Artichoke Avocado Pea Endive Salad with Garlic Cashew Dressing ~ Take 3

MD Vegan cutting endive lettuce into thin stripes, combining with peas, avocados, artichokes, onions and red chili peppers, tossing with Garlic Cashew Dressing, talking about daily greens, dark leafy greens and endive lettuce, the queen of lettuces, texture and bitter flavor, about the ingredients of this recipes and how the play together.
For how to make Garlic Cashew Dressing go to:

Hi friends MD vegan time for my Daily Greens yeah I atat a green salad favorably but there are many ways to get the greens today I have Endive lettuce the queen of lettuces here I have some beautiful greens uh leaves here I washed them already and dried them in a salad

Spinner very nice tool easy and not expensive and it helps a lot because when I dry the leaves after washing it’s important because there’s always sand in the leaves and so get with lettuce when I Dr when I dry them with a spinner and um the dressing can taste

Really nicely otherwise when they are wet when the the leaves are wet um the dressing can be diluted and then it’s anyway it’s it’s not always easy to to match a dressing with a salad um you have to taste it when you make a dressing that everybody knows that in

The kitchen where usually when you take when you make a dressing and you taste tasted you don’t know what it tastes on the salad itself so you have to taste it always with the salad leaves or the ingredients of the Sal because they change and when you have water on the

Leaves it’s even more difficult because usually you have to overseason the dressing yeah because it always gets tell you taste the dressing it always tastes Less on the salad so when you have more water or too much water on the leaves well that effect is even stronger and

You’ve tasted almost nothing then and especially for this recipe I made today it’s especially important by the way I cut it into thin Stripes as I as you saw here just stacks of leaves and cutting in thin Stripes because that makes a Endive that naturally tastes a little

Bit bitter they call it the queen of lettuce because it has the most nutrients it’s a dark leafy green it’s a little firm and the darker and firmer they are the more bitter they are can be and this is a little bit bitter when you back them in in these thin Stripes have

A fluffy texture and the other ingredients the dressing can get everywhere and balance the bitter flavor and that’s what you want to do to make it Sal delicious you balance the bitter Greens Greens are always a little bit bitter more or less and you have to balance that

Usually most people don’t like bitter flavors and the Animals either neither because in nature the plants produce bitter flavors to fend off eating enemies they don’t want to be eaten of course it’s nature not to be eaten of course and and when they are bitter the animals the chances are they don’t eat

Them nobody wants to eat what’s bitter bitter is the cleansing element so it’s also reason why the greens are so healthy because bitter is cleansing greens are cleansing for many reasons but the bitter also so um you want balance the bit have a wonderful rounded flavor I do today I add a

Peas a cup of peas that’s a wonderful um addition to to salads also green salads peas are green too peas are legumes that means it’s about the healthiest food we can eat not the healthiest food are greens but the peas and chickpeas and lentils and beans and so they are so

Healthy because when you want to get older I mean you live longer um medical advice is eat uh legumes yeah peas chick p and so every day you get re olded it’s a very interesting thing didn’t know that until recently I love um all kinds of legum

And peas in the salad and wonderful and I add here a nice avocado it’s my avocado pea dish I can make avocado peas that means I have these peas add avocados and maybe Chili Peppers perfect with peas and avocados both nice red chili pepper here not too

Hot yeah depends on the kind of chili you have this is with the seeds because it’s not too hot when you have a very hot very hot one you might take out the seeds slices lengthwise scrap it and then you cut it and you have your your

Um Chili Pepper without the seeds yeah but the seeds are very hot can be very very hot in the in in the pepper otherwise um after a while you get very easily used to the chili peppers they are fruity not bitter at all rather fruity um I love the chili peppers and

Here half an onion often times do that in salads in nine salads half an onion chopped up wonderful with peas wonderful with avocados with greens onions and salads are really nice um it’s good to have them in their crunchy hot balance in the green also they have a sweet too

The onions are sweet by the way you don’t taste that because they’re hot but they have the sweet flavor and why it’s especially important for this salad year to be dried with leaves I said before is because of my main ingredient today my main addition and avoc arti shoke hearts aroke hearts are

This the inside of a the heart of a blossom Aral plant grows in warm or hot on in South France for example it has a hard leaves and the leaves you peel the leaves off and inside is the heart and that is marinated here and then you have a wonderful

Fleshy um veggie here that’s a delicacy um this has been marinated by a company and they do that always with also olives they also put olives into into um they sell them and um the very nice qual I’m glad otherwise earlier on we we had

Always had to we had to um cook the avocados ourselves you could also purchase the avocado uh the at choke cook it in salt water and then you get your avocado a choke hearts and you eat the leaves and so it’s like a a game of

Play on the table but but now we are lucky we can purchase the hearts highly recommend it but you need to put a lot of flavor florous into the salad other than a chokes because they are very dominant they are dense fety flesh and if you put two little flavors into it

Like for example only peas yeah they have not much flavor they’re mild then you don’t taste anything in the salad and the salad has to have a has a character flavors out and with the with the aun you have to have some more flavors that are strong and

Characteristic to balance the arti choke otherwise the arti choke would be dominant and when you have no other flavors you don’t taste a lot yeah usually the a choke is eaten with mayonnaise or so by itself so I have a little bit mayonnaise dressing here fits nicely I add a little

Bit more dressing because of the a choke they like that and the Endive also makes it easy to add a little bit more creaminess and a little bit more abundance of the dressing you see this is a garlic cashew dressing don’t take too much but it’s a a nice amount the

Rest goes back into the fridge and I show you in another video you’ll find the link under this video how to make the garlic cashew dressing but it’s not easy it’s not it’s easy not difficult you just Blends cashews with garlic a lot both a little bit of lemon pepper

And salt and water five ingredients and then you have a nice dressing you can adjust more or less water gets runnier or not more or less lemon and so forth it’s very nice this dressing it’s very versatile with many different Sals and um in this case I make it a

Little bit runnier because I know already from my experience that the arti chokes like a little bit more dressing so you know you have a little bit more runnier dressing you can take a little bit more otherwise it gets too heavy in the end so so it has a a fine

Balance with many things and um the little experience can make wonderful dress salad um very easy it’s not difficult to make a salad but you have to have just one some some general ideas um you have to to um consider and then you not too difficult to make here this one is mine

Today the arti chokes avocado Peas the endives and the garlic cashew dressing and um might be very nice I could eat it as is SP Rich maybe with a potato or so no problem that would be a whole meal and I have a b greens that’s important every day my

Greens I feel it if I don’t have it I don’t feel it directly but I feel it when I miss one day the greens and the next day I eat it again then I noticed that I missed something yeah it’s always L sometimes a little bit more

Complicated but that’s the way it is right thanks for watching I hope you enjoy if you like like my video subscribe andd on YouTube have another recipe every single day and find me on Facebook Instagram p x


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