BEST Lemon Bars Recipe! | SWEET TOOTH

Lemon bars are a quintessential dessert that everyone should make at least once! Get the recipe here:

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Why is there always comedy tiny spatulas why guys welcome back to sweet tooth today we are making an absolute American classic it is the mighty lemon bar this leaves you with a gorgeous biscuit base or a pastry base topped with the most luscious lemon curd all baked in the

Oven leaving you with the most decadent sweet treat you’ve ever come across in your lives well maybe you found our their decadent sweet treats but this is a good one so we’re gonna start off with a very easy base to this we’ve got a little bit of caster sugar I’ve got some

Desiccated coconut for extra exotic flavor I have some plain flour that goes straight into the bowl and the great thing about this little method is you don’t have to worry about making up a pastry or anything like that it’s a very all-in-one method so I have some melted

Butter which has cooled ever so slightly we’re gonna pour that straight in and then using a spatula I’m just gonna get in there and mix that up until we have a rough looking dough now I have to be honest lemon berries we’re not something I grew up with in Ireland we’ve had

Lemon curd and yes I have many biscuit bases in my life but this one is more of an American sort of sweet treat and it’s certainly one worth making because it leaves you with this mouth puckering hit of lemon curd on the top and then this warm and kind of buttery biscuit base

Which is absolutely gorgeous I keep saying biscuit base but actually I mean kind of pastry base essentially which is what we’re making now I really should concentrate so mix this up and as you can see it kind of brings together a sort of like a wet sand sort of mixture

And the reason that’s handy is because we’re gonna actually press this into the mix we’re not actually gonna make a dough and then roll it out we’re just gonna press it straight into our lined baking tin now at this point of the game you might be thinking this is never

Going to form a gorgeous pastry base but stick with me my friends this is where the magic comes in we’re gonna take that lined baking tin we’re gonna tumble out all that sort of sand like mixture and then using back of a spatula or probably ultimately with my hands I’m going to

Press that down until we have a nice smooth base so take your time with this and just use the back of the spatula or you could even use your fingers and just tamp that mixture down tamp is a word this is pretty much good to go now it’s gonna go

Into the oven at 180 degrees Celsius that’s 350 degrees Fahrenheit and it’s gonna cook off for about 15 minutes while we crack on with the lemon curd right our base has cooked cooled and at this point now you should be left with this beautiful golden base which is

Ready for a lemon curd filling so I’m gonna set this aside and we’re gonna get on with this lemon curd so this is a very simple version because we’re using a little bit of cornflour to stabilize it and it starts off in the pot with all our ingredients but first things first I

Have three lemons that I want to use the zest of and before I slice them to use the juice it’s important to get the zest off otherwise it becomes very tricky and highly complicated so start off by zesting your lemons when you are zesting it’s important that you don’t go further

Than the white so you’re just getting the kind of top layer of that intense yellow color which is where all those gorgeous oils and flavors are ah yes fresh fresh flavor and this is gonna be gorgeous in this lemon curd mix so on with the heat in our pan we’re going in

There with our sugar first and then a little touch of water we have four egg yolks going in and the cornflour so it’s all going straight in and then you’re gonna get in there with a whisk and give it all a good whisk Oh now lemon crow takes a little bit of

Patience we’re gonna bring this up to temperature it’s gonna come to a nice kind of steady simmer you’re gonna keep an eye on it and we’re gonna keep whisking because it does have a tendency to kind of catch on the bottom and once it does come up to simmer I’m gonna keep

Simmering it for about 10 minutes just until it starts to thicken and then it’s time for the lemon zest and a little touch of butter okay this is now looking pretty good at this point so I’m gonna start adding in our butter I’ve got some

Cold butter and I’m just gonna add a few cubes at a time and just whisk them until each one is melted so this is a bit of an all-in-one lemon curd method because you’re using the cornflour it does come together nice and quick show the last and key ingredient is the juice

Of our lemons that we’ve already zested so I have the zest over to one side I’m gonna slice these up and we’re gonna basically juice them and then add them in Okay this is looking pretty good I’m gonna pour this straight in and just strain off any of those pips so we’re in a pretty good place with this lemon curd the last little ingredient is our lemon zest don’t forget about that so that goes straight in lovely fragrance from

That lemon zest so it’s well worth adding here at this point now at this point with the lemon zest in there this lemon curd is pretty much good to go but because these are at lemon bars and we want this to set up when it bakes off in

The oven I’m gonna add a touch of flour just to stabilize it out so this goes straight in and we’re just gonna whisk this until smooth so it does require a little bit of elbow grease but you don’t want to over whisk that flour in there so once it’s nicely mixed through we’re

Gonna grab it up we’re gonna take that cooled base and it’s time to get it poured right over the top so just smooth that over the top and this is where your lemon bar is come to life this is now gonna bake off in the oven at 320 degrees Fahrenheit that is

160 degrees Celsius and it’s gonna bake off for about 30 minutes after which time I’m going to take it out of the oven let it cool completely and then set in the fridge for about two hours and then it’s time to serve Now it does take a little bit of time but once the lemon bars have come out of the oven cooled completely popped in the fridge for two errors you are left with something that is ready to be served it’s a little bit of a labor of love but

I promise you this is worth the wait so I’m just gonna transfer this out and hopefully we’ll be able to basically slice these up nice and evenly unmold it from any of that parchment paper and a good tip to make sure that these look really pretty is to take off the edges

So a slice down the side by doing this you just get a nice even cut on these lemon bars and you get that nice exposed edge and at this point now it’s a good time to take away any of that parchment paper and now we are into lemon bar city

So we’re gonna take up a little bit of icing sugar and this is a nice way of finishing them off gonna take a tablespoon or so of icing sugar and you’re just gonna use a little spoon to tap it over the top okay we are good to

Go so at this point all you are left to do is slice this up into nice little lemon bars and serve and now it’s the moment of truth this is what I’ve been waiting for it’s time to dive in oh I shouldn’t cry tear this oh

Good I mean that is exactly what you’re after it’s this sort of lip puckering Lee lemon hiss that is just a smack of flavor as always if you want the full recipe I will leave a link in the box below which will bring you to my website

Where they plenty of recipes just like this one delicious easy simple and then some baking ones to the full playlist for this sweet tooth series you will get in the box below as well and leave me a comment letting you know if you’re gonna try these gorgeous little lemon bars

Until then my friends click subscribe and I’ll see you soon


  1. Donal, don't you dare let those edge trimmings go to waste! 😉

    I was telling my g/f just the other day that I've been thinking about lemon bars and, lo, your video turns up in my YouTube recommendations. (I think my tablet was eavesdropping on our conversation.). Be well and take care.

  2. The directions for the lemon curd in this video and in the ingredient page are entirely different. The order you put them in, how much each thing is cooked, etc. is completely different. I have no idea which to follow tbh.

  3. Corn flour or corn starch? They are two different things. What you used is obviously corn starch

  4. Before you make these here's a couple things to watch out for: the recipe on the website is INCOMPLETE. Some of the ingredients used in the video aren't even in the recipe (lemon zest, salt). The method for making the lemon curd is extremely vague and leaves out some important details, the order is all wrong compared to the video. The amount of sugar in both the curd and base are overwhelming. Don't be afraid to cut down on it by a quarter or more. The end result was very rich but with sugar amount adjustments also quite nice!

    TLDR: there is nothing more annoying that having to rewatch video over and over again while baking because written down recipe is completely unreliable.

  5. I think I may have made my curd too hot because when I poured the batter onto the crust it was like a jello :/ but they taste amazing!

  6. This is so wrong to watch during quarantine because I LOVE lemon everything and I for sure have a sweet tooth!! Thank you for sharing.

  7. I have not idea about lemon bars-
    but right here , I totally in to
    Is the top sweet dream in my life and with you I wanna make my first one
    I try to follow you in every si file step , because- I not smart in that in one word i new
    And you are so young – my admiration and respect for you young men

  8. Lush recipe. Made the lemon bars the other day and they went down a treat. Thank you for posting and can I say I love your banta. 👍🤣

  9. The cornflour in the video looks like cornstarch. Should I be using actual cornflour or cornstarch. I'm in the US so I'm not sure if the names are different

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