Chocolate Mousse for Beginners (and Experts) | Food Wishes

This chocolate mousse for beginners is the all-time easiest method ever for making this iconic French dessert. This recipe is perfect for beginners, but even experts may want to pay attention, because the technique produces the most delicious, most perfectly textured chocolate mousse I’ve ever had. Enjoy!

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Hello this is Chef John from with chocolate mousse for beginners that’s right I’m going to show you the easiest alltime method for making chocolate mousse which is perfect for beginners but even if you’re an expert you should keep watching since this technique produces the most delicious most perfectly textured

Chocolate mousse I’ve ever had I mean it’s not even close so with that let’s go ahead and get started with the star of the show some high quality dark chocolate and this bar happened to be 4 oz but we only need 3 and 1/2 for the

Recipe so I’m going to set this half oz aside and I’ll use that to garnish the top later and then for the rest of it I’m going to break it up into like/ inch pieces and you’re going to see why very soon and the first tip here for you

Beginners is do not eat the chocolate while you’re doing this right this recipe relies on a very precise formula and if you’re snacking while you’re snapping you’re not going to have enough and your texture is going to be off so what I’m trying to say is maybe buy a

Little extra and pretty much any kind of dark chocolate will work but my official recommendation is for 62% cacao which is exactly what this is and then besides 3 and2 ounces of broken up chocolate we’re also going to need a tablespoon of butter and once we have those components

Set we can move on to separating a couple large eggs since for this recipe all we need is the yolks which I’d like to do by cracking into my hand and then we’ll simply give that the old Shake of shake and wait for the white to drip down

Between our fingers which will leave us with a perfectly separated yolk which we will transfer into a metal bowl and the reason I like this method is because it’s fast and easy but it requires being able to crack an egg with one hand which some of you beginners might not be able

To do yet so if you want you can just crack an egg into a bowl and then scoop that yolk out with your fingers and you will basically accomplish the exact same thing but anyway one way or another we need two yolks and then to those we will add a

Little bit of white sugar as well as Believe It or Not a/4 cup of water or any other kind of liquid right we could do 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of coffee or three water and a tablespoon of rum and I’ll cover those options in the written recipe but for

This pure chocolate version I’m just doing water and that’s it we’ll finish up with a pinch of salt and we will grab a whisk and we will set that bowl directly over medium low heat and we will start whisking with one hand while we use a towel to hold the bow with the

Other and we’re going to cook this whisking constantly until the mixture thickens up and gets nice and foamy and and much more importantly gets hot and steamy right we want to get this up to like 145 150° and feel free to use a thermometer if you want but when it’s very hot to

The touch and we can see a bunch of steam coming off the surface we are probably close enough and you’re going to need to pay attention at this point because this happens relatively quickly right for me this this only took about 4 minutes oh and a big tip for you

Beginners don’t let the towel catch on fire which on medium low is going to be pretty hard to do but just to be safe make sure that towel is not under the bowl anywhere near the flame but anyway like I said we’ll whisk that until it’s

Very hot and thick and foamy and as you might be able to see a little bit steamy and once it does get to this stage we’ll pull it off the heat and we’ll toss in our broken up chocolate and our butter and we’ll start whisking and we will keep whisking until all that

Chocolate melts which is going to take a minute and it’s not going to look good when you first start but don’t judge just whisk and in just a few moments you’ll be looking at something smooth shiny and gorgeous and we’re actually doing two things at once here okay we’re

Obviously melting the chocolate with that warm egg mixture but we’re also at the same time cooling our egg mixture down with the chocolate since when we mix this into our whipped cream we want it pretty much to be room temp and not still hot and at this point we’ve

Accomplished both things and that’s it once that’s set we will push it aside and we’ll grab some cold heavy cream and another whisk and we will whisk this for a few minutes or until we have some medium stiff peaks and if your cream is cold this is going to happen really

Quickly like in a couple minutes so for this amount I don’t think we need to dirty our electric mixer but anyway you decide I mean you are after all the cupid of what is or is not stupid but either way we want to make sure we don’t

Overwhip this since it will get too stiff and the fat will separate and it won’t work so what we’re shooting for is a peak that looks exactly like this all right this is just about perfect and once we do Reach This stage we will stop immediately and we’ll give our chocolate

Mixture another whisk and once we do I like to clean off the Whisk in the whipped cream by giving it a quick stir and then what we’ll do a switch to a spatula and we will we will transfer in about a third of our now room temperature chocolate mixture into the

Whipped cream and we will semi carefully stir and fold that in and you know what stir means but when we say fold what we mean is scraping the edge of the spatula along the bottom and sides of the bowl sliding underneath the product and

Bringing it up over the top and as we do that we’re usually turning the bowl going all the way around until that first addition of chocolate is almost but not quite mixed in and once our mixture looks something like this we go ahead and scrape in the rest and then

Continue folding and mixing until we can’t see any large streaks of chocolate or whipped cream and if you are a beginner and you’re worried about knocking out too much air during this stage don’t be right there are a lot of professional pastry chefs that would actually fold this together a lot more

Vigorously so that they intentionally knock out a little more air which will give their final mouses a little bit of a denser richer texture so the point is as you’re doing this try to relax okay all we’re doing here is com combining the two components and even if you do

Over mix it a little bit it’s still going to be amazing which reminds me if you don’t have a spatula just use your biggest spoon and I promise you it will still work and that’s it once we have everything folded together we can transfer that into whatever we’re going

To serve it in and as we transfer it in please note you’re probably going to see streaks of whipped cream that were at the bottom of the bowl all right this is completely normal and nothing to worry about and trust me it’s all going to sort of mix together you transfer this

In and yes some people actually leave it streaky on purpose just for a little more visual interest but anyway the point is that’s totally fine oh and the next time I transfer chocolate mousse into a glass and don’t get some on the sides will be the first time and if that

Happens it’s tempting to try to wipe it off but it is much much easier to clean these things off when it’s cold of course having said that human nature such as it is I couldn’t help myself and I tried to clean that with my fingertips which hands up smearing it everywhere

And makes it harder to clean when it’s cold but anyway once portioned we’ll go ahead and wrap those up and then pop them in the fridge for a few hours or until they’re thoroughly chilled oh in a quick production note I’m just going to portion up two in glasses and I save the

Rest for a possible mousse cake experiment but please know this recipe will make four perfectly sized portions and that’s it once chilled and firm we can pull those out and unwrap them and if we want we could serve them plain just like this but come on it’s

Valentine’s Day and we’re trying to get lots of compliments so I think we should Jazz these up with a little bit of whip cream plus a few strategically placed raspberries and then you remember that little bit of chocolate we saved we can grate that and sprinkle that over the

Top for a final touch and I think that all makes for a simple and very very beautiful presentation so I made this one for my Valentine Michelle and then did one more for me with a little less whipped cream and chocol chocolate just so I could see

Which one would look better for the contractually obligated pictures and after taking some of those I grabbed a spoon and went in for a taste and that my friends for such a dead simple recipe and super easy basic technique produces as I said in the intro the best

Chocolate mousse I’ve ever had right these have a huge intense chocolate flavor without being overly rich or sweet and as far as the texture goes these are wonderfully light but not too light right some chocolate Moes are just too Airy either because they use too much whipped cream or they include a Whi

Mering but anyway if a chocolate mousse is too light it will just liquefy on your tongue as opposed to this one which slowly melts on your tongue in a very luxurious possibly voluptuous way so to summarize the texture is perfect and the flavor could not be any better oh and

Yes we did put the raspberries on here mostly for visual effect but above and beyond being pretty these berries act as a great pallet cleanser which I really do think makes this Ary awesome chocolate mousse even more enjoyable but if you don’t happen to use them that’s

Fine this is still going to be very very enjoyable and yes as I already admitted this is the pure chocolate version okay we didn’t add any booze or any coffee or any spice I know you thought I was going to put some cayenne in which would be

Great as with a pinch of black pepper or a pinch of smoky Chipotle so once you master this method you’ll be able to play around with different flavor elements and you’ll probably come up with your own amazing signature version which I’m sure any current or future Valentine’s will appreciate but anyway

Whether you make this for a special occasion or not the ingredient list is very short and the method is extremely simple and beginner friendly and whether you’re new to Moose Makin or you’re an expert I really do hope you give these a try soon so please follow the links

Below for the ingredient amounts a print written recipe and much more info as usual and as always Enjoy


  1. Another fantastic recipe that I look forward to giving a try! As far as your video recipes go, you haven't failed me yet, Chef!

  2. 4 perfectly sized portions?? More like one because I am the guy who gets to categorize my portion size.

  3. Just finished making this for Valentine's dessert. I'm a total novice at making desserts, but this couldn't have been easier! Other than dropping my thermometer in the egg mixture while whisking that is! 😂

    Thank you chef! Hopefully it gets me lots of compliments tonight!

  4. Made this tonight. Came out amazing, super straightforward and happy to have in the repertoire

  5. Just made this with 78% chocolate and, shudder, aerosol whipped cream! Wonderful result! Thanks so much! Almost too easy for health diet!!

  6. I’ve made many of your recipes and they all turned out nicely. However, IMHO you need to whip the egg whites to make a truly light and fluffy mousse. I live in France and that’s the way I like it here. Marshall

  7. You must have read my mind! I attempted to make a tuxedo cake last week and bombed on the chocolate mousse. The white chocolate mouse was perfect, but not dark. This recipe is much easier than the one I tried. My cake fell apart as it wouldn't set, but we ate it anyway! The leaning tuxedo cake of Canada lol, one we will not forget. Thanks for the video; I am inspired to try again!

  8. I can NOT wait to try this!! It will be a fun treat for my family to enjoy during school vacation week. Thanks for sharing this!

  9. For a quick chocolate mousse I rip open a sachet, add cold milk & beat with a mixer till light, fluffy and becomes thick, set in fridge for 1 hour. Add raspberries sprinkle with real grated chocolate.

  10. I was making ice cream and the recipe called for six egg yolks. I had six eggs. I was using the hand method to separate the eggs but over the sink. (I know, it was my first time). The last one, the yolk slid out of my hand and landed in one of the previously emptied shell that was in the sink. I knew the ice cream would be a success. It was.

  11. There's something magical about your food. I appreciate your efforts; I was wondering if you could share a video of you cooking with KHAL viewers 🥰😘🤩++++—

  12. God bless you Chef John! You've brought my cooking a long way and I'll probably never meet you, but bless your hairy, loveable, comical, informative hands 🙂

  13. BEEF BACON … about a recipe of that….. it's supposed to be better than pork bacon …how about a recipe on that???????

  14. I've learned so many valuable cooking tips from your videos. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I was wondering if you could share a video of you cooking with KHAL

  15. This is one of my favorite desserts in attempt many good times.

    A tip to share for it to stabilize in warm climate would be in a day advance, add 2 teaspoons of gelatin/agar-agar powder with 1 Tbsp water as mixed till incorporated, prepare 250 ml heavy or all purpose cream in a cold saucepan and add the hydrated gelatin and stir on a low flame till said gelatin dissolve (carefully not to burn the cream, remove from the heat when bout simmer), keep stirring even outside the stove till cool or forms a jelly skin the set in the freezer overnight. This should look like pudding the next day and whip it away as the following recipe goes.

    Hopes this helps, not an expert, just good at dessert making.

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