Deep Fried Okra Recipe || Okra Recipe

Deep fried okra recipe
1/2 pound Okra
2 cups buttermilk
1 egg
1 cup flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/3 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 tablespoon chicken bouillon
(3 cups canola oil for frying)

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you are new here welcome and thank you so much for stopping by for today’s recipe I’m going to make deep fried okra guys so this is another easa recipe guys yet it is super delicious and these are all the ingredients that we are going to

Use we have onion powder garlic powder paprika cayen powder ground black pepper salt chicken Bon all for flour cornmeal egg and then our buttermilk and this is our fresh okra so there you go guys that’s all the ingredients that we are going to use for this

Recipe so first thing I’m going to do I’m going to prepare the flour we will comine the flour and the cornmeal and then we will season it there you good let’s put the cornmeal and then garlic powder and onion powder and then the chicken bolon and

Then a little bit of salt just a little and then the cayen powder paprika and Crown black pepper and then we’re going to give it a good mix let’s mix this up until everything is well comined guys so there you go we’re done with it now

We’re going to set it aside and then we will proceed to the buttermilk so I’m going to use about 2 cups of Buttermilk guys so that would be perfect and then I’m going to crack the egg and then we’re going to whisk it so let’s whisk it really good guys all right that’s

Perfect that should be it right there you go that’s done and and then now we’re going to set this aside and then we will proceed to the okra guys so it’s up to you how much you’re going to make but I’m not making too much because it’s only four of us

Guys I’m going to cut the steam off because this is hard and then I’m going to cut the end off also guys I’m going to cut it into three guys so this is perfect size so it’s up to you how big you want but I I want it not

Too small and not too big so I cut it into three that’s perfect size guys but whatever make you happy if you want it is smaller or bigger go for it guys so we’re going to keep doing This We’re done chopping up the okra now I’m going to transfer it to the bowl there you go and then we will season it with salt and pepper just a little bit Guys right and then we’re going to mix this up so it will be seasoned evenly guys so let’s mix this up all right we mixed it good guys now I’m going to put some flour and then we’re going to mix it up again guys so we’re going to make sure it is

Well coated with flour guys all right there you go that’s perfect the preparing time guys is longer than cooking time but it’s perfect this is worth it guys everything is ready guys now we’re going to soak this this okra into the buttermilk so let’s put all the okra in Here all right and then now we’re going to mix this up again guys we do a lot of mixing guys so we’re going to soak this for 15 minutes guys and we’re going to make sure it is well covered with buttermilk all right that’s perfect so let’s get back into it after 15

Minutes so here we go guys after 15 minutes this is how it looks like now that’s looks so pretty all right now we’re going to coat it with the flow that we make before let’s coat it with the flower so I’m just going to scoop this

Out just like this there you go so this is what we going to do scoop this out and let’s put it little by Little all right the okra is well coated guys now what I’m going to do is I’m just going to shake off the ex’s flour on it and then we’re going to make sure it is well coated with the flour guys so it will look nice and pretty because that’s

What we want for our food guys to please our loved ones because I love it when my kids and my husband told me oh my gosh that looks so delicious shes so there you go this is perfect we’re done coating our okra all right that’s perfect guys so here we go we’re done

Coating our okra so we going to proceed to the cooking process now I’m going to turn the heat on into medium high heat and then we will put canola oil I’m using canola oil guys about 3 cups of canola oil and then we will wait until

The oil is hot guys before frying so I’m going to check the oil using bamboo Chopstick the bamboo Chopstick is bubbling it means ready for frying I’m going to put it one at a time and make sure guys that you won’t overcrowd it that way our okra will be

Crispy all right there you go that’s perfect that’s enough for right now and then let’s keep it a good mix guys so we’re going to cook it for about 4 minutes or until it turn golden brown this is going to be cooked really fast guys so you have to pay

Attention so there you go it’s starting to turn golden brown so we going to cook it for 3 more minutes guys after 3 minutes here it is guys look how beautiful it is it looks so nice beautiful golden brown so let’s mix this up for a little bit

Guys it’s is starting to turn golden brown all right so I’m going to cook it for about one more minute guys to reach that beautiful golden brown all right there it is guys it’s looking so pretty beautiful golden brown so this is done so now I’m going to take this

Out look it’s sounds so crispy guys all right it’s so pretty beautiful golden brown and it smells so good too it smells so delicious you know the aroma of garlic powder and onion powder it just smells so good so there you go we’re done with the first batch now I’m

Going to cook the second batch so it’s only a little left so this is not much guys all right so there you go that is the last batch so we’re going to cook it for about 4 minutes also guys keep mixing it and pay attention to make sure it won’t

Get burned you should give this a try guys especially your kids if they don’t like vegetables this is the trick to let them eat vegetables here it is guys this is our finished product of our deep fried orra look how beautiful it is guys now we’re

Going to do the taste test this is my favorite part of the video guys taste taste okay this is a little bit hot so be careful guys there you go now I’m going to take my first bite cheers it’s so delicious guys and it’s super crunchy and yummy so delicious

Guys I achieved my deep fried okra it’s so good very crispy and delicious you guys have to try this recipe for sure you guys going to love it I promise you guys I’m not going to disappoint you with this recipe it’s so delicious very crispy guys if your kids doesn’t like

Okra because not everyone like okra guys because it’s a little bit slimy so this one this fried okra you won’t feel the slimy thing guys it’s so delicious you guys have to try this one for sure you guys going to love it I promise you guys this is super good it’s delicious okay

Guys I’m going to end this video now thank you so much guys for watching if you are are new to my Channel please don’t forget to like And subscribe and click that Bell button so you will be notified every time I have a new upload

Thank you so much and bye for now see you in the next one


  1. Chef Kate.. You already know how much I love Okra.. And on my next episode of "Did You Know" I will be highlighting Okra.. Great benefits in Okra.. Don't forget to check it out! And your deep fried Okra was a success.. Came out yummy goodness.. Great job Chef Kate… Love Love always.. The Rookie Chef always here..

  2. Your audience will receive you by watching videos with interesting and positive content

    I will always fully support you

    A big thumbs up

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