Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burritos on the Blackstone Griddle

Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burritos on the Blackstone Griddle
There are a lot of great ways to start your mornings, but if you start your morning off with one of these amazing Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burritos on the Blackstone Griddle, your entire day will be amazing! These Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burritos on the Blackstone Griddle are super easy to make and can be customized to how ever you like. Hope you enjoyed the video of these Steak Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burritos on the Blackstone Griddle and be sure to check out some of my other videos. While you are at it might as well subscribe too!!

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Well hey there and welcome back today we’re going to do some breakfast we’re going to make some steak egg and cheese breakfast burritos I tell you I love a good breakfast but I really love a good breakfast burrito and I think these today are going to just turn out amazing

Now a dish like this you can use a lot of different ingredients in as you can see here what I just went to the store and picked out something simple sometimes I mean you can get really elaborate with this you really can but sometimes simp is the best way

To go and that’s what we’re going to do today just something simple so you’re going want to go ahead and go on and fire up that black stone and get that thing heating up because we got to cook us some breakfast so let’s go ahead and get these steaks ready while that Grill

Is heating up now there’s not a whole lot of prep to do to these steaks I got some extra virgin olive oil that we’re just going to coat just put a little light coat on each steak don’t eat it real thick we’re just kind of going to use it as a binder and

Also something for it to kind of fry our Grill up in griddle up in flip them over we’ll add a little bit more here the each side like this there we go now let’s talk about the seasoning I’m using this High plane steak I actually love this stuff

Blackstone also makes a blacken steak that is just absolutely out of this world but I figured for breakfast this High Plaines is going to be perfect let’s see if we can get it open there we go let’s get this thing seasoned now if you have a preferred steak

Seasoning let me know in the comments down below I would love to know what you prefer on your steaks but I’m going to tell you this High Plaines is really really good and how thick you want it that’s completely up to you too but I think that right there that’s good enough

Let’s go check on that griddle well I’m seeing that white smoke that means it’s time to get some groceries up on this griddle instead of oil I’m going to throw down a few pts of butter now this is unsalted butter use whatever kind of butter you like that is 100% your

Choice again I mean that’s the way cooking is you choose what you want to cook with right now I’m going to choose to throw this riby on here I think I’m going to choose to throw both of them on here get them in that butter now it won’t take these long at

All and the dun this is up to you again uh I like mine kind of a medium rare a little pinkish in the middle and being these are real thin it won’t take long at all for them to get there but these RI eyes cooking up in all this butter

With that Highland plain steak on there yes sir this is smelling right already now they’ve only been on here maybe 3 or 4 minutes I’m going to go ahead and give them a flip got a nice little color to them not really a Char I’m not really looking to

Char these on each side just looking to cook them through cuz we’re going to cut these up anyhow what I do have to say they are really looking good and that butter man you know that butter is adding amazing flavor to these steaks a these steaks are done pretty much where

I want them so grab a tongs let’s take them up now we’re just going to take them over here and let them rest for a second or a few minutes actually so while those steaks are resting now it’s a good time to start sautéing up your diced onions and diced bell peppers I’m

Going to put that right there in that steak juice I guess you call it all that all that flavor that’s on the grilled up butter that seasoning that ribe juice all that good stuff kind of let these sit here and just sauté a little bit now while these

Sautéing let’s get over there go ahead and be mixing up our eggs getting it ready and then we’re going to start cutting that steak up while these are sautéing but every now and then come over here and just mix these up a little bit man these steaks really are looking

Good we’re going to let them rest for a little while longer let’s get our eggs ready now I didn’t really know how many eggs I needed for this recipe but I know how many I’m going to use I’m going to use five you got extra it ain’t going to hurt

Nothing so let’s go ahead and get these in a bowl don’t roll off there now we don’t want no plain old eggs I mean plain eggs who wants that let’s add a little seasoning I’m going to use this Hatch Chili and cheddar by Blackstone I love love this stuff too

And I think paired with that Highlands planes on that steak and all the other flavors going on in this in this burrito we’re making it’s just going to be the perfect fit and you don’t need a whole lot of it just a little flavor and all you want

These eggs so let’s just beat them up real good kind of like to owe you some money kind of get them a little fluffy add a little air into them whip them up good looking pretty good right there let me go over there and stir it

In onions and peppers up real quick then we going to come back and get on these steaks all these are looking good and we’re not trying to cook these all the way down we’re just trying to kind of get them softened up a little bit but right now they are really really looking Good let’s go work on them steaks now as far as steaks go you can cut them up like you want you can leave them whole I don’t care however you want to do it but these are real thin and I just want look like little pieces of steak in there

Mixed in with everything else so I’m GNA get the rest of this cut up and keep stirring them onions and peppers on The Griddle over there and we going to get ready to put this thing together here in a little bit steak is now cut up and you see what

We ended up with a good bit of steak got a little pink in there still perfect and honestly tastes amazing this is going to be so good let’s go over the griddle and finish this thing up come on now you see the peppers and onions I’ve cooked down

A good bit so I’m going to slide them way over here in the corner and just so you know I did turn the griddle all the way down to low now now we need to cook them eggs but I want to cook them on a good

Clean surface so I’m going to clean up a lot of this mess here that we have on The Griddle not much really Mak some pretty eggs so I’m going to throw down a couple more tabs of butter here right here in the Center fluff my eggs back up just a little bit and let’s pour them on here trick to eggs is I learned this from Blackstone Betty is low and slow that’s the secret to eggs on the Blackstone do not cook them fast I mean you already see how fluffy these are

Becoming and just how beautiful these eggs are going to turn out look at that y’all and in no time you got some nice pretty fluffy eggs here eggs are really simple on the gridle Once you turn that heat down that’s the main thing okay now that these eggs are good and

Done let’s add in our peppers and our onions here to it kind of mix them around see how they look I think that’s about to ride them out what y’all think we need to grab that steak now let’s add in some steak we’ll try that much see how that works

Out can you have too much steak it’s kind of like bacon I don’t know if you can have too much bacon I don’t know if you can have too much steak but this right here there like a pretty good ratio I’m liking That but now remember these are called steak egg and cheese so we got to grab that cheese now I just have here some pre-shredded kobe Jack we’re going to make it good and cheesy I’m going to dump it all in there I don’t know how much that is it’s a good

Bit make them cheesy that’s what I I love a good cheesy burrito so we’re just going to mix all this together now that looks pretty D going good kind of liking the way that looks so I’m now let’s just slide and let’s heat up our tortillas look at there

Perfect now I am going to turn the heat back up on one side over here with more where the tortillas are at mainly right there and then we’re going to put these things together and have us some good old breakfast here in just a little bit just coming here now and give this

Tortillas a flip we’re not really looking to toast them up right yet yet is the key word all we want to do right now is just warm them up and the reason I left this on the gdle for right now well it’s to keep it hot I don’t want our filling to get

Cold won’t be long we’re going to build these things all right these tortillas are good warmed up so let’s go ahead and get them off The Griddle take them over here grab us a bowl let’s get this filling taken up now stuffing filling all this cheesy goodness whatever you want to call

This I know it’s good it’s hot and it’s ready to build let’s go over here and do this so now this is the simple part actually just throw down your burrito your tortillas whatever you want to call these things and start adding in your stuff the problem I usually have with

Making burritos is I over fill them I put too much filling in there so I’m going to try that see how that turns out let’s get this other one filled up now I know it smells good you can see all that cheese is kind of binding everything together yeah this going to be

Right okay let’s see how that works out folding a burrito is usually pretty simple fold over your sides fold this over and just took every everything in together like so one more time for those who didn’t get it the first time then I’m going to mess this one up now watch tuck everything

In there we go except for that piece two burritos ready to go back on The Griddle let’s go over there and put them back on come on now this is the simple part all you got to do just put them back on here just toast them on either side once

They’re good and toasty on both sides we going to take them them up cut one open and try it out and also while we’re waiting on these to toast up now is a great time if you go ahead and hit the Subscribe button hit that Thumbs Up

Button share this video out every little bit of interaction helps this channel out and I sure would appreciate it so I do believe they’re toasted up like I want them so let’s go ahead and get them off The Griddle now the trick to presentation is turn them on the side

The bottom side the open side where you folded it together turn them on the bottom let’s go over here and check these things out two steak cake and cheese breakfast burritos that simple not hard to put together and they look amazing now you know the drill I got to

Get my glamour shots take a couple reels show you this up close and we’re going to cut into them and try them out I mean they may not look like a whole lot but you know they are stuffed with some goodness down in there and that toasty crunchy tortilla all wrapped around it

Too man these are going to be good so what you think about that good toasty crunchy outside you know that ooey gooey goodness is on the inside y’all I got to cut one open and try it out so I’m going to slide that one off the

Board now before I cut how do you cut your breit do you cut straight across do you cut diagonally what do you do I’m going to make this one diagonal like so let’s open it up oh look at that y’all turn that around make it look better there you

Go what do y’all think about that looks pretty dog gone good now there’s only one thing left do actually two y’all I have to have some hot sauce and of course it has to be Texas Pete I got to put some Texas Pete on mine here we go now here’s what I like

Doing here’s my favorite part so mhm that how you get that second bite that is full of flavor that is perfect man what I even start with this I mean the Hatch Chili in in them eggs you little bit of that coming through that steak is done perfectly I

Mean there’s no chew to it it’s just so tender you know them peppers and them onions add another level of flavor and then that wrapped in that Tor that crispy tortilla perfect these are some perfect perfect breakfast burritos this is also great for meal prep make a bunch

Of these up put them up you got breakfast every day of the week before before you go to work before you go to school before you go everywhere anywhere you go the gym wherever you decide to go that morning you have breakfast ready for you already so make these up try

Them out let me know in the comments down below this is where I love reading y’all’s comments about I would add this I’d take away this I’d do that let me know what you do different let me know what you like like about this one just

Let me know with that I got a enough to make another one real quick so I probably will and we’ll see you next time


  1. Good stuff POP's! I add my eggs last so they don't get dry, even after the cheese. And of course ya gotta have the hot sauce.

  2. Hey HD! Did ya know that breakfast is good for dinner to, lol. I like a good breakfast burrito and use what ever protein ya want. What I do like in my breakfast burrito is some shredded hash browns…mmm, mmm good. GRIDDLE ON DUDE

  3. Fantastic cook Butch. I love everything you put in this baby. I just made this same video about a week ago. Great minds think alike, I guess. Have a great weekend, my friend.

  4. Great idea to make a batch for weekday breakfast on the go. Those would easily reheat in the air fryer👍😊

  5. Good griddlin Crazy Pop, gotta love this one and it can have so many variations like pork, chicken . You sure have the egg secret down, I do add a touch of oil before the butter goes down for the eggs in case the griddle has not cooled down to 300 or so. Ya got the cheese nailed too.

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