Pancake Casserole

Pancake Casserole
This is a great way to serve pancakes and eggs to a crowd and have a no mess kitchen! On the same day you are preparing your pancakes, make a few batches of bacon in the oven. Then simply bake your pancake casserole and warm your already cooked bacon and you’ll have a wonderful breakfast for your guests. The recipe I’m giving you below will serve 8-10 depending on how hearty your guests are😂🤣
Here’s what you need:
Frozen Pancakes usually they are like 24 to a bag, or you can certainly make your own
6 large eggs
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoons kosher salt
1 stick of butter cut into pieces for the top when it comes out of the oven and maple syrup for serving
Here’s what to do:
Spray a 9 X 13 baking dish with cooking spray. �Add pancakes to baking dish in 3 rows, overlapping slightly
Make custard mixture by whisking together eggs, cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, and salt in a bowl. Slowly pour mixture over pancakes. �Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight. �In the morning baked the casserole, covered, in preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes. Uncover and continue baking until center is set, about 25 minutes. Dot with pats of butter; drizzle with syrup, top with blueberries, any fruit or even mini chocolate chips!
If you were warming precooked bacon keep it covered with foil and put it in the oven with the casserole for the last 10 minutes. I would take the bacon out of the fridge when I put the casserole in the oven.
This casserole gives you pancakes, a little scrambled egg and with bacon or sausage on the side, it’s a fantastic way to easily feed a crowd!

Well hey everybody and welcome back to Kiki’s Kitchen um I am doing some cooking today for a brunch that I’m doing for tomorrow and so I’m going to start this video a little on the backward side this yumminess right here is my pancake casserole and I just took

It out of the oven because I made one cuz I had extra pancakes and I made one for my husband for his lunch today and since this is one that you know that you assemble today for tomorrow you wouldn’t see the finished product so I’m going to show you the finished product right

Here and um now actually I don’t I don’t have the sliced fruit yet but you can put blueberries on top of that strawberries on top of that anything chocolate chips whatever you want so this is the end product so um this is what my husband’s having for lunch today

And he’ll be a happy happy boy so um I’m going to put you on pause and then I’m going to get everything ready so that we can assemble this I just wanted you to see what it looks like at the end so I’ll be back in a

Few okay so like I said we were working backwards so I showed you the finished product which PS to that we had for lunch and it was very very good and now I’m searching for my cooking spray so I’ll be right back okay I think I have

It together now as close as I get anyway so what I have in here because of course I’m doubling this recipe because I’m making it for 50 and actually I’ll probably make one small pan aside from this too but anyway just to show you that delicious thing that I just showed

You um so here are my this is a dozen eggs doubled so the recipe calls for six so I’ve got a dozen eggs and I’ve whipped them up and to that I’m going to add kosher salt and you really do want to do this because because it needs

Um it needs the salt to balance out the sweet of everything else so um so don’t discount that step um I think I need four teaspoons yes I do um and so you can use this is uh regular vanilla so that’s one um but you can also use vanilla

Paste and when you use vanilla paste it is still a one for one uh you know one teaspoon of vanilla paste is one teaspoon of vanilla extract but this vanilla obviously is going to give it the custard that we’re looking for right so let’s get that in there a little

Bit and then I’ve got heavy cream in this case I’ve got three cups of heavy cream and I have two cups of milk and of course I’m using whole milk because that’s what I had but you can use 2% get that mixed in there well and finally a half a cup of sugar and take my own advice and measure it off and get that stirred in there till it’s good and dissolved gosh I might I’ve been cutting up so many things today that I’ve got little

Cramps in my poor little hands and so I’ve been like I don’t know if you ever get that but I’ll tell you straight yellow mustard really helps a lot on a teaspoon couple teaspoons of yellow mustard and it goes away okay so now I’m spraying My Pan this is obviously a

Fan and I’m and these these um pancakes pancakes pancakes are frozen from you know and they then they’re very very good and these I got at Aldi actually um and I just thaw them out but they come in a big pack and then they are are separated into packages of three so

They’d make a great little breakfast so I’m going to actually um do three rows of them and I’m going to overlap them I think maybe I need to do the second row along with the first and then do the last row but this is very very

Good very good very simple I mean it’s pancakes for a crowd seriously pancakes for a crowd the egg will be act as a little binder to the bottom so it’s kind of like pancakes and eggs but in a custard like a french toast kind of a

Thing good for a crowd pancakes for a crowd pull that up a little bit that looks good stick one under there down here looks good to me there’s not a magic number y’all so so now all we’re going to do is pour this over and cover it and it’s going to sit

Overnight then when we bake it we’re going to bake it covered at 350 for about 30 minutes and then we’re going to uncover it and continue to bake it until it’s nice and golden brown and um that’s probably another 20 to 30 minutes and then um then when it comes

Out you want to dot it with butter and drizzle it with with syrup and that’s all she is there that’s all there is to it let’s put this here and just pour it over a nice even crash make sure they all get nice and coated there you go

Taada so that’s it and now I’m going to cover it with foil put it in the fridge and it’ll be waiting for me tomorrow I hope you TR Qui it have a good day bye

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