so today’s agenda nutrition Basics what to eat of course and why how to build a balanced plate how to eat it’s not just what we eat but also how we eat so we’re going to get into some mindful eating principles um and then at the end we’ll

Have time for some discussion and questions all right so nutrition Basics macronutrients I’m sure a lot of you have heard of these carbs fats proteins what are they why are they important so carbohydrates all break down into glucose that’s our energy every cell in our body needs glucose for energy to

Survive a lot of carbohydrates provide us with fiber we’re going to get a lot into fiber it’s a very very important thing for our overall health and also carbohydrates are needed for the release of serotonin this is that feel-good neurotransmitter it’s a chemical messenger with several important jobs

From regulation of our mood and sleep next we have fats these are needed for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins uh a d e and K and they also help to make our meals more Rich satisfying and filling by slowing the breakdown of food in our stomach proteins of course we need for

Our muscles um for all of our muscle tissue and protein also helps us to feel full for longer by increasing the release of those satiety hormones all right micronutrients basically vitamins and minerals B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble so you could follow a very very lowfat

Diet and not be deficient in vitamins B and C because all they need is water in order to be digested and absorbed on the other hand as I previously mentioned a d e and K are fat soluble so we do need some healthy fat in our meals

In order to properly absorb those four vitamins all micronutrients play an important role in the bodily functioning in all kinds of different ways they’re important for enzymes and co-enzymes um and certain micronutrients also act as antioxidants and antioxidants I’m sure you’ve heard as well uh they help with

The prevention of many diseases I just have a couple examples here but there’s actually many out there so for example adequate calcium intake decreases the risk of death from heart disease and vitamins E C and A are associated with decreased uh sorry reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s and certain

Cancers as well and I do just want to make a special little mention of vitamin D I encourage everyone to get their vitamin D tested it’s a really really common deficiency and it’s super important for our immunity and for our bone health so check your vitamin D

Little PSA and a lot of people end up needing supplementation so just wanted to mention that there all righty so carbs what kind of carbs should we be eating well we should focus on complex carbohydrates think of all those whole grains there’s actually a lot of them

Out there not all of them are so common but we should make an effort to be a little bit more adventurous and and get out there and explore bulgar barley far amance millet there’s a whole bunch um they’re really high in fiber and micronutrients there’s also some good

Starches out there um some of them are quite high in protein which is great beans peas quinoa and lentils I think beans and peas are very underrated they’re actually really good for us um they have a lot of antioxidants as well they’re very filling more affordable uh they’re they’re really great really

Underrated and some other starches which are lower fiber but do have um a good amount of potassium which is super important so yam sweet potato banana Plains which I know are really uh popular in the Caribbean butternut squash Casa Yuca and pumpkin so the answer is to eat a variety of starches

And whole grains and limit those simple carbohydrates so white breads white pastas I’m not saying you can never have them but let’s focus more more on these comp complex carbs and micronutrient Rich starches all right so fiber you’ve heard me mention fiber a few times already so

Where do we find our fiber it’s in all whole plant Foods nuts seeds beans lentils fruits vegetables whole grains high fiber diets reduce the risk of developing lots of different diseases including um some cancers such as breast cancer fiber grabs onto bad cholesterol the ldia cholesterol and gets it to go

Out of our system helps helps us to excrete bad cholesterol so this improves our overall health our cardiovascular health fiber also reduces blood pressure and inflammation and fiber feeds the gut microbiome I don’t if you’ve heard this phrase before but basically the gut microbiome is the trillions of bacteria

Living in our digestive systems it’s a really delicate ecosystem and it plays a vital role in our immunity digestion nutrient absorption vitamin synthesis metabolic health and even our mental health so it has a lot of roles in fact they found about 70% of our immune system is found in the gut which is

Pretty cool so a little bit more about the gut microbiome and another reason why it’s so important besides all the ones we just mentioned um so there’s something called the gut brain access we have this huge nerve called the Vegas nerve it’s like a highway that goes between our GI

System and our brain Now cars or chemical signals are traveling all day all night up and down along the Vegas nerve to our brains between our digestive system and our brains going both directions so an example of this actually is if you can think of a time

When you felt a little stress maybe you had to give a presentation maybe you had a job interview um you know something stressful going on think about how your stomach felt was your stomach a little upset it’s actually due to this vagus nerve transmitting all day long um so

What that means is that keeping your your belly happy your gut health good actually is really important for our mental health as well um disbiosis meaning uh an imbalance of those bacteria in the gut so having more bad bacteria not so many healthy bacteria the healthy bacteria may not be thriving

That has been linked to anxiety depression and other mental health disorders all right so how do we take care of this delicate ecosystem um of course General fiber those bacteria like fiber in general but there are some specifically that really help it Thrive these are called prebiotics

So legumes the beans lentils and peas artichokes green bananas onions leaks asparagus apples and oats are high in these Prebiotic fibers and then probiotics these are live bacteria that replenish the ecosystem so we eat them they’re alive they go into our digestive system and they’re like oh hey I’m going

To join the party this is great and they hang out in there um so think of yogurt kimchi sour kraut you know that that fed cabbage miso if you’ve ever had like miso soup at a Japanese restaurant that’s full of probiotics and certain pickled vegetables so a little thing about

Pickles um some pickles are made by just pouring hot vinegar over the vegetable this doesn’t allow it to ferment so those options are not going to have those probiotics um but pickled vegetables where you just put salt and you let it sit out and the salt prevents the bad

Bacteria from growing and allows fermentation to happen that’s where the probiotics come in as it sits out it grows all those good healthy bacteria and that’s our our probiotics all right and I do also recommend eating our probiotics from these whole food sources rather than a

Supplement there is um there there is a time in place for probiotic supplements I’m not saying that they’re bad by any means but they find that the food sources are better assimilated into our digestive system than a lot of those supplements all right so aim for at

Least 30 grams of fiber each day um this is just a little example of what that might look like so starting the day with oats you know a nice whole grain try not to get those um those packages you know with all the the sugar where the oats

Are cut up really small but you know get some good rolled or steel cut oats adding some fruit especially bananas berries getting some nuts in there like walnuts to balance it out with some protein as well lunch we got a nice plant-based protein which is going to

Have fiber chickpea get lots of mixed vegetables in there more fiber um some banana bread for snack uh and then another dinner idea just a quinoa bowl with all the good stuff get the Your Greens in there um and you might see I I mentioned sauerkraut and artichoke so sauerkraut our probiotic

Artichoke has those pre atic fiber so that’s really a Powerhouse dinner there and then even some Fiber with our dessert with some strawberries and dark chocolate so just some examples so you kind of see how it adds up for the day it is possible to get at least those 30

Grams of fiber in a day all right moving on to proteins what kind of protein should we be eating focus on lean protein so fish wild CAU is better if possible I would avoid um Farm ra tilapia shrimp is actually a good one chicken turkey uh

Goat is is good as well and of course soy products like tofu edamame Tempe nuts and seeds are also really good whole eggs are actually fine um I know for a long time we were a little bit wey of the whole egg because of the cholesterol in the yolk um but we found

More and more especially with good fiber intake it’s going to grab that ch STW and excrete it so you’re okay to have some whole eggs um some low sodium cheeses are a good option for protein and then definitely stay away from processed Meats things like bacon sausage Smoked

Meats um hot dogs a lot of deli meats are also really high in sodium and extra fat and additives so stay away from those um there are some really good plant-based proteins as well or you can call them starchy proteins quinoa beans lentils peas again the chick bees lentil based pastas have

Gotten really popular um all right and then fats so definitely include little bits of healthy fats with your meals Olive and avocado oil whole avocado sesame oil nuts seeds and Aki actually is a good s of source of healthy fats as well butter and coconut oil have a lot

More saturated fat so I wouldn’t use those on a day-to-day basis I wouldn’t you know use large amounts of them they are okay to use in moderation though you know if here and there you have a recipe that that calls for those that is just fine definitely stay away from um fatty

Meats fried foods shortening canola oil is actually pretty inflammatory as well along with a lot of vegetable oils and special mention of Omega-3 Three fatty acids um these have been pretty trendy for a long time too and for a good reason so Omega-3s are highly anti-inflammatory they also boost brain

Health so we often think of the the animal sources like Salon mackerel and chovies which by the way are really good if you chop them up and put them in salad dressing I know they’re not a lot of people’s favorite but they’re actually pretty good that way um and

Some other fish as well but there are also some good plant sources is ground flax seed which I recommend you keep in the refrigerator because of those delicate fats they can get ranted pretty quickly so you can grind up some fresh flax seed put it in a jar keep that in

Your refrigerator and you have that available to add to your oatmeal to add to your smoothies your baked goods olive oil avocado walnuts chia seeds hemp seeds brussels sprouts and seaweed also have a lot of omega-3 fats all right so how to to picture your plate if we look at the center here

About half the plate should be vegetables I know this is a little different from how we often picture a plate I know in a lot of cultures you know it’s more like a quarter of the plate or so is vegetables but really aiming for half it’s going to help you

With your fiber intake it’s going to help to fill you up without excess calories and it’s going to make your plate all pretty with with lots of good colors you can focus on thinking of okay how much color do I have on my plate um about a quarter to a little bit more

Than a quarter with protein and then again maybe you know a quarter to a little less than a quarter of your grain or starch I put a dotted line there between the protein and the starch because um some of those starchy proteins for example if you eat like chickpeas um

That’s going to you could fill that with about half of your plate and you would necessarily need to add another starch to that if that makes sense that would be your protein and your starch if you do something like beans peas or lentils all right and then I found some

Lovely pictures of some jamaan options I’m not going to lie I’m from Chicago as um as was previously mentioned so I did learn a little bit in putting this presentation together it was pretty exciting and I’m excited to discuss with you a little bit more at the end about

About Jamaican foods um but I put together some examples of here of how a nice Jamaican plate might look with some more traditional Jamaican foods so um jerk chicken a nice you know good lean protein the bread fruit will actually count as the carbohydrate and then filling the half

Your plate with caloo you know other roasted veggies like broccoli cauliflower whatever else you like that it’s a nice balanced plate and my example on the right side it would be goat Curry you could put that you know with some yam or some plantains and you know a lovely cabbage

Salad carrots Peppers whatever you like so just just some examples you can kind of start picturing how how a plate should look for some good balance all right and I had to make special mention of aky and saltfish um I learned that this is the national

Jamaican dish I’m dying to try it now I’ve never actually had it before but I thought we should talk about it a little bit so it is actually very low in carbohydrates you could pair it with a carb if you like and still have a nice

Balanced plate um could do the yam or green banana more vegetables are always welcome in any plate that you like so feel free to add lots of good veggies of course the saltfish is very high in sodium so this may be standard practice I’m not sure but I would definitely

Recommend soaking the saltfish overnight in Water Rinse it and then cook with it if it’s still a little salty use that as your salt component for the dish and don’t add more salt or salt-rich um sauces and Aki is actually really high in healthy unsaturated fats fiber

Potassium iron and zinc so pretty cool dish some more General tips um make plants to starve your plate of course we already talked about half the plate you know being full of vegetables and plants include your animal products mindfully um as sort of this this typical Western diet um has spread

Animal products and especially Meats have really become the main uh the centerpiece of a lot of tables a lot of dishes when really they kind of should be more of a side dish so think first okay you know what veggies am I having and then okay what what protein is going

To complement those what fish what meat what protein um so use those animal products thoughtfully to enhance those whole plant foods and start asking if there might be some healthier substitutions so for example olive oil instead of you know or butter instead of having you know salt Laden

Bacon maybe try something like a a smoky tofu it’s actually pretty easy to do and pretty delicious marinate some tofu chop it up sauté it it gets pretty tasty um even when baking there’s some option here to add some really good plant foods that are going to boost up

The fiber content the potassium content the micronutrient content of our Foods so for example banana bread pumpkin bread and actually a lot of recipes if you replace about half the fat with um pureed fruits such as like mashed banana or canned pumpkin it works out really well the baked goods is still super

Tender and then you get that extra nutrient Boost from it um try to include some plant-based recipes throughout the the week there’s a lot of examples of this I know flexitarian used to be a really popular way of eating where people have decided okay you know Fridays on Fridays I’m

Eating vegetarian I’m eating vegan or maybe you eat you know vegan breakfast or vegan dinners or it can be just kind of fun and challenge yourself to pick out you know a a meal or you know maybe a certain day each week to do you know a really plant focused um

Meal and then as I mention focus on getting that color on your plate it should look you know it should look pretty when you look at your plate do I have oranges do I have Reds do I have greens and then some tips to reduce our

Salt intake a lot of cultures eat too much sodium too much salt so here’s a few tips to to cut back on that so feel free to use other spices whole spices not those spice um not those salt salty mixes but things like turmeric cumin curry powder oregano cinnamon those all

Have lots of antioxidants they’re very tasty um and actually cinnamon has been found to lower blood sugar levels which is pretty cool so add some cinnamon to your oatmeal or to any dish you like use acids like lemon juice lime juice and vinegars these actually really really

Boost the flavor you you’ll be surprised um without adding the salt and then always taste your meal first this might sound silly but I’ve known many people who they get to the table they haven’t even touched their food yet and they got the salt shaker and they’re salting their food so at

Least just try it and then you know if it needs a little salt it needs a little salt but you can also keep other seasonings on the table so lemon and lime wedges um one of my best friends is actually Turkish and I’ve been lucky to

Go to Turkey and visit her a couple times and the the Turkish on the table they keep dried mint they keep oregano red pepper flakes lemon wedges and sometimes some even some other spices so very creative there’s lots of different ways to to flavor your food uh check labels um especially if

You’re buying you know processed foods canned foods turn that label around look for about 240 milligram or less of sodium per serving preferably less than 200 even but look look for about that range if it’s got four five 600 milligrams that’s too much that that’s a very salty

Food um be careful with sauces as well things like soy sauce um you can use that you know in place of salts but I wouldn’t add salt and soy sauce and other high sodium sauces to meal and then be careful with deli meats as I mentioned um a lot of deli meats are

High in salt so low sodium turkey is the best option and a pretty cool thing if if you’re someone who really you know has a a salty palette your taste buds do replace themselves about every two weeks so start cutting back on the salt and you’ll actually find if you stick with

It you’ll get used to it after you know a month two months if you go back and had that that salt that that you had before you know a really salty meal you’re going to say oo what was I doing this is too salty cuz your taste bus have

Adjusted so that’s good motivation something to keep in mind a few more General tips um try to include anti-inflammatory foods every day chronic inflammation is linked to a lot of diseases especially cardiovascular disease so some foods to reduce inflammation the spices like we mentioned especially the cinnamon G

Ginger turmeric and curry powder um another tip if you’re having turmeric pair it with black pepper this activates those anti-inflammatory compounds in it and then of course those Omega-3s are very anti-inflammatory along with all the other plant Foods your berries your apples your fruits your vegetables they’re all anti-inflammatory which is pretty

Cool there are foods which are of course inflammatory on the other side so avoid fried foods saturated fats trans fats um processed Meats Dairy I say in some cases so this is kind of an individualized thing it kind of depends on your genetics you know where your

Ancestors are from some people can drink milk milk they feel great they feel just fine they don’t feel any inflammation other people I would recommend you know maybe try going a couple weeks without any dairy see how you feel when you reintroduce sit you may notice wait a

Minute my ankles are cracking ooh I don’t feel so good what’s going on with my joints um so you might learn that dairy’s inflammatory for you sugar of course is inflammatory as well so try not to you know eat too many sweets sugary Foods um be mindful with with your sugar

Intake and other ultr processed foods and baked goods think of like hoos and all those Hostess sort of desserts um those are going to be very inflammatory as well all right so it’s not just about what we eat but how we eat so we’re going to touch a little bit on mindful eating

Mindful eating is basically a non-judgmental awareness of your meal we’re focusing on how we’re feeling any thoughts that are coming up any bodily Sensations surrounding the meal benefits of this include increased awareness of our hunger signals and stay tired qes improving digestion there’s actually been studies that have shown when people

Really really enjoy the meal when they’re thinking about it they’re focusing on it they’re smelling it they’re tasting it they absorb more of the nutrition from the meal very cool um healthier food choices often come as well with mind eating mindfully reduced overeating and stress eating and increased nutrient absorption

So here at the top we have a hunger scale so one is super super super hungry you’re starving you’ll eat anything that’s put in front of you and 10 is so full that you feel sick you just you ate way too much you’re totally stuffed we

Don’t want to be ever at a one or a 10 we want to kind of stay between about a three and you know a seven or so what happens if we get to that one or that two we tend to overindulge we you know our our uh how do they say it our

Our bellies are our eyes are bigger than than our bellies um and then you can kind of swing from that you know one or two to that nine or 10 and then we don’t feel so good so it’s best to keep checking in with yourself throughout the

Day okay wait where am I at oh I’m kind of getting hungry maybe I’m a four maybe I’m a three start thinking about you know getting yourself a balanc balanced snack on the other side when we’re tuning in eating mindfully taking our time it’s much easier to notice when we

Start getting to a six getting to a seven on this scale whereas if we e really quickly and mindlessly let’s say we’re we’re watching TV we’re staring at our phones watching a YouTube video or something eating fast we’re much more likely to get to that eight nine or 10

And often even to snack later as well so how to eat mindfully really taste your food think about the textures take small bites chew it really well Savor the flavor appreciate your meal while you’re eating think about who made this I should probably thank them where did it come

From where did the ingredients come from get curious engage all your senses think about the colors the textures the aroma there might even be sounds involved are are you eating crunchy lettuce you can appreciate you know different sounds going on and then eat in a calm environment as much as possible I know

We’re all busy you know we’ve all got things going on but you know even if you can just do this for one or two meals a day do your best to sit at a table maybe even play a little music maybe you even light a candle um put the screens away

Make it you know a a calm Serene space and when possible eat with people as well um Studies have shown that when we eat socially when we eat with our loved ones eat with our friends we tend to eat a little bit less and feel more

Satisfied and overall we want to find a dietary regimen that’s sustainable for us so I don’t recommend um any you know really restrictive any fad diets these tend to cause us more stress um if our goal is weight loss and we go on a super restrictive diet what often happens is

Yes we lose some weight oftentimes but it tends to come right back when we’re overly restrictive and lose the weight too quickly so the best thing is to find a diet that’s sustainable that we can do longterm so focus on small changes and start asking some questions like we

Talked about with you know making little swaps in the recipes is is there something I can you know change out in this recipe to make it a little healthier a little bit more satisfying a little bit more nutrient dense um what if I double up on my

Veggies for this meal you know how would that feel would that you know be exciting would that feel satisfying and then you know trying a plant-based protein like like chickpeas for instead of red meat challenging oursel to try new things um get a little bit more variety in our meals and then

We want to get rid of guilt and overly restrictive habits so by focusing on these small choices and changes and accepting that you know everything in moderation yes we can have you know Pizza yes we can have you know a little something fried sometimes we don’t need

To feel super guilty about it we don’t need to beat ourselves up about it it’s okay we need to feed our souls too um so just think okay how can I honor my body today yes maybe I’m going to have a little ice cream cuz that sounds

Intuitive to me that sounds mindful I’m going to have a little bowl I’m going to really enjoy it um but at the same time you know honor yourself with getting those fruits and veggies getting all that fiber for the day and uh here are just if if you want

Some recipe ideas these are some of my favorite plant-based bloggers YouTub YouTubers recipe creators a lot of them are plant-based um I’m not at all saying that that you should be vegan you should only eat plants but I do think there’s a lot of recipes out there and you know we tend

To know a lot of recipes as far as you know cooking meats and animal products so it’s nice to see some on the other side as well some really plant focused ones and if you’re curious to learn more about mindful eating and as well intuitive eating is something that goes

Along with that it’s really really cool there’s actually some amazing books um some really cool websites and a lot of really good information about that so um I recommend you check Che out those resources and I hope I didn’t go too fast I tend to talk a little quickly but

We’ll open it up to discussion and question so I have a couple questions here um you can answer if you like you know I’d love to hear from anyone and everyone who who feels like chiming in but I thought um you know what’s one change you plan to make with your meals

Based on today’s presentation and then was there anything that particularly surprised you so if anyone would like to share if they have any questions for me I’m more than happy to answer okay let’s see who’s going em Emily you gave us so much to chew on I’m

Sure people have um some thoughts so um your uh question about something you know what’s one thing that kind of sticks out from the presentation anyone want to jump in hi good night good night carlen Could you um remove the spotlight and then open up the floor so we can see

Everybody because people may raise their hands sure okay go ahead so Emily you can maybe stop your share as well okay yes yes I hit pause did that work no just oh no I see it I see it okay there we go she goes awesome all right so somebody was getting ready to

Chime in who was that that’s me hi good night my name is Simone Williams as it relates to um the sodium she’s so correct I remember when um they said I have eye blood pressure and so I sto in taking sodium and no matter how fresh

The food is I really don’t taste that freshness in the food you know and so I think everyone needs to look into that and um try doing it as well because it’s it’s better for us m absolutely perfect the reminder you’re welcome and kadan had noticed that um

She wasn’t sure she eats like this I think this was about the mindful eating she said I’m not sure I take the time to appreciate my food thanks K so even if it’s just like five minutes if you got like five minutes to like you know maybe go sit

Outside or F you know find somewhere nice where you can sit and eat and just you know have a little snack and and take that time you know what whenever whenever we’re able to is what I encourage awesome okay Cydia has her hand raised Cydia can unmute and ask

Your question good evening hi I have a question I noticed that when I eat beef I have um I don’t know if it’s mind over matter because I have high blood pressure but when I eat beef my head hurts and people say that if you have

High blood pressure then um when you eat beef it’s going to send up your pressure is there any truth to that um I mean it might be partly due to that that fat intake and it is you know a little bit inflammatory it’s not the healthiest lean protein um it it could

Be something related as well to that that Vagas nerve like we talked about you know if our stomach’s not feeling too happy our head’s not going to feel super great as well to be honest I I’m not you know exactly sure I haven’t heard you know specific research on that

But those would be my thoughts okay thanks Emily okay Dr Angela Wright has her hand out please unmute uh thank you very much Caren hi Emily good afternoon so my question is this I’m here in the diaspora right but I grew up and each time I go back to

Jamaica I just have to get some coconut oil o you know on the one that’s just made um without the preservative and what have you and I think you just knocked it in your presentation so um can you speak to the coconut oil and its

Benefits please yes so it it is fine in moderation so it is high and saturated fat which is the takeback of it we don’t want too much saturated fat in our diets um with that being said though it it does have some good property to it um it does have some anti-inflammatory

Properties I believe um and it it does have some benefits so it’s it’s not that it’s the worst thing in the world it’s not that you can never have it um it’s just something we should eat mindfully in moderation okay can you also speak to um um uh the

Alternative such as avocado you know PE that’s how we know it in Jamaica because we also have in abundance PE as we have coconut so how can we capitalize on that and how is it better for us uh sorry you’re you’re saying pear like a pear o avocado

Oil we call it here in Jamaica oh okay okay sorry yeah avocado oil is excellent it’s high in unsaturated fats so avocado and olive oil are great options I wonder if we could can I ask um because that’s interesting we do have a lot of avocado in Jamaica does anyone

Know is avocado oil on the shelves in Jamaica at this point and how is it really expensive as as olive oil is can anybody respond to that well they’re thinking about that um um carlen um is there any tie on how we can convert just like how we convert the

Coconut to oil to convert the avocado to oil that’s a really good question um you know I I don’t know off top of my head I mean I would imagine some sort of process of of Smashing it and extracting it but I’m not sure I’m sure there are processes because because avocado oil

Does exist so there must be a way to get it to the Press you know so um I don’t know if that is being done in Jaa that’s especially because we have so much um avocado it would be great that’s a that’s to tap into or somebody can start a business

Doing and you can certainly you know just cook with with small amounts of you know butter and coconut oil and then have that fresh avocado on the side have olives on the side right right right there some comments in the chat um let me just U um Andrea who who thas she

Said the human body requires a small amount of sodium to conduct nerve impulses contract and relax muscles and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals it is estimated that we need about 500 milligrams of sodium daily for these vital functions so yes there you know sodium is needed for many vital

Functions in the body so no one should eliminate it totally from their diet yes y 500 is exactly correct um however even fresh boot do have some sodium like even an apple is not zero milligrams of sodium I think 20 or 30 something like that so um even if you really eat mostly

Fresh Foods and rarely salt your meals you you should hit that 500 Mark okay I am she said I know for sure I will try oh this is um someone else Andrea mcferson she said I know for sure I will try my best to include more anti-inflammatory foods in my diet

Excellent yes if you have already asked your question and it and it has been answered please lower your hands thank you kdan you have a question hello good night my throat is kind of giving some trouble so my voice is a little worse um I do agree with the

Father when you’re because I live alone so I tend to just eat what I want to eat when I want to eat sometimes I don’t eat because I eat at work I’m going to come home and cook but I notice when my daughter is here when I have

Company I find that I eat more meaningful than so I do understand that so company has a lot to do with that sometimes but even where I’m in St Thomas in Jama the Parish of St Thomas in Jamaica sometimes I’d go on YouTube you’d see these nice nutrition just

Thing that you want to try but when you go to get the items you can’t find them you’d have to maybe go into Kingston to try and get some of these items so I think the accessibility of these items sometimes is discouraging cuz avocado oil I’ve never seen it in the

Supermarkets I have never really seen it in there and olive oil you can find you would find a lot of and very expensive but some of these things that you want to eat um used to eat healthy they are very expensive and hard to get sometimes thank you for for pointing

That out um I mean what whatever fresh fruits and vegetables you do have available it doesn’t have to be you know specifically ones I mentioned but those are always a good idea you know any fresh plant Foods you have you know um Kon avocado oil is new

To us here in the US as well it’s only the last couple years that I’ve really seen it um and it is expensive here in the US well you know comparable to um that and allil oil are on the price here end so we understand that that might not

Be one of the facts that we can access um but there are certainly some others that Emil mentioned so um Andrea who Thomas was able to show us how it’s made she sent you in the chat she put a link about how to make avocado oil yeah everything’s on

YouTube to check that out cool and here carlen you see the question from Jan Janice Watson yes go ahead with it okay any information on cassava is it low carb umava it it does have carbohydrates so it would be in that carbohydrate portion of the plate but a good starch

Option yeah higher car yes yeah any other questions let’s see what about G is it g or G as an alternative oh G so G is butter West uh sorry it’s so it’s been um it’s had the milk solid separated out of it so ghee is like a lactose free version

Of butter basically so it is still going to have some saturated fat so I I would put it in that that category of you know don’t use large amounts but it’s fine in moderation okay okay and uh let me see if there’s anything else can you talk to us about

Um resistant starch we’ve um I had two things happen in the recent weeks I had a friend that had some um rice and she was Ill afterwards it was bad and then uh very close to that in the last couple weeks I’ve been seeing on on

My socials that um rice if not properly stored is prone to I’m not sure if it was mold or fungi or whatever but um you know there’s been a lot of comments from Caribbean people and Asian people about oh I never got sick off of rice yet but

That’s I’ve been see it more and more are you able to let give us some information about proper storage and then also um you know the the benefits of the resistant starch from from Rice yes uh great question so billus Cirrus is the name of the bacteria that lives

In in all rice and the interesting thing is it survives the cooking so even if you boil it all day that that bacteria still going to be on it so that’s why it’s really important to refrigerate it right away so cook it let it cool for

You know an hour or so is fine but then get it in the fridge don’t leave it out all day because that bacteria will just multiply um and then you mentioned resistant starch so a really cool thing is after that rice has sat all night in

The fridge the next day some of those simple carbs convert into what we call that resistant starch which basically acts as a fiber so basically it kind of turns from more of a simple carb into more of a complex carb if if that made sense excellent thank you wow there’s a

Question here uh what’s good when you have anemia so Ania can be from a few different things um but often it’s iron so definitely include um again beans peas and lentils they they keep coming up again and again and have them with Citrus so vitamin C helps the absorption

Of iron so have a you know black bean soup or lentils or whatever it is squeeze some lemon or lime on it and you’re going to absorb that iron better or have an orange on the side very nice we have a hand up um Andrea who thas can

Everyone okay so I am anemic and I think it’s due to having fibroids with heavy bleeding I was um advised to eat um red meat I am not a lover of red meat so I what I do I take the supplement HB Forex um never quite what he said about um the

Answer the response to anemia so I’m asking outside of meat what else can I consume because I know that the body needs to produce blood cells in order to work and that has to do with um if you have anemic it means that you’re not producing enough red blood

Cells so yeah red meat is is a good source of of iron um but so are again those those beans peans and lentils they’re really high L family okay the lint family yep yep but the legumes exactly yes beets oh and beets yes because I know that beets have

Something where you call zinc or magnesium that you can’t consume too much of especially not sure of the portions but thank you very much there’s another kdn I think kdn oh no no that’s it uh there’s a question here um does ginger elevates your blood pressure Ginger should actually help

It’s an anti-inflammatory um so I think that that’d be a good thing to have if you have high blood pressure okay and Andre mcferson has one did you see that one yeah I’m going to read it now okay could you tell tell us some foods that can build or help to build our

Memory ah um so Omega-3s those those good omega-3 fatty acids like in those fish so you can think the smaller the fish the more Omega-3s it’s going to have or those plant sources like we talked about I don’t know how available like the walnuts are any sort of seaweed

Or or plant that comes from from the sea um those are good options okay very good what are good foods for high cholesterol fiber so all your plant Foods all the fresh fruits vegetables legumes nuts seeds beans all those all of those yeah and uh I am an AB blood

Type person and wondering what foods are best for me to eat I want to start eating really healthy there is a book called the blood type diet I have not read it I’m not sure how much credibility it has um you know if we really should be eating for

Our blood type or not but you know I I would say you know sticking to the the general recommendations is is always a good idea okay what about string beans is it good for people with high blood sugar yeah um string beans are a good um non-starchy vegetable so those are just

Fun you can have a good big serving of those excellent let me see if I missed anything else um regarding the comment you made about rice would you recommend having this uh I don’t know this card fresh I something is missing there I know sometimes when we’re typing

We uh let me ask Alicia Allan you were the want to ask a question could you just um clarify what you’re asking Alysia yes okay good night so um she mentioned that if the rice is uh because of the bacteria that is in the rice if you put it in the

Refrigerator um the next day it would be getting more contaminated that’s how I understand it so based on that is it wise to have your carbohydrates freshly cooked instead of cooking it and putting it away and reheating it again okay I I see your point yeah so of course that cold

Temperature is going to not allow it to reproduce you know very quickly but I would say don’t leave it for more than three days I’d say three days would be the maximum for white rice okay and we get that resistance charge too from like potatoes we have the same benefit right Emily yeah

Yeah okay what um what fruits should diabetic patients consume so for fruits in general what I recommend is to have them with a a protein um some protein and some healthy fat it’s going to slow the breakdown of those natural sugars and that’s going to keep your blood sugar more stable so if

You just did banana your blood sugar is going to do this right but if you eat a banana with some peanut butter it’s going to go up you’re having car but it’s going to stay more steady um and and then in general berries are going to

Be a little bit lower in sugar than like the the tropical fruits wow another question good information thanks Emily going R you’re knocking them out another question here what can I do to control asthma because asthma develops from um I’m not I can’t see everything there and that’s from colic

Is it colic mm yeah so as from a cold okay yeah okay okay you know I I’ll ad I’m not an asthma expert I would say you know probably the anti-inflammatory foods would help you know just to get General inflammation down in the respiratory tract as far as more specifics I I don’t

Actually have a super specific answer for you sorry okay let’s see Andre who Thomas said um as and cold is due to mucus oh that just went away mucus formation mucus formed in the nasal passage or in the lungs it’s actually a fungus you will need to develop your cardiovascular

System by exercising as well as eating foods rich in vitamins so okay I don’t know if Andre is a doctor but um I am actually uh I am actually uh physic education teacher but I study nutrition and anatomy of the body physiology um that’s my where I master

In and I just wanted to mention really rice um rice is one of those foods that um forms what you call mold very easily so if you’re going to keep rice in fridge it must be in your freezer um rice and peanut are moldes are easily formed in those um two Foods

Cuz somebody asked about rice so would be very good if you can cook your food fresh daily okay I want before you go um thanks Andre I saw Shireen had her hand up for some time and like she got tired and she put it back down no hello no I

Didn’t get tired okay I was actually going to speak to exactly what um Andrea spoke to coner the freezing because then the food um the bacteria there will become dormant ah understand so when they’re ready to use it now they can take it out and then have it better

Frozen okay thanks thanks shine thank you and um someone says here I know you did not mention anything about CLE cell but what are the best foods for these persons who suffer from CLE celling Sickle Cell uh is is tricky I I know those those crises happen

Um and they’re not they’re really not always preventable um I it’s really actually goes back to to the same guidelines I I don’t know of any you know really specific guidelines just for Cle cell okay one more question here um I just missed it I see one the K Ken is

Asking what are some foods to promote gut health yes promote gut health oh okay sotic yeah the probiotic and the the prebiotics those Greener bananas artichokes the the beans and lentils again those Superstars as much as you push the beans and lentils you know I appreciate Emily

That you did not leave out the goat Curry love our curry in Jamaica and the a a and sfish is mine a yes we have a Samsung phone hand up uh we don’t know your name so if you could go ahead and unmute and ask your question okay I’m very sorry not sure

What my name didn’t come up I have to check on that I’m I’m from Kingston Jamaica and my very close friend Beverly Frey invited me today Dr Frey thank you for being here I just want to tell her thanks so much for all I’ve learned since I joined I I do have

A problem with the high cholesterol and I remember someone asked a question and I would appreciate if we could drill down a bit more try my best to keep away from the gravy I know that the oily foods and the fried foods and so on I do

A lot of vegetable for lunch and fruits maybe I’m not eating the right fruits I don’t know but it has not been checked it’s not it’s a little out of range like a little just under five and um so my doctor mention it each time I do my

Executive profile around this time each year and I’m about to do it again and I’m just hoping it’ll be better this year there but I noticed for all the things I do consistently it does not really get checked so I don’t know if you could

Talk a bit more about that for me I would be grateful and thank you so much for all I’ve learned so far oh my pleasure um so a couple things so cholesterol of course also is that ratio right sometimes our total cholesterol looks a little high when actually our

Good claustral that HDL is really high and the LDL is is normal so definitely look at that h DL to LDL ratio and then as well there are some people unfortunately who eat a beautiful diet full of fiber and genetically they just have high cholesterol so it might be

That maybe that that’s the case for you and and you need a stattin I’m not sure but um you know we we do what we can okay thank you thank you Beverly Dr Frey thank you you’re welcome thank you for being here do you want to do hands or questions Dr free

I’m sorry do you want to do there’s some hands up you want to do the questions yes let’s do the hands up cidia yes so I I’m a teacher and we sell the children hot dog but I realized that it was mentioned that we should stay away from like sausages and those things

Um so should we like not give it to them or just limit the number of days we sell it to them um I mean it’s a complicated question right because you know what what else is available is hot dogs you know what what’s available and what we

Need to serve if that’s the case then yes serve the hot dog because the kids got to eat um if it’s possible to you know serve it with a fruit something to you know balance it out a little bit or serve it less days per week then it would be a good

Idea okay another question is we are mindful about the illnesses and so for that children can get so we try to get them as healthy a meal as possible in terms of the cooking oil cuz we only fry chicken like once per week and give to them but you know children would want

You to fry it like three four times per week so when we fry cuz it’s a lot of oil that is fried with and so we find out we have to buy a lot of oil um when we fry once like we fry on a Monday can

The oil be reused or is is it that we have to discard it the best thing to do would be to reuse it as little as possible so you could you know use it maybe one or two more times but each time you fry those those delicate fats are converting into

Trans fats and saturated fats so the less you reuse it the better okay thank you my pleasure thank you Cydia next hand is Simon Simone Simone Williams yes good night again as it relates to the avocado just a bit of information because I know we have men

Inside the house now but avocado is a good benefit for men I was reading earlier this week that it was saying that um we can intake at least one to two avocado per day and it helps with the man in terms of stimulation and helps them to prevent prostate as

Well avocados do have a lot of micronutrients so that makes sense to me um I mean as far as two whole avocados a day that’s a lot of calories but very healthy to work on hard okay thank you Simone um Um somebody asked about seasonal allergies um Emily um if there’s any food um that can eat to assist with allergies um it goes back to those anti-inflammatories I mean it’s not going to prevent them you’re still going to get allergies you you could also give

Dairy a try I mean as as far as staying away from dairy just to see if it makes a difference Dairy and sugar I’d say cut back on those include those anti-inflammatory I’ve also read that if you um use honey from your local area that it supposedly

Helps because of the yes y that as well thank you um Tracy and more your hand is up you can unmute unmute and ask your question thank you everybody um my question is avocado oil good to consume when you’re when you’re a person who has anemia yes um it it doesn’t help specifically

With the anemia it’s it’s more you know just generally healthy it it doesn’t necessarily um replenish those vitamins that you’re missing that’s causing the Anemia okay can you tell me some tips that I could use to assist me in getting better with my anemia so again there there are you know a couple causes of anemia it could be a B12 deficiency often it is an iron deficiency so eat those iron en rich

Foods and then it could be a good idea as well to take a multivitamin okay I’m currently on B complex okay and I’m I’m I’m living on it so okay good good yeah B complexes is a good one what about an iron iron supplement she may need that too you

Might for sure yeah I mean I I would get your levels checked you know to just to be sure and see what’s what’s going on but you may need an iron iron supplement as well and another really really cool thing actually I just thought of is

Cooking on iron like like a cast iron skill I don’t know if that’s common in Jamaica or not but some of that iron actually comes up into the food when we do that yes yes is that Dutch podcast iron wow see not that one it’s the when I was a

Little girl they used to have these it’s black and they had like three three little prongs for um and you put it on the fire it’s the that’s a long time ago Dr yes they’re coming back I’ve seen them it’s like you know so Emily knows what she’s talking about yes yes

Everything that was old is now new what we learned in Jamaica was really good as you can see some of the things that she mentioned in her food akan sawfish it’s really good for us we eat a lot of greens kalalo really good for us so is high in iron too speaking

Of that’s another very high in iron yes y thank you thank you more hands up Alicia Allan okay um I’m not a doctor or um anything like that but I have had issues with anemia and um what actually helped me was using uh green banana the ban or

The planting I use that to make a but I blend everything thing the skin and fruit and just use that to make a porridge and my blood count went up excellent yes I just like to share that yes yes well thank you for sharing that wow that was good thank you

Amazing yes sh Shireen Williams good even again everyone because um I’m I’m enjoying this discussion really enjoying it and the fact is I know that in earlier Times Yes um our parents and grandparents and so forth they in our minds they may not have had some of these illnesses that were’re having now

But in a way yes they had it but I guess they were kept hidden away but and they called them other names and for some they probably wouldn’t even call them for fear of um disclosing whatever but I realize that um simple things like probably when we boil our food and we

Will have some of that hot water and we may think that what they were doing it didn’t make sense but if you recognize a lot of individuals right now are having issues with whether gastritis gastric problems and all of that but if we would just learn to

Probably have some of these warm things instead of putting on a cup of tea you drink because guess what all the nutrients that are coming out of these organic food items they’re actually in the pot water there um the speaker spoke earlier to the water cable vitamins and

So forth so they’re all there and if we consume some of this it would help to alleviate some of the issues that we may be faced with and and really delve into the vegetables a lot of people say they don’t eats certain vegetables and whatever but there’s there are a wide

Range out there that we can actually substitute I know I talk a lot so I’m not going to raise my hand again thank you thank you thank sh Shireen oh that’s Shireen Shireen this was Shireen yes thank you okay there’s a question about um turmeric and bay

Leaves what are the what are the benefits of those two M so turmeric is fantastic the active compound in it is called curumin that’s what you need the black pepper for when you combine the black pepper with the turmeric it activates their kumin and it’s super anti-inflammatory so highly

Recommend adding um all kinds of things something I love to do is called Golden milk where whatever milk you like or tolerate you put turmeric black pepper you can grate some ginger in there put some local honey for your allergies uh heat it up and it’s really tasty

W Mr kroer has his hand up desmine kroer hi um I just would like to endorse what Alisia just said um the very first hospital that I worked at in Guyana um it’s a 7 Adventist Hospital and um whenever they have patients that have um um that are Jehovah Witness that do not

Um accept blood transfusion they would use that same green banana make porridge with it with the skin and everything in it and that helps a whole lot most of the time so um yes that green Bala is is a good source excellent thank you someone wrote here bay leaves are

Considered to be safe that’s Andre again are are considered to be safe for use in teas and when cooking however very high amounts can cause sleepiness due to its ability to slow down the nervous system wow those who can’t sleep should use this well actually somebody did ask

About that Ginette Barrett had asked uh Barnett had asked earlier what she can do to get a good sleep at night there it is there’s the answer but it can also any other magnesium buts um Emily yeah magnesium does help with sleep and uh sorry I didn’t touch on the bay leaves before

Yes bay leaves also have lots of good antioxidants so recommend put them in your soup I didn’t know about overdosing on bay leaves though I’m goingon to look this up and I read about it once we get off of here I’m excited okay okay we

Have a few more hands up Ethan M magnam I hope I’m pronouncing your name correctly yes thank you so much for that pronunciation welcome people really get it um correct so good afternoon everyone um I am just elated that or is it evening elated that um this is being

Done we normally at this time would be stressing ourselves with some other things relating to our profession in the sense would be some some professional development this that nothing for us per se this is for us and I am feeling I am well relaxed I don’t need a notebook or

Anything I’m just well relaxed this is for us and that’s a good move St Thomas excellent move this is for us um I want to I hear though everybody share and it is good I hear everybody sharing their Bush medicine and we do we used to our

Bush medicine and and and our things in Jamaica but we we we are not documenting it and it is dying out and as teachers I would I would encourage somebody on on this platform to monetize what they have what they have in their brain by putting

It out in book so we can get we can get the information my question though to to I’ve heard all of this um Talk of talk of um wheat for diabetics I want to find out the the um the wheat how is it I’m hearing that you you

Ought to consume wheat products and then I’m told that wheat destroys the liver there’s there’s a lot of um misconception and and news around such um the dietician here can can you shed some light on that is it is wheat good is it not good how much is good how much

Is not good that’s thing yes so yeah there is a lot of controversy and conflicting ideas about wheat and gluten um unless you are gluten intolerant there there’s really no reason you can’t have wheat of course I recommend having you know whole grains and having the the whole wheat as

Opposed to that processed you know white breads white pastas things like that that’s going to raise your blood sugar a lot more but when you have whole wheat products those are perfectly fine so I should I should have made um better mentioned this earlier as well that

Plate that I showed is great for diabetics as well it’s it’s really it’s good for everyone to be honest um so having whole wheat products in that carbohydrate section of that plate is perfectly fine thank you thank you thank you thank you I just like to um piggyback on what

Eaton just said about the fact that you’re enjoying this um presentation and um I just want to let you know that this is the brainchild of Roy man Robinson she was the one who contacted us and asked us to put on this series of um presentations to for you guys for the

Teachers of St Thomas and in Jamaica at large so Roy man thank you for partnering with us and we are just leveraging the the the expertise that we have in the diaspora to meet your needs so feel free to reach out to us anytime and I just like to thank Emily because

Emily this is this is probably the first time you’re doing this bya Zoom right it is yeah but it was it was so fantastic and you know I listening to your intro you know hearing you say out loud oh my dream was to educate people and I’m just

Like oh my God like it’s coming true there’s a hundred of you here I’m just so honored that it’s all you know coming first full circle yes so thank you Roy man thank you so Kevin you have a question or a comment you can go ahead yes good good evening colleagues

Good evening um there was a there was a chart um um showing how much do I eat I would just like her to explain some more um I think it was um helping us to understand when we overeat or or I just like to to explain

More on that because I think it is very important because sometime we do overeat I don’t know how much we are taking in and we just keep eating so I would just like some more explanation on it yeah so I I think you’re you’re referring to

That the mindful eating so what it’s so cool when we’re we are able to really pay attention pay attention to our body signals pay attention to what we’re eating it our our body really does tell us when we’re hungry and when we’re full and that sounds so simple but there’s

Actually a lot of really subtle signals that our body gives us and our mind gives us too um as to when we’re hungry and when we’re full and some days you’re going to be hungrier than others other days you’re gonna be like ah I could do

You know just a little small snack and a couple small meals and other days we’re just absolutely ravenous which is why it’s so important to T to tune in because we’re not robots we’re not supposed to eat exactly you know 1,800 calories every single day that’s just

Not um it’s it’s not appropriate um and our bodies you know we might be coming down with with a sickness and we don’t know it yet and we need a little bit more calories to fight that off so tuning in really allows us to to listen to those cues and honor our

Bodies I hope that answered your question is that okay does it answer your question where did he go Kevin yes yes he did thank you thank you okay okay perfect all right let me see if there’s anything else I I don’t see any more questions no I don’t either yes so that was

Fantastic and uh you know I’m just GNA I can’t wait to hear oh there’s a hand shut up simad I had asked in the chat that a person with high blood pressure I was told that um banana and coloro builds your iron count and I was asking is

There a limit as to how much we can intake on these things when we have ey blood pressure yeah so um if you’re not on cumin um cumin is is uh it interacts with vitamin K so if you are in cumin you got to limit the amount of greens

And vitamin K you have but if you’re not don’t worry about that yes you can eat all the bananas and greens and veggies that that you like there isn’t really a limit yeah okay what said it’s a Pity that more people are not on this platform man a lion and feel

Invincible but more more men need need F start take more more care of themselves more men okay all right not knocking the men they’re here so that’s a good that’s a positive sign so now it’s you know what it’s 8 almost 8:30 and we should have stopped

At 8 o’ so it means that you’re very engaged and you’re interested in the topic but we you know we’re going to give you some time to ponder what you’ve heard this evening and to see how you will make the changes in your life so

I’m gonna turn it over to Roy man and she will thank Emily for us and this is Romain who has made all of this [Laughter] possible as a child I thought that nutrition was about losing weight and maintaining a slender body mass as a result of this my mom

Being a disciplined vegetarian often referred to my assumptions as being delusional however I did a few interviews prior to this presentation and discovered that I wasn’t the only Lost Child the fact is we are being robbed daily of Precious Years with our families relatives colleagues and friends because

Of diseases caused by unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits I’m therefore happy for the opportunity of having an independent passionate experienced and competent dietician present to us the facts and the importance of nutrition Miss Cardwell you have taken us through a tunnel of darkness and have opened our eyes to the

Possibilities of gaining life through our lifestyle choices there is no way we could honestly pay for the general tips that we’re shared mindful eating is certainly a takeaway that I am positive that myself and my colleagues will be more mindful of we appreciate your time and sincerely

Thank you for such valid and credible information shared with us Dr free you have successfully delivered once again thank you and your team for your unwavering and selfish and selfless support to the teachers Health sector workers and all other civil servants of our island Jamaica I want to acknowledge and thank the acknowledge

The presence of all jdan members who joined for support tonight thank you team JTA St Thomas is delighted and grateful to the Jamaica diaspora Health task force for facilitating Us in such a remark arable way we certainly had more than a plateful of good advice I am sure that the information

Garnered so far has positively impacted hundreds of persons over the past five months that they are now equipped with substantial knowledge to share and Foster array of hope my fellow participants be reminded that nutrition isn’t all about eating but it is about learning to live I implore you to take care of your

Body as it really and truly is the only place we have to live we look forward to seeing you colleagues at JDT education Summit in Miami Florida between May 28th and June 1 2024 over to you Dr free thank you so much Roman that was amazing you you just know how to put

Everything together in a very concise and cohesive manner so thank you so much I would not want to end this session without thanking my um technical team carlen Tomlinson and antonet they are the ones that really make this wheel turn so thank you all thank you so much

For coming we could not have done this without you because otherwise Emily would just be talking to herself so we had a hundred of you and it was totally an enriching experience thank you and have a Wonder

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