Planting the First Seeds of the Season! | Kefir Grains & Eating Artichokes

This video was truly enjoyable for me to make, I love sharing some passions of mine and I am so so excited about this year’s garden season!

Video with tomato soup recipe:
The garden is still going STRONG | Harvesting & Fresh Cooking

Hello and welcome I’m grateful that you’re here with me today sorting out ordering and even planting seeds for this year’s Garden it’s a wonderful time ahead even if there’s a lot of snow outside andus 20° C I can already feel the warmth inside me as I fantasize

About the garden season that is soon about to begin I have ordered some new seeds that I will be putting away in their right boxes inside my seed organizer I had saved some seeds from two different zucchinis this summer although they seem to have dried out a bit too much or

Something I don’t think that they will germinate so I tossed them but the butternut squash and pumpkin seeds that I saved seems to be fine still so I did go ahead and order some zucchini seeds instead this time I’ve ordered some herbs summer and fall carrots some

Brassas bell peppers and Beads to name a few but I still have a long list of seeds to order to Feel Complete that is what I’ll do next writing them down on a paper I think it’s useful so I can order it from my phone but as you can see I

Still have a few seed packages from last year some of them I’ve used and some are unopened because I started quite late last year in uh the end of April uh since we were still living in the apartment I didn’t know when we were supposed to move into the house and how

The garden situation would look like so this year I can finally start earlier and grow anything that I want basically this will be the second summer of living here but last year we had a very cold and rainy summer we also had a lot of groundw work being made and other

Projects to focus on so I will dedicate this summer to establish my vegetable garden we already have thought out and halfway prepared uh an area for it all we need to do is level the ground a little bit put uh out some sort of fabric with gravel on top but the main

Project will of course be to build the raced beds last year we built the race beds with scattered material we found around the property since it was just temporary uh this year we will have better material to work with and of course a leveled ground H we also have a

Crosscut saw which will make the job easier and faster I will soon begin to design the layout I have had time to study the sun pattern and I will film this whole process from thought to finish I will attempt to grow melons this year there is a predicament of a

Very hot summer so I thought why not give it a try if it doesn’t turn out that will be something to look forward to once I have a greenhouse if you didn’t know this I live in Sweden about 1 hour Northwest from Stockholm the hardiness zone in Sweden is opposite to the US

Measure uh it’s 1 to8 warm to cold here in Sweden so being in zone one is being in the warmest climate that is south and climbing up the scale going north with eight being the coldest I am in zone 4 and even on the international hardness

Zone map I am somewhere in four or five so quite in the middle I can grow a lot here but certainly not everything that is why I want a greenhouse in the future to broaden my growing experience with for example melons citruses figs Etc now I am writing down the list of

Seeds yet to order I did managed to order almost all of them I figured the ones that are left I’ll either buy later on or save to next year I still had two tomato varieties I really wanted to grow this year that being a San Marzano to make tomato based canning uh products

And an orange Ox heart I went for two different zucchinis this year one that reminds me of an Italian long white this one was called genesa which I think was fitting since my boyfriend is from Genoa H the other one was uh around smaller one called eightball uh which is an f1c

That I’m sure you’ve heard of very exciting then I went ahead and ordered the rest of the herbs I was missing and padons and jalapenos and I ordered two different piece one edamame and one purple sugar snap I ordered some different lettuce and salads a few beneficial flowers that prevents pests

And I also ordered sweet corn uh which I’m not sure will grow here but I will try my best uh some ornamental pumpkins and a cantaloupe melon I’ll probably do a seed haul later on when I’ll sew the majority of the seeds but here I am Crossing everything

Off except for Sugar Rush Peach Peppers that I couldn’t find and also purple sprouting broccolini [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this morning was particularly beautiful I felt at peace and just so grateful being on the other side of a very difficult time I have so many things to be grateful for and to look forward to this year the garden is certainly one of the things I have been dreaming about

This for so so many years and I feel like waking up here every morning feels like a dream due to the last couple of weeks being very stressful for me I need to reset my gut health my gut is always the first thing being affected a couple

Of years ago I made water kefir but we live very small and I didn’t have the room I now feel ready again so I’m activating a new batch of water kefir grains using water mixed with sugar I let the grains sit for a couple of days

For them to swell and the water to become a bit cloudy Kefir is one of the most if not the most densely packed probiotic Resource One of These grains contains over 2 billion of good bacteria that I hope will reset my gut health it’s time to put the first seeds

Of 2024’s garden into the soil kicking the season off with Ary choke I absolutely love Ary chokes and in Sweden they are quite rare to come upon if they are in store they’re usually quite expensive but you can buy canned Arch choke hearts for a cheaper price they’re

So good on pizzas and in salads but my favorite way to eat them is actually fresh and whole I will show you how I like to cook and eat them in the end of this video Ary chop take a long time to germinate and to grow so now is a good

Time time to sew they are perennials in most countries and I have seen people succeeding to overwinter them in Sweden as well so I will try this fall to cover them plenty and hope for the best naturally they will grow bigger and stronger each year so that would be

Amazing if it works I chose a variety we usually get in Sweden it’s French and it has a tender stem it tastes just like the heart I am sewing them in 8 cm or half a liter pot they will need a space uh they will

Also need a lot of light once they come up so I am setting up the lights I bought last year in preparation I will of course update you on the progress and what to do in the next stage my favorite way to cook and eat Ary choke is boiled tender served with some

Butter and lemon as simple as that I allow them to boil for about 40 minutes until the leaves comes off without effort I put a lid or something heavy on them as they tend to FL float and you really want to submerge them in the boiling water along with the artichoke I made

Tomato soup using our last cherry tomatoes from last year’s Garden that I’ve kept in the freezer this is not a complicated recipe at all it’s just tomato paste tomatoes some crushed and some fresh a splash of cream and a bullion Cube I’ve made this recipe in a previous video that I can

Link down below if you want to watch it along with tomato soup I always serve grilled cheese and pickles that I made last Summer [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] A [Applause] [Applause] Thank you for watching this video I’ll see you in the next one take care Bye-bye


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