Transforme Sua Saúde com a DIETA MEDITERRÂNEA: Receita Surpreendente de Sardinha!

Transforme Sua Saúde com a DIETA MEDITERRÂNEA: Receita Surpreendente de Sardinha!

Descubra uma deliciosa e saudável receita de sardinha inspirada na dieta mediterrânea, rica em ômega-3, vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
Aprenda a preparar um prato cheio de sabor e benefícios para a saúde, repleto de proteína e nutrientes.
Experimente esta opção nutritiva e fácil de fazer para adicionar mais variedade e qualidade à sua alimentação!

1kg de sardinhas limpas e temperadas previamente com sal
1/ 3 xícara de azeite de oliva
4 tomates bem maduros cortados em rodelas
2 cebolas grande cortada em rodelas
1 pimentão verde em rodelas
2 batatinhas cortada em fatias de 1 cm
1 maço de cheiro verde ao seu gosto
1/ 3 xícara de vinagre ou suco de limão
Temperos e ervas: ao seu gosto. Sugestão: páprica defumada doce ou picante, coentro. Pimenta do reino.

Passo a Passo
1. Preparação: Comece limpando as sardinhas e reserve. Corte o tomate, cebola, pimentão, batatinha tudo em rodelas. E reserve.
2. Montagem: Na panela de pressão, faça uma camada de batatas. cebolas fatiadas, seguida de tomates e alho e polvilhe com um pouco de sal. Coloque as sardinhas e repita as camadas. Tempere com sal, pimenta e finalize com bastante azeite de oliva e um pouco de suco de limão.”
3. Cozimento: Feche a panela e cozinhe por cerca de 20 minutos após começar a pressão para um cozimento rápido.
Se quiser comer inclusive as espinhas da sardinha cozinhe por 60 minutos no fogo médio/baixo na panela de pressão comum e atenção é preciso adicionar 1/ 2 xícara de água.
se for cozinhar na panela de pressão elétrica adicione somente 1/ 4 de xícara de água.
4. Finalização: Deixe a pressão sair naturalmente e está pronto para servir!
– Dicas para servir: acompanhado de uma salada fresca ou pão integral.

Conheça o curso “Probióticos para iniciantes – Primeiros passos”. Pressione o link abaixo. ⬇️

Curso “Alimentação Milenar: Fermentados e Probióticos”. Pressione o link abaixo. ⬇️

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Kayoko Takeda | Faça do seu alimento, o seu remédio!

Welcome to our channel! Today we’re going to dive into the secrets of the Mediterranean diet. Acclaimed as one of the most beneficial for health in the world! And we have a surprise! A wonderfully simple and tasty recipe for sardines cooked in the pressure cooker. I’m Kayoko Takeda, your guide in the fascinating

World of healthy eating and home fermentation. Here you will learn how to transform common foods into probiotic treasures. And if you’re just starting out, our Probiotics for Beginners First Steps Course is the perfect kick-start. Find the link in the description below.

The Mediterranean diet is a treasure trove of fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts and the unique olive oil. Its virtues: heart health, weight control and a powerful barrier against chronic diseases. But what really makes it special is the celebration of food in good company. A

Cultural pillar of Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Greece and Spain. But why sardines? Is this modest fish a nutritional giant? Rich in Omega-3, proteins, vitamins such as D and vitamin B12, calcium and phosphorus in addition to benefits for the heart and brain. Sardines are a natural anti-inflammatory and

Have a lower environmental impact, making them a more accessible and sustainable ready-to-cook option. We will need cleaned sardines, olive oil, tomatoes, onion, green pepper, potatoes and a touch of green scent and lemon or vinegar. The magic happens in the pressure cooker, transforming these

Simple ingredients into an extraordinary dish. Let’s go to preparation. I have sardines here that have already been prepared with a tablespoon of salt, in this standard measure, right? That’s the tablespoon . And the potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and red onions and white onions, they’re mixed together, right? I have garlic here, if

You like, parsley, it was frozen. I will use 1/3 cup of vinegar. This is the red vinegar I’m using. You can use lemon too. Who likes to add lemon. I think the vinegar helps to make the sardines very soft, the bones very soft, right? Sardine bones. And it seems that

When we use lemon, I notice, it gets a little bitter. Not vinegar. And 1/3 cup olive oil. This combination of olive oil, tomato, onion, garlic is very delicious. So that’s the secret. I’ve already eaten

A lot. I also made it using vegetable oil, which doesn’t give the flavor it does when using olive oil. I ‘m using potatoes. What is this potato for? It’s for lining the pressure cooker. I’m going to salt it

A little. It’s best not to salt it too much. If there is a lack of salt, add more, it is very easy to correct. Now, if you overdo it with salt, it’s not cool, right? As this pressure cooker loses a lot of

Liquid when it starts to boil, I’m going to put half a cup of water in the bottom and I’m going to put these potatoes in the bottom. This is so that the sardines don’t stick to the bottom of the

Pan. And the potato is also very delicious. It doesn’t have the skin on, I didn’t remove the skin. Here I’m going to put the vinegar on top of our sardines. I bought these sardines frozen. You can use any seasoning or herbs you want here. Coriander, chives, and olive oil.

Here I added half a cup of water. I’ll put it on high heat, when it starts to sizzle, then you lower the heat and cook for an hour, if you want it to be good, with the bones

Very soft and for you to be able to eat all the sardines. If you want faster cooking then you don’t need to add the water and you will only cook for 20 minutes. If you are using an electric pressure cooker, add less water. Just add 1/3 cup or 1/4 cup of water.

It’s true? Because it doesn’t lose the cooking water. So now I’m going to heat it and come back with it already cooked. Our sardines are ready. There was just a little liquid left, right? A little more

Liquid. This is easy to resolve. Just cook more over the heat with the lid open. I think I really worked on the heat very low, I set it to the lowest setting. Now let’s see how it turned out. R$20.00 worth of sardines were purchased

. It weighed more or less 1.2 kg. After cleaning it weighed almost 900 g. 880 and a few grams. It’s ready here, look, there are two layers of sardines. Quite. Here I’m going to make a dish like this with Quinoa instead of rice, right? This one is more

Protein. And a salad that isn’t here. Let’s show here how it looks. The spine is very soft. It’s like a canned roast. He knows! Look! It crushes the spine easily and is delicious,

Right? Made with olive oil it is very good. You can eat little by little. You can keep it in the fridge. Always place in the smallest container possible. Don’t put it in a wide dish and

Put it in the fridge. The tendency for food to spoil is when it is left exposed to oxygen, so put it in an appropriate size container and it can also be frozen, for up to two months. You

Can freeze it in portions if your family is not very big. So this dish is very healthy! Very full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, proteins and it is easy to make. And the flavor

Is surprising. If you do it like this using olive oil, tomatoes, onions, it’s very fresh, okay? So this is the characteristic of the Mediterranean dish. That was our recipe. Enjoy! I’m going to eat this fish here. Now it’s your turn to bring the Mediterranean Diet to your table, but first don’t forget

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  1. Direto d tokio a esse mísero e corrupto paiz chamado Brasil, nossa mestre kayoko Takeda, uma luz nas trevas para abrir os olhos dos cegos na culinária

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