Pistachio Milk Cake Recipe / Tres Leches from Scratch - Ramadan Recipe

I’m such a milk-cake lover and whilst there are so many flavours to choose from Pistachio is my favourite. I love the taste and I love the green colour so much.

Making a pistachio tres leches from scratch is not hard and hopefully this video helps you master milk cakes!

Pistachio Milk Cake Recipe (serves 12):

I blended 100g of pistachios in total.

Dry Ingredients:
– 1 cup plain flour
– 4 tbsp pistachios powder
– 1/2 tsp salt
– 2 tsp baking powder

Wet Ingredients:
– 8 egg yolks
– 5 tbs white granulated sugar
– 1 1/2 cups whole milk
– 1 tsp vanilla
– colour mill mint food colouring

– 8 egg whites
– 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
– 1 tsp white distilled vinegar

Milk Bath:
– 1 cup whole milk
– 1 cup evaporated milk
– 1/2 cup condensed milk
– 2 tbs pistachio powder
– colour mill mint food colouring

– 600ml double cream
– 3 tbs granulated sugar
– pistachio powder and chopped pistachios

1. Add the pistachios in a food processor and blend until a fine powder has formed
2. Mix all of the dry ingredients together using a whisk and set aside
3. Separate 8 egg so you have 8 egg whites and 8 egg yolks. Add the yolks to a measuring jug and whites to a stainless steel bowl
4. To the 8 yolks add in the remaining wet ingredients. Pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and add in the food colouring. Mix until just combined
5. To the egg white add in the white distilled vinegar and gradually add in the sugar to create the meringue. Increase the speed as you add in more sugar
6. Add in a small amount of meringue to the batter and then add in the remaining. Make sure you do not overmix and gently fold using a spatula
7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees celsius for 25 to 30 minutes
8. In the mean time combine all the ingredients together for the milk bath and refrigerate until it is ready to be used
9. Allow the cake to cool completely before you pour in the milk bath. Poke holes into the cake using a fork and then pour in the milk mixture.
10. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight
11. Add 600ml of double cream to a freezer for 10 minutes and then whip using a hand mixer. You can add in sugar if you wish. Mix until the double cream has whipped up and is silky smooth
12. Spread the cream ontop of the cake and garnish with some pistachio powder and chopped pistachio nuts
13. Cut into 12 pieces and serve with some additional milk mixture and enjoy! Ramadan Mubarak 🫶🌙

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#cake #baking #recipe #milkcake #traybake #tresleches #treslechescake #pistachio #pistachiocake #ramadan #ramadanrecipes

I love milk cake so much especially pistachio milk cake so let me show you how to make the most delicious Tres Lees from scratch nothing beats a homemade fresh cake with fresh ingredients and this mil cake is the perfect treat to have for Ramadan so firstly we need to

Make our pistachio powder and this is done by blending up some whole pistachios for this recipe I require 100 G of pistachios please make sure that the pistachios are not salted and also do not buy the ones that you need to break to get the nut out add your

Pistachos to your food processor or Nutri Billet and blend this up until a very fine powder has been created this only takes around 20 to 30 seconds Subhan Allah the color of this is so beautiful it’s honestly very hard to replicate we will be adding the pistachio powder to our dry ingredients

So in a separate Bowl adding the plain flour please ensure it’s plain flour and not self- raisin flour to that we’re going to be adding in 4 tbspoon of the pistachio powder alongside half a teaspoon of salt and 2 taspo of baking powder and that is the dry ingredients

Done make sure to give that a good mix using a whisk and then set it aside I think the next part is what really throws people off from making a milk cake from scratch because it can be long but trust me it is so worth it because

The taste is marvelous and personally I find separating the egg whites and egg yolks really fun you need your eggs to be medium to large and in total you need eight eggs be very careful when you’re separating the egg whites and the egg yolks because you do not want to get any

Yolk bits inside the egg whites as we need to whip the egg whites up and if there are any y bits inside the egg whites then it will not stabilize into a merang I add the egg whites to stain a steel bowl and with the egg yolks I

Normally just keep them in a measuring jug once they’re separated to the egg yolks we need to add in 1 and 1/2 cups of whole milk 5 tspoons of white granulated sugar and I know this is a pistachio milk cake so this is optional but I love adding in a teaspoon of

Vanilla because I feel as if it does really complement the pistachios really well and gives the cake a delicious flavor mix everything together using a whis this doesn’t have to be perfect just until everything is combined and pour this into the dry ingredients and then adding your food coloring I’m using

Color in in the shade mint because I want a really light pastel color as in my opinion it does look so much prettier mix everything together and set aside now for the merang I add in 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar as this helps stabilize the egg whites you can also

Use lemon juice or cream of tart start by mixing on a very low speed and gradually adding the white granulated sugar you want to add in the sugar little by little you will notice that the egg whites will become frothy and then eventually become really white and

Shiny in color and also increase the speed of your hand mixer gradually as you add in more and more sugar in the end you are left with this beautiful shiny amazing stabilized merang and it looks super beautiful now for the fun part which is mixing the merang into the

Wet batter you want to start off by adding a little bit in just to break into it do not add in all of the merang at once do this in small parts when you are adding in the merang make sure to not over mix this either as we want to

Keep as much air as possible in the butter so make sure you’re gently folding this with the spatula the tray size I’m using for this recipe is 32.5 CM * 22.5 CM which is the perect perfect size add the smallest amount of vegetable oil so that the cake does not

Stick to the bottom once you’ve added the butter into your tray make sure to flatten this out evenly with the spatula and I also tap the tray on the counter so that the batter is distributed evenly in the baking tray bake this in the oven

At 180° C for around 25 to 30 minutes whilst the cake was baking I made my milk mixture so this is 1 cup of whole milk 1 cup of evaporated milk and half a cup of sweet condensed milk best combination ever is super tasty I added in two big tablespoons of the pistachio

Powder alongside some additional color and we’re going to use this to soak the milk my oven is an electric oven so if you do have a gas oven then the time to bake may vary slightly so just make sure to keep an eye out the cake comes out of

The oven it should be large but over time it will become completely flat I used a fork to create holes in the cake you want to try and create as many holes as you can pour all of the milk mixture into the cake the whole thing I cover

This with clean film and ideally is better if you let the cake rest in the fridge overnight and decorate the next day because all the milk and the flavor will soak into the cake and it will taste amazing but I did keep this in the the frish for around 3 hours which is

Also good enough as I needed it to be served on the same day I always put the double cream in the freezer for around 10 minutes to help it become super ched because this will result in a smooth silky cream optional but I like my cream

Sweet so I added in 3 tbsp of sugar again start to be on a low speed and then gradually increase the speed and you will be left with the most dreamy and delicious whipped cream spread the whipped cream onto the cake tray using a spatula in total I use 600 mL of cream

Which is a big amount but is perfect for this recipe serving I always like it when I have more cake and less cream to make this more presentable I topped on the remaining pistachio powder alongside some whole Cho pistachios which gave it an amazing look and that is literally it

The pistachio milk cake is done and it is ready to be served this recipe makes 12 amazing size servings which is incredible and plus it’s made from scratch if you’re from London you know how expensive a single slice of pistachio milk cake would be if you were

To buy it from somewhere like Ellen Cafe I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe so simple and easy by by the way all recipes I share on here are literally taste approved by my mom because no one is more honest than your own mother and she confirmed that it was indeed very

Delicious please like and comment if you enjoyed this recipe share with your family and friends and also subscribe if you would like to see more I would definitely be sharing more Ramadan recipes so keep in touch and also make sure to follow me on Instagram and Tik

Tok yam zoha and tag me in your Creations also let me know what other things you would like to see in the comments and I will do my best to create them I for got to mention that I always make an additional batch of milk to pour

On top of the cake while serving thank you so much for watching this cake has already received so much love and I’m honestly so grateful


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