The Science Behind a Perfect Pho Broth (with recipe)

Highly anticipated follow up to my Restaurant Quality Pho at Home video, this time explained using science and numbers.

This video is broken into three parts:
1) Theory
2) Cooking
3) Base

Recipe download:
Order LSP:

Time stamps

00:00 – A long intro
5:09 – Studying the best
7:32 – LSP
8:57 – Recipe Outline
10:39 – Brix vs Salt
16:25 – Chapter 2 Cooking
20:35 – Chasing depth
26:14 – X-factor
30:03 – Outro
35:07 – Chapter 3 Creating Base

#vietnamesefood #foodscience #restaurantquality

2024 fur tutorial highly anticipated video I’ll be showing you how to make a home Style fur recipe that Rivals the most famous fur bro in Australia from f and in bankstown Sydney my hometown it’s my all-time favorite fur broth and it’s one I’ve looked up to my entire life

There is something so special about this broth no one knows what goes into it and I’ve heard all the rumors growing up as a kid like the one where the owners were supposedly putting in crack yes although never proven word on the street they’ll putting in some extras to get the customers hooked

Although wild these are very well-known stories in the Vietnamese Community I’ve even heard the one where it calls you in your sleep my uncle told me this one he had a friend who had fan Bro went to bed woke up 3:00 a.m. and like something out

Of The Exorcist he woke up screaming fun he had a craving for it that’s how addictive this broth is and it’s where I coined the phrase X Factor it’s where a broth has something so unique something so peculiar about the taste you can’t quite put your finger on it but in my

Other hand is my home style for recipe I made it twice once at the store a second time in my home studio when I finish I decided to put them head to head on my bricks meter my broth edged out the fan by the SL slightest of margins in the

Bricks reading so back by science I can confidently say this home style F recie Rivals if not beats the most famous fero in Australia but that’s not the crazy part took me less than 15 minutes to make this using the blend method going to show you exactly how I did it from

The 1 to one 24hour bone bro base you can make in your sleep through to the secret seasoning ratio you need to put into your PO to unlock its full potential all right guys to set the expectation for this video it’s a long one and I’ll make no apologies the way

It’s going to work we’ve got some Theory to cover first before we hit the Practical and yes I know Theory’s boring but it’s essential cuz I’m going to explain why you’ve never been able to pull off a batch of foot in the past you were happy with going to explain it

Using science and numbers so for the newbies I highly recommend you watch the entire video it’s going to help you immensely but for the season veterans out there feel free to skip ahead at any time chapters a timestamp below also pinned in the top comment will be a

Bunch of useful links including the downloadable recipe which you can follow along as you make this again it’s a long one but if you make it through to the end you’ll be rewarded with a recipe that Works surprise surprise you know I still get emails comments videos photos from people like

Yourselves who using this recipe went on to cook their best batch ever and were then able to proudly share it with their friends and loved ones you see this isn’t new it’s based off an old recipe that I Shot 2 years ago my restaurant quality file video at home now most

Recently I had Luke a fellow subscriber on the channel he was one of the first to try my updated seasoning ratio and he nailed this recipe on his first attempt like he was so happy with the taste he drove it kindly 2 hours from the Sunshine Coast for me to verify the

Taste I’m limited with what I’ve got I’m not set up like a kitchen so I only have just a Kmart pot and a slow cooker from Big W yeah that is it’s good it’s it’s intense I was blown away it was so accurate that I ended up using his broth

Sold it to customers that night who smashed it last but not least a special thank you to my bro Jason farmer it’s a good chance you’ve seen one of his viral videos here on YouTube he did a f recipe video which I was so humbled to be featured in it’s brought this tiny

Channel of mine so much growth so much exposure so thank you brother and for all the people over from Jason’s Channel a very very warm welcome I owe you two beers when I get to Texas brother hello welcome my name’s Leighton I’m a professional chef from Brisbane

Australia I’ve got the best job in the world I run a brle called Fu it’s got double meanings I sell BRS and highend Vietnamese Subs I’ve been doing this for over 13 years and that next door my family and I run the busiest Vietnamese establishment in Brisbane now before we

Hit the Practical side I know a lot of people are eager to get straight into the cooking they’re not interested in my stories we ain’t too interested in your good old Mississippi Boy stores Anderson you ain’t from here no more but this next one will really help

Frame up the struggle that I had and it’s very important that I tell you this story because many of you too are going through the exact same thing trying to navigate this dish we call for as The Story Goes for an were my neighbors from across the street you see mom had a

Florist on Greenfield parade and for Anne we’re mom’s landlord so as you can imagine from an early age I got to taste the best so when I first started forq many years ago I had no idea how to cook for and some of my first badges tasted

Like dog like the drain behind me has tasted more of my photograph than customers out in the dining area but the way I learned to cook for it was really strange I’d have my part a sample of foran I taste mine then there’s just to

See how far off I was and in the beginning I was way way off and this is a real sample that I froze from like 5 years ago just to give you an idea of the way I learned to cook F by studying the best and eventually with a lot of

Practice endless batches you have no idea what I’ve been through I close that Gap and I have a formulation today that I’m very happy with and it’s all thanks to for an and looking back now you need those broky days to appreciate the J position today so just very grateful to

Be where I am about to teach how to cook your best batch ever before we go any further this is LSP Laten seasoning powder you need this for today’s recipe it will not work without it it’s non-negotiable it’s available in 200 450 and 900 G but on

The back of all the packets there’s the workflow for today’s video including the secret seasoning ratio and the amount of LSP I’ve sent out over the last few months has been astronomical you have no idea guys I’ve sent orders to every single American state in America Goose Creek South

Carolina Hay Market Virginia Louisville Kentucky Cottage Grove Minnesota Paris Texas Arlington New Jersey middl Town Connecticut you name it I’ve been there Hawaii a lot going over to Canada and recently I had one go to Norway it’s been such an incredible journey cuz it started with one order

And now it’s a major sight hustle so to everyone who’s ordered who have ordered and will order thank you so much I appreciate the support for the channel you can find this on my online store Link’s going to be in the description below so let’s get straight into it

These are the settings for today’s video because I’ve got shocking handwriting taking the liberty of summarizing it onto this single piece of paper so treat this like a road map it’s going to help you along the way download it first read it through get familiar with the concepts including the recipe outline

Where we are making a 3 l batch of f let’s begin now with the three stages to cooking F stage one creating your base beef bones water heat and thme produces a base which is the foundation for this recipe stage two is adding in the seasoning salt sugar LSP fish sauce add

In everything else the aromatics and the spices you C it which transforms it into F leading to stage three serving it but within that there are three stages of seasoning stage one pre-seasoning stage two final adjustment and the final boss adding in The X Factor now let’s revisit

The blend method it just means preparing your base in advance we all know the most timec consuming part the most strenuous about creating a file is simmering the bones so why don’t we get it out of the way in advance have it there in your fridge or freezer and then

On the day you want to cook for take it out blend it with the seasoning the aromatics spices you can serve for very quickly with the basics out of the way the million dooll question how do I unlock the maximum potential out of my Fot to find the answer we first need to understand the relationship between bricks and salt percentage to visualize it this I’m going to draw two circles on a piece of paper the first Circle stands for base the second seasoning now how do I unlock the maximum gains out of my fot it’s

Simple if your base and seasoning Al line you’ve got a great tasting F every single time so what this means is if you create a strong concentrated base 1 to one over 20 4 hours that’s my recommendation and you put in the correct seasoning ratio of salt sugar

LSP fish sauce you’ve got a great tasting for every other day so that is the fear behind it there are two conditions you need to meet the base and the seasoning and that’s all well and good on paper but what does it look like in the real world so to help you

Understand this next part I’m going to put some real world numbers behind them so throughout this tutorial I used a tool called a bricks meter you may have seen this in my previous videos it’s a refractometer and the way it works you take a sample of liquid you put it in

The prism you press the button it gives you two results a bricks value and a salt percentage bricks value if you’re unfamiliar is the unit of measurement which measures the concentration of a liquid how much is packed into it with water being a brick value of zero and it

Goes up from there so everything that you see in your kitchen from soy source to fish Source has a bricks value and a so percentage and if you took a reading from one bottle to the next they should be identical as a professional tool this bricks meter helps me maintain

Consistency it’s made by Japanese company called Oto they do all kinds of measuring equipment for the Food Services in industry but according to the website there’s a direct relationship between concentration and salt content which is the decisive factor in all foods so basically what this means is if the base and the

Seasoning align you’ve got yourself a great tasting dish in this case a far using this bricks made up I took a reading of my 24hour bone broth base at 15 hours and again at 24 hours 5.1 at 15 hours which rose to 7.0 at 24 hours so

You can see with time the bricks value increases so we know the base needs to be a bricks value of seven that’s the base condition out of the way let’s tick that off moving over to to the seasoning side if you put in the following into your pot that completes this side the

Base and a seasoning Al line by the end you should have a foot broth with a bricks value of 8.7 and a salt percentage of 1.51% the reason why the bricks play such a critical role in this recipe is for the first time we have a standard to

Work with now let’s take Coca-Cola for example the greatest soft drink ever invented no one knows exactly what the recipe is but I can tell you this coke can had a bricks value of 10.9 that’s the full formulation a watered down Coke from say your McDonald’s drivethru would have a lower bricks

Value I took a reading of the legendary for and broth 8.3 bricks 1.45% salt like the Coca-Cola example I can’t tell you exactly what fanne put into the recipe but it gives you a good idea of the numbers you need to hit if you wanted to replicate this broth what I

Will say is these numbers confirm my leld suspicion this broth is special there’s so much flavor packed into it and head-to-head against my recipe I edged out the fan broth by the smallest of margins but my point here is to show you how important the relationship between the bricks and the salt

Percentage is and whether it’s just a Homestyle fur recipe all the most famous fur bro in Australia the numbers matter and theoretically if 100 people on this channel made this recipe all 100 bowls should taste identical since we’re all singing off the same H Sheet and with all this knowledge we’re ready need to hit the Practical side let me show you how I did it the prerequisite for the next chapter is to have your base with a bricks value of seven ready to go if you don’t know how to make it there’s an extensive chapter

Towards the end on how to make this which means I shot this video and back to front so feel free to skip ahead watch that first come back watch the next chapter on the replay welcome to the second half of let’s get cooking on the day you want to

Cook thought take 3 l of Base prepared in advance out of your fridge or freezer the bay should have a bricks value of seven and a simple way to know whether you’ve done it correctly or not is the jelly test it’s a simple test should be

A solid block of jelly if it’s anything less if it’s runny or watery something went wrong refer to the next chapter to troubleshoot as you’ll find out when you create your base it’s going to release a fat layer on top save this be fat adding in a generous amount into your pot low

To medium Heat next add in your charred onion and ginger I used half a brown onion couple pieces of Ginger which I grilled over charcoal 2 days in advance and remember guys you can do this well ahead of time you don’t have to do it on the day add

It to your pot shallow fry to activate next add in the spices the exact ratio that I used 20 G of styes 14 G of cardamon 12 G of cinnamon 2 G of clove and remembering it’s entirely up to you everyone has their own preference when

It comes to how much spice you put into a f the way I do it very little spice just enough to mask out that beefy smell from the bone broth base I don’t like my broth too floral if it’s your first time making this recipe I’d recommend

Sticking close to these ratios then on the second time through feel free to change it up you may want to add in some extras like the coriander seed but also remember you’re limited by the prepack spice packets that you find in Asian supermarkets these are much cheaper to

Buy than the Loose Leaf commercial packets that I use these usually come with a filter bag so you may not want to shallow fry it like I do you can roast it first in your oven put it in the bag and add it to your broth next add in the

Base bring it to a gentle simmer this takes us to the pre-seasoning stage where we add in the seasoning right at the beginning if you watch my other tutorials you know I refer to this as band practice most recipes tell you to season at the end this is wrong I like to put

Mine in at the beginning to let the ingredients get to know each other in other words Jam this brings us to the most important part of the video how do I unlock the maximum potential out of my stock pot okay this is where most people have a

Lot of trouble and remember what you’ve done up until this point all that hard work simmering the bones means nothing if you can’t pull off this next part and the key to unlocking this recipe centers around the following seasoning ratio which you’ll find on the back of all the LSP

Packets salt 35 G or 1.17% LSP 20 G or 67% Rock Sugar 55 G or 1.83% let the broth simmer for a few minutes to dissolve The Rock sugar taste if the base was done correctly this is the moment it comes to life it should take you very close to your final

Taste destination about 95% correct from here to give you the short version the process is Sim of the broth to infuse the aromatics and spices which then takes you to the final adjustment stage where you make the final corrections to the broth with fish add in The X Factor

Serve now instead of just adding in the secret seasoning ratio and winning the game I want to show you an alternative way to season which I found really help level up my seasoning game I call this technique chasing death when I season any kind of sub I always start off by

Adding in salt only what I’m trying to do is touch this imaginary Point called The Taste floor this is where you unlock the maximum taste in your broth the way to get there adding in salt and for this recipe we know it’s 35 G but say you’re

Making a recipe that doesn’t have an established seasoning ratio it’s basically a guessing game where you try and add in enough salt so that the taste is on its limits in other words if you add any more salt it will literally taste like salt water and this is how

You know you’re close the second reason I add in salt only is to isolate our sens of taste so that we really hone in on getting as close to that taste floor as possible am much mistake is to add in too many seasoning all at once if you’re

New you don’t know how to season there’s just way too much noise and you’ll end up confusing yourself so the way I do it salt only get close to that taste floor once you’re there work your way back with the other seasonings for today’s recipe go ahead add in 1 tbspoon of salt

Taste most beginners will stop here believing it’s salty enough right wrong remember we’re aiming for close to 1.51% salt content and 1 tbspoon of salt just isn’t enough so go ahead adding another 3/4 tbsp of salt or to bring the total value to 35 G taste again and a word of

Warning it’s going to be very very salty very uncomfortable and right now you’re most likely in your kitchen with a Gob full of salty broth in your mouth thinking the hell latent but trust me this is exactly where we want to be in this salty region here and I want you for a

Moment to ignore the salt put that aside and focus on the Deep flavors of the broth coming through as you’re tasting it now a simple way to picture this entire process is trying to touch the deep end of a pole salt brings out flavoring food if you’re adding the

Correct amount you’ll be rewarded with a great tasting dish on the flip side if you don’t add in enough you’re barely ankle deep in the kitties pool wondering why my food doesn’t taste right so always remember see seasoning is an exact science you need to hit your

Numbers and the salt percentage is the decisive factor in all foods now that you’ve experienced sitting on the taste floor go ahead add in the rest of the seasoning this brings the taste back into alignment from here simmer for 50 minutes bringing us to the final adjustment stage the final

Adjustment is the second last stage of seasoning where I add in fish Source the moment our broth is balanced but it’s lacking some depth remember salt can only take you so far up the road this is where the fish Source takes over and once you add it in it gives the broth

That extra Umami hit and literally the broth goes up a level once you add this in so the point of this exercise we want to take the taste profile under we want to add in enough so that it’s in the salty region again I added 2 to 3 teaspoons enough so that

You can taste a slightly salty Edge in other words you can taste the fishiness from the fish source for the astute viewers there’s an important ingredient I missed brisket ideally if you’re cooking far you’d add the brisket into the broth and you’d cook it I completely forgot about ordering that day which is

Why I made this video without the brisket just to show show you how quickly you can turn a base into a f but ideally if you’re making this recipe I’d highly recommend you add in half a kilo of brisket you’d cook it in the Ferra for 3 hours which is the ideal cooking

Time for brisket and the ideal infusion time for the aromatics and the spices it deepens the flavor I wouldn’t go any longer than 3 hours this is when the spices can turn bitter so if you think of green tea at a Chinese restaurant that’s been seeping too long in the pot

Now at the store there have been times when I’ve cooked batches with and without the brisket the ones without there’s a noticeable difference to me maybe not to you you probably can’t tell the difference being a onetoone recipe it becomes more apparent when you start Watering your base down this is when the

Brisket makes all the difference it adds more richness to the broth in other words it makes it tastes better but best of all you’ve got an extra topping when you come to serve your bowl now if you want to see a full tutorial on how to properly prepare the brisket it’s linked

In the top info card above the final stage of seasoning adding in The X Factor now leading into this stage we know the broth is slightly salty because we’ve deliberately added more fish sauce than we needed our job here is to balance out the face with a bit of a

Twist and for today’s example I’m using Ox tow concentrate straight from my pressure cooker so all I did was during the week cooked some ox tow with water which turns it into a solid jelly packed full of flavor going to take this adding it back into the broth to smooth out the rough

Edges in order to understand this whole X Factor business and why it’s so important to me and on this channel it’s a term that I coin to describe a taste in a broth which makes it more memorable more special than others and there have been very few that I’ve come across in

My lifetime that have this most recently flet in hoim Min City I will always remember that bro cuz it was just out of this world here we go it’s got the X Factor in order to understand this for our recipe today we need to go back to

The beginning the base for this recipe is 100% beef bones it’s linear if I draw it on a graph it’s a straight line it’s boring which is why I added oxtail concentrate I use 1 cup or 250 Ms enough to introduce a curve to The Taste profile so essentially what we’re doing

Here is adding a unique spin on the broth by adding in this X Factor I know restaurants that add in chicken pork bones you know you can add in the secret family ingredient that’s been passed down from your great great grandmother this is when you add it in to give your

Broth its own unique identity although I recommend adding in The X Factor you can choose to skip this all together if you do is simply reduce the amount of fish source during the final adjustment stage now following the completion of your F wanted to run through some quick tips number one the

Finished product should be over seasoned that is it should taste slightly salty you need to overshoot the runway remembering the broth needs to maintain frame once you add in the noodles the meat the garnish lemon Etc so as you’re tasting the broth during the finishing stage especially if you’re new it can be

Deceiving so resist the temptation to water it down just because it seems salty see the thing is if you season on the money by the time you add it to a fully loaded Bowl it’s going to taste Bland because each of the ingredients in the bowl weakens the taste of the broth

So remember guys tasting the broth on its own and in a completed bowl with the noodles and everything are to a different thing so my best tip for you guys is if in doubt go make yourself a tiny Bowl bit of noodles bit of meat

Ladle the broth on top taste it just as needed once you’re happy with the taste of the broth strain it through a Sie to a container ideally it would have guides along the side I use a shinoa for those who’ve been asking and I use a 3 l

Measuring jug which has made countless appearances in my other tutorials and I just like using a jug because I know exactly what I finish up with being a 3 l recipe we start off with 3 l of Base we want to end up with 3 l of fur broth

At the end it’s a oneto one recipe and if you find yourself at 2.9 L at the end simply top it up with 100 MLS of water to get it back up to three liters the day I made this broth was Saturday afternoon was gorgeous weather couldn’t help myself we ran across the

Road just to show you how beautiful this broth is in the afternoon sun straight after that into Saturday night at dinner Subs was a very busy night one of the first tables to walk in ordered two DB fibes I serve them this broth I just finished and they smashed it the following day

Took the broth out the back I’ve got this shaded area which I love because the lighting is just perfect and again I wanted to show you how beautiful this broth is in natural daylight by the end if you made this correctly you end up with a strong complex broth a subtle

Hint of spice on the back end now in terms of taste it’s Rich beefy that’s its personality and this is derived from natural sweetness from the bones we spent countless hours stewing the bones which releases natural sweetness Vietnamese people call it not it’s highly prized it’s something I

Want you to experience because the way I interpret seasoning for this recipe I’ve deliberately push this natural sweetness to the for front of your palette and as soon as you taste it it should be obvious that it’s Rich it’s beefy and this level of sweetness is the opposite of most restaurants interpretation of

Far where it’s thin on Bones heavy on artificial sweetness from sugar MSG heavy on spices and if you’ve never experienced this level of natural sweetness it’s a magical experience how does my broth compare with the fan do they taste exactly the same of course not two broths two different personalities cooked by two

Different people the fan broth if I also describe it heavy on spices especially the clove but if we’re talking depth for flavor and how much is packed into it both props side by side are near identical as shown by the similar bricks and salt reading although I mentioned

Earlier resists the temptation to water the broth down you may find the final product to strong this is where you dial it back down with extra base or water to suit your own personal taste just make sure to write down your settings to wrap up this video what I’ve

Done is taken you to a destination the view from up here amazing this recipe works it’s a starting point Point what you do with this recipe and where you take it the sky a limit you may be content share it with your immediate family but for the dreamers out there

For the aspiring restaurant ters who dream of one day opening up a f restaurant let me tell you this there’s a huge Market opportunity for good soups and I hope this recipe inspires you to pursue those dreams if you found this video useful please please do me a solid

Drop a like a comment subscribe if you haven’t already pinned in the top comment will be my new email address feel free to drop me an email including your successful batches any photos where you’re from a short story and I’ll start sharing here on the channel I do

Apologize for the amount of time it’s taken to put this video together it was a struggle and the reason it took so long braces but we got there in the end and that’s all that matters and even without uploads the channel is still growing so thank you so much for the

Love and support here on the channel and also at my store which has been very very busy and to the family who left me this lovely note on one of the tables the other night dear Leon we love your YouTube channel thank you for the delicious F best regards the Tango family in

Melbourne we still got an entire chapter to go on how to create your bone broth base let stick around for that my name’s Leighton I’ll see you in my next video which I promise will be much shorter all righty guys welcome to the third and final chapter on how to

Correctly make the bone broth base for this recipe I’m going to run through how I make it at the store and answer some frequently asked questions I’ve cated over the years on this topic like what type of be bones to use oven settings temperature and then at the end I’ll

Talk about a very very common mistake people make which renders the base people spent half a day on completely useless before we get into it I want to read out a comment as someone left on one of my previous videos where I was preaching on this topic of making a

Strong onetoone base and I thought it was a brilliant comment person wrote Don’t cheat the Bas when making F it’s the biggest sin restaurants committ M watering down for more portions which means more profits at the expense of taste and the PO customer Downstream who’s paying the full price of the menu

They’re getting half a bowl half to flavor half the nutrients from that broth is missing as we’ve discovered in the previous chapter the base is one part of the equation the seasoning the other together they go hand inand to make this recipe work you can’t have one without

The other and to summarize the entire chapter very quickly the aim is for you to produce a base with a bricks value of seven the base consists of beef bones water heat and Thyme let’s start with the basics what type of beef bone to use one of the most common

Questions I get asked on this channel what type of bones do I use marrow bone I use 100% marrow bones to produce my base want to tell you crazy story about a beef bone it’s going back like 6 years ago long before I had this store I

Drove an hour across town up to Ash grow to a butcher called me at billies it’s like a high-end butcher I brought this Cardon of expensive organic grassfed beef bones cuz I thought was going to make my fa taste better so after I cooked it it made no

Difference to the taste it still tasted like dog that’s because I didn’t know how to cook far back then I Tred to get fancy but my point is when you’re starting off there’s no need to spend money on expensive bones don’t waste your time or money keep it simple stick

To marab Bones it’s readily available at most butchers and I know everyone has their own different ratio of Bones some people like to add in neck bone or bit of oxtail that’s entirely up to you but the bulk of the base just needs to be marab Bones the wrap-up Point here is

Use what’s readily available to you locally Luke who I mentioned earlier he used Kohl’s beef bone soup that’s all he had access to and he’s still pulled it off so for those who are watching in a remote area that don’t have access to a quality butcher just use what’s in front

Of you and don’t get too hung up traditional versus oven there are basically two ways to cook for with 99% of recipes out there following the traditional method which is to par ball first this is where you take the bones and dump it straight into boiling water

To clean it I don’t like this method because it stinks literally anyone who’s done it will know exactly what I’m talking about the second way to do it which is what I’ve just shown you is the oven method where we roast the bones first I find this gives you much better

Results the broth is more fragrant which means you use less spices to mask out that yucky beefy smell but most importantly to me you get a more visually pleasing result the broth has a golden color Hue which looks way better than the sad grayish anemic color with the parall

Method my favorite part of making f is creating the base why because most of the work’s done passively in my sleep part from the initial prep and the finishing 99% of the process is set forget and here’s how I do it beef bones arrive in cardens which go straight onto

Baking trays roast until golden brown this will largely depend on your oven at home everyone’s situation will be different so there’s no point of me specifying my time and temperature on a commercial oven versus your 10 a melee oven you’ve got in your rental for example my main piece of advice here is

Use your Common Sense Once develops a nice golden color and it’s visually pleasing that’s when it’s ready and this may take you up to 30 minutes from here the bones go straight into boiling water I quickly par boil it around 3 to 5 minutes you don’t need 10 plus minutes

Like the traditional method since we’ve roasted the bones first you’ll find very little impurities rise to the surface dump the water wash the bones fill it with fresh clean water I did de filtered water at a minimum I use reverse osmosis at my store and there’s a night and day

Difference between that and brisbane’s finest tap water all right guys this is Noah’s review of brisbane’s water five no four from here simmer low to medium heat my exact settings 92° C for 24 hours if you can the workflow at the store we do bone runs during a dinner service so that by

The time I walk out the door that night simply set the very CER go home sleep wake up the next day come in she’s done when you hear about people making passive income or making money in your sleep same thing here because as I’m sleeping the bone broth is maturing the

Flavors intensifying the bricks value increasing and and just a word of warning if you intend on doing overnight cooking never ever leave an open flame unattended you can use an induction cooker or slow cooker to do this step safely the amount of water you add depends on how much base you’re creating

I always do big runs and you should too so if you’re going to drive down to Costco you don’t buy one potato you buy an entire bag cu you save more if you’re going to burn time gas electricity make it a big batch but for today’s example

Let’s keep things simple 3 kilos of beef bones we want to produce 3 l of Base to compensate for evaporation over such a long cooking period add in 30% more water so for 3 l you would put in 3.9 L so that by the time it’s done it will have reduced to

Close to 3 l a few important points the aim of this exercise is to lose as little as possible to evaporation now you achieve this through a combination of low and slow heat plus the fat layer released from the bones is your best friend it’s like a cheap insurance

Policy so do not be tempted to remove it too early but I remember as a kid mom would skim every bit of fat as soon as she saw it ever since my late grandfather died from a stroke due to high cholesterol Mom saw fat as the enemy the temperature should be low and

Slow you should not see any steam break the surface if you do temperatur is too high having it on a roaring ball does not help does not speed up the process if anything it makes things worse I explain this in my C- can example in my previous tutorials but we’ll go through it

Again so say the coke from this can is what you want to end up at the end it’s a full formulation that’s what people thought they were creating but they end up with this instead a watered down Coke how did this happen and why do so many people make this same mistake The

Roaring fire half of the pot evaporates they walk past freak out Instinct reaction top it up with water repeat a few times they end up with a weak thin watery base it’s compromised this is a great example of what it should be Tiny Bubbles no steams breaking the surface I

Started with this amount yesterday 20 hours later it’s still the same so that’s the aim of the game to lose as little as possible running through the finishing stage once it’s done scoop out the bones strain it into a container check your volume this is crucial so I highly

Recommend you strain it into some some sort of container with measuring guides along the side be precise guys it’s very important alternatively if you have a pot that have the guides along the side already use this instead we’re going to go for a working example together now

Just to make sure everyone’s on the same page so say you want to produce 3 lers of base of this recipe at the end of the cork you end up with 2.7 l so slightly under you top up 300 M of water to get

It back up to 3 l a bad example is if you somehow end up with 1.5 L you top up 1.5 L to get it back up to 3 l question of the two which is a stronger base a it’s been watered down less my wrap-up

Point if you chose sample B continued on turning it into F the end result it’s a disappointing taste right you cannot outseason a bad base on the other hand if you created a strong concentrated base in Sample a you almost guaranteed a great tasting Bowl 10 times

Out of 10 because the bricks and the seasoning a line


  1. I'm wondering about the spices and time for simmering- you recommend simmering your spices and aromatics for 15 minutes – but then later you mention that the ideal cooking time for spices and aromatics is 3 hours. I made my base with just water and bones and intend to do the aromatics now, but I am not sure if I should just go for 15 minutes? Jason Farmer following your methods said 2 hours. Not sure which is best – what you recommend? I think for this batch I will simmer for 1 hour and use less spice.

  2. I just ordered your LSP ~ Hope this will up my Pho game!! 😀 Now I just need to get the bone base working better, my first one made yesterday simmered 22 hours at 92° only had a 4% brix and I used 1×1 plus 30% and 100% marrow bones. I think next time I will throw in a couple extra neck bones and maybe skip the 30% extra water. My last few batches of Pho I did not separate the bone base and just simmered everything in one go for 18 hours and it finished with a brix of 7.5%. I also did not parboil after roasting.

  3. Thanks for Sharing, been driving pass PQ twice a week from Crack. rd and Ips. road,the Aussies are lining up on weekend, smart move from Bankstown , I wouldn't move to another area like Pho A moved to Sunnybank, not many customers now for them, a gold location for you now , buying up that corner like Pho A. in Sydney if I were you

  4. Do you know the concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the beef broth? Anh their effects on the flavor of Pho, positive or negative? Thanks.

  5. Hi Leighton! I can’t wait for my LSP to arrive! After making the 24 beef bone broth, I’m freezing it to wait for the LSP.
    I would love to see you do a beef meatball recipe video. That’s my favorite ingredient besides the broth.

  6. Liar,don’t think so ok …? Bull shit north Vietnam communist food …? (RCL veterans) thanks 🇺🇸🤪👎🏼

  7. Recipe is really good, Pho Tau Bay in Cabramatta is my favourite pho that I've tried so far. This recipe is up there with it, blown away. Thank you for sharing your recipe

  8. Ive been eating alot of pho around brisbane , but im.yet to try yours … i use to favour the one in market square in sunnybank near the corner N toilets – they had the best flavours and toppings.. keen to see what your thoughts of them are… and im going to make sure i hit your shop up asap !!

  9. I was very excited to learn the recipe. Then 10 minutes in, you learn you have to buy their secret recipe spice blend. So the secret to a great pho is buy their secret pho. I get that he should be rewarded for his hardwork, but maybe make it optional. You buy the LSP spice to support his channel and to save time. But, if you want to make the complicated blend on your own, then here's how you can make your own batch of LSP spice. If you buy their blend, they might as well just sell the broth itself and ship it with dry ice.

  10. I don't understand the logic: If Pho An has a brix value of 8.3 and Leighton has a value of 8.7 (and slightly more salt), based on the info given in the video, all this means is that Pho An made a choice not to cook their broth as long or chose to add less salt. Isn't it common knowledge that the longer you boil something, the more water will be boiled out (as steam), and the brix value will increase. If he had boiled for 48 hours, the brix and salt value would be even higher. I'm very confused why a smart person like Leighton seems to be providing evidence and then drawing non-logical conclusions.

  11. i stop looking at the moment when i understand that i can not do the recipe without buying something from him

  12. I just had the recipe you made 2 years ago today and hands down, this is the best pho I've ever had. The bone tea is key and charring the spices within the tallow to get all that flavor into the fat and then reintroduce the fat back into the broth is next level. You're a real bro for sharing the secrets behind this.

  13. @Pho This is how I have always felt about Pho. There is something in it that I could not put my finger on. Using your Hat Nem and your cooking method, I cooked up my best batch yet. I cannot wait to watch this whole video. I still can't believe that you got away with calling your restaurant "Pho Queue." The first time I watched one of your videos, I laughed my ass off at that!

  14. Great video, around chapter 2 I think it should be mentioned to make sure after the base is done to let it sit and create that fat layer on top so it’s easy to scoop out of the broth. I went straight from taking out the bones and filtering it and it came out super oily. Will make my correction and see if it turns out different 🙂

  15. I’m sure this pho is good, but you’re promoting your LSP package to sell to us which is no different than me or anyone else going to buy pho seasoning packets. So no matter what you say about the ratios of the rock sugar the fish sauce you still need the LSP seasoning to make it good.

  16. Saw you on Jason Farmer's Youtube Page. He encouraged his followers to subscribe to your channel…. so I did. I plan to try my first completely homemade pho this weekend. Wish me luck!!

  17. Dude I've commented before but this is such an incredible video and your heart to share this with the world is so awesome. I tried hard to make Pho starting many years ago and eventually gave up basically lol, I would have paid a serious amount of money to have this information 10 years ago! Definitely going to be trying this. I absolutely love your methodical, technical and detailed approach. What do you get when you cross an engineer with chef lol? The best Pho recipe and explanation known to man. The bit about the broth needing to be over-seasoned on it's own was a big "aha" moment for me. After watching your other videos I have made some batches, which my family loved, but I was on the fence about. It's because I thought the broth tasted damn good out of the pot, and I was wondering why after assembling the bowls it seemed underwhelming. I guess that's kind of common sense, but it hadn't occurred to me until this particular video pointed it out. This dish can be demoralizing to make because of the effort and time involved, if you wind up with something that's not as tasty as the local shop it's just easier to go pay for a bowl. Hopefully this video inspires us home-chefs to make this regularly, and maybe inspire pho-natics like us to open more Pho shops so that this amazing meal gets even more popular.

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