Crusty Pistachio and Olive Whole Wheat Loaf: A Deliciously Healthy Recipe

Welcome to the warm and inviting world of home baking! In today’s video, we’re diving into the rustic charm of a crusty whole wheat loaf, elevated with the delightful crunch of pistachios and the rich, savory taste of black olives. This artisanal bread, with its golden-brown crust and tender, aromatic crumb, is not just a treat for the taste buds, but also a feast for the eyes. Join us as we guide you through each step of the baking process, from mixing the wholesome ingredients to pulling the perfect loaf out of the oven. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or trying your hand at bread-making for the first time, this recipe promises a rewarding and delicious experience. So, grab your apron, and let’s bake a masterpiece that’s sure to impress your family and friends!

Wet ingredients:
• 10 oz warm water
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1 tablespoon olive oil, we used extra virgin olive oil.
• 1 packet instant yeast
Dry ingredients:
• 2 cups whole wheat flour
• ½ cup unbleached bread flour
• ¼ teaspoon salt*
• ½ cup shelled pistachios, we used Trader Joe’s
• ½ cup or more (I was generous) sliced canned black olives
• ½ teaspoon Italian herb seasoning. French will work too. This is optional, it just adds a hint of extra flavour.
Combine wet ingredients. Keep in a warm place until foaming lightly. Then add the dry ingredients. Once mixed I let the stand mixer “knead” the dough for about five minutes. After which I stretched and folded the dough a few times using a couple of bench scrapers as this is a well-hydrated dough. I then proofed it in the Instant Pot for 40 minutes on Yoghurt setting. The dough will proof perfectly well in a bowl covered with a damp cloth if you don’t have an Instant Pot.
I pre-heated my Anova Precision Oven to 450F, with 100% steam. Then 15 minutes no steam at 375F. I used the convection setting and baked the bread on a bread/pizza stone. If you don’t have a steam oven, I suggest putting a baking tray of boiling water directly underneath the rack you are going to use in your oven while the oven pre-heats then just keep it topped up during the initial baking time. All ovens vary, you may have to adjust times, but the bread is done when its base sounds hollow when tapped.

*Note: Store-bought bread is chock full o’ salt. Really. I bake my own bread to avoid that. I don’t need it and neither do you. Additionally both the pistachios and olive bring some salt so this is quite enough to add.

First things first a liquids 10 oz of Warm Water 2 tblspoon of Honey 1 tbspoon of olive oil packet of instant yeast and 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt uh whisk it all up and let this stand until it’s nice and foamy just as you see next a generous half cup of

Pistachios and an even more generous half cup of sliced black olives both the nuts and the olives have a little salt in them which is another good reason for not adding too much salt to this bread in the first place and finally we add the flour two cups of

Whole wheat flour and one cup of unbleached bread flour next we’ll get the mixer going and get this all formed up into a nice dough and here’s our secret dough proofing machine yes it’s an instant pot on yogurt setting I honestly wish I could remember who wrote this suggestion

And I honestly can’t cuz I’d live to give them credit this works really well um I’ve got this set to run for an hour um it really may not take that long I just sprayed the bottom of the pot with some Pam and we’ll come back in a little

While when it’s doubled in size and by the way if you don’t have an instant pot don’t worry just put this in a warm place in a bowl with a damp cloth over the top of it until it’s doubled in size I just use the instant prop because it’s

Easier after 40 minutes our dough had risen like this and well I was cooking and something else in the kitchen so I’m going to take this out punch him down and we’ll get him in the Anova Precision oven here’s our loaf ready to go into the Anova sprinkled a little black

Pepper over the top and some cornmeal and we’ll make a couple of decorative cuts and then in he goes we got the oven at 450 100% steam should raise this little devil up pretty quickly right before we pop him into the Anova we’re about 5° off 450

100% steam I’ve decided to try diagonal Cuts this time let’s live dangerously eh well here’s our bread in the Inova Precision oven coming back up to 450 after we plunked him in he got a bit bent going in there and got stuck to the plate but we’ll we’ll see should be good

We’ll give him 10 minutes take a look if we need to give him the full 15 we will at which point it will turn the steam off and default to 375 well here’s our whole wheat Olive and pistachio nut loaf finished um it’s crusty again too and as

I always ask how many times have you got a crusty whole wheat loaf uh we’ll have a little discussion about this once it’s cooled it’s on the cooling rack right now in the afterwards so we’ll talk to you in a bit and thanks for watching this loaf really did turn out nicely uh

Crusty but not excessively so but still nice hard crust um quite a high hydration dough this time 10 oz of water for 2 and 1/2 cups of flour I made back back that off to 9 oz for the next Loaf and just see what happens um cutting cross-section you can

See the crumb is Airy uh this is not heavy or doughy like a lot of whole wheat loaves can be and the nuts and the olives are nicely distributed within the secret sauce in this loaf was about half a teaspoon of Italian herbs for some seasoning you can only just taste it in

The background and even then it’s hardly there but it just really adds to the taste of the bread anyway I hope you enjoyed watching us bake this if you did uh we’d appreciate you liking and subscribing and especially sharing this with your friends thank you

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