My dinner for tomorrow and the day after and maybe the day after that if there is any left. I have an idea what to do with it but curious to how everyone else would cook this beast.

by kid_cadillac


  1. LibrarianNo8242

    Nice meat 😉….. if it was me…. I’d smoke it at 225-250ish for a few hours until it hit 125. Then I’d throw it on a screaming hot charcoal grill for about 4 min per side (edges too). Remove at 135. Rest it in a warm oven for 20ish minutes before you cut it.

    If you put anything but salt and pepper on it the international steak police will come for you. Feel free to use some butter after it comes off the grill though😀

  2. Use a Sous Vede. I once did a 3 inch thick tomahawk ribeye in the sous vede and it was one of the best steaks I’ve ever eaten.

  3. TopicMysterious3293

    With this thick, I’d reverse sear it. First, put it in the oven until it reaches 120. Remove it and let it rest for about 30 minutes, then sear it over a pan or charcoal grill. Flip it often until you get the color you want. Done. For marinates, simple salt and pepper or any rub you like. Up to you.

  4. Hot stove top hot pile 3 minutes, then broiler 6 minutes, soaking moist and tasty

  5. You need to sous-vide, reverse sear, or boil it in milk.

  6. not_quite_sure7837

    Get your girlfriend to do a reverse reverse sear.

  7. Reverse sear smoke that bad boy or the oven then pan fry with butter

  8. Remarkable-Ad-572

    Please, please show pictures after it’s cooked. I want to see that masterpiece, please?

  9. winnterfresh

    depends on your preferred cook. i’d say reserve sear and pull it 10-15° before your desired temp and sear to hell out of it on a ripping pan flipping every 20-30 second for a couple minutes. pull and rest for 15min or so when it’s 5° below wanted temp. make sure you dry the exterior before searing in a pan with enough high temp oil. only salt- finish with pepper and garlic or baste in butter at the end.

  10. NativeCrowe

    The way that we cook steaks like that in the restaurant is that we season it well with our favorite seasonings let it sit for a couple hours with that might want to add a little bit of soy sauce and a hint of Worcestershire. But what’s important is that you salted very well, probably more than you think it’s not going to hurt. Let it sit for couple hours.

    Then put in a 225° oven for about 58 minutes. Remove from oven and then you want to broil it or you can use a pan that’s very hot to reverse sear it. The only broil for about seven or eight minutes. If he use a pan that’s very hot you want the myar reaction so let it sit on the hot pan for about 4 minutes. Either way you take it off you put it on or cutting board and let it sit for 15 minutes and don’t touch it! Should be a beautiful rare to medium rare steak with all the flavor!

  11. TheNewestCat

    oven reverse sear or sou vide in butter and garlic then reverse sear.

  12. -Cherished

    Wow! That looks so friggin good! Can’t wait to see the “after” pics!

  13. invisiblelights_

    On the grill for sure and taking care not to over do it

  14. Ultimate_Mango

    Sous vide followed by a full deep fry outside in the turkey fryer with peanut oil. Board sauce after.

  15. Inevitable-Tourist18

    Overnight dry brine then smoke until done, finish with quick scorching hot sear

  16. TerpDripz

    Throw it in the microwave champ, you’ll love it 👌🏻

  17. gamejunky34

    Sous vide at 130 for 2 hours, Sear with a grill/pan/torch. Make it 135 if you wanna torch it.

  18. 3 inch sucker? How’d you know my wife’s nickname?

  19. GlobalDot9192

    that would be pretty easy, firstly go and call your husband, and then leave it to him.

  20. DontBelieveTheTrollz

    No that’s a 3 inch steak. Tomahawk if I am correct…

  21. Excellent_Bowler_988

    wow it’s so neon red 🥩

    i have never desired something so badly

    it is in my programming to eat this

  22. rhawtestosterone

    At first I said that is NOT 3 inch then my entire world collapsed

  23. Sawdust1997

    Cook it? Looks like a nice rare steak to me

  24. Whistler45

    Sear over charcoal then indirect till done. Or Reverse Sear. Pull it 5-10 degrees below desired doneness and sear over high heat for 2-4 min on each side. My wife pefers RS, I Iike charcoal.

  25. Specific-Quarter9107

    Sous Vide 100% then sear at high heat.

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