Crockpot green chili chicken #recipe #mealprep #highprotein

Crockpot green chicken chili recipe. Easy high protein meal prep recipe.

Crockpot green chili chicken this is probably one of the easiest and one of my favorite recipes to meal prep so we’re going to take roughly about 3 lbs of chicken get it at the bottom of the crock poot top that with uh two cans of Rotel tomatoes in addition to one can of

Some your favorite green chili make sure that that chicken’s lathered and then we’re going to leave that and cook it for about 4 to 6 hours once it’s cooked we should be able to shred it pretty easily we’ll go ahead and do that you see this super fast mode

I’ve got going on here all right from there now we’re going to go ahead and add in our vegetables have no idea why this filmed in slow-mo but nonetheless you’ve got some bell peppers some onions and some black beans as well then we’re going to take a serving which is what

I’m calling the spoon and we’re going to top some white rice with our crockpot green chili chicken and topped with a little bit of lowfat shredded cheese enjoy

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