Couscous & Vegan Chocolate Pudding
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Moroccan Couscous with Roasted Vegetables
1 large red bell pepper, diced.
2 medium carrots, halved through length.
1 small red onion, dice
1 medium zucchini, sliced.
4 Tbsp olive oil,
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tsp minced garlic (2 cloves)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/3 cups dry couscous
1 (14.5 oz) can low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 cup raisins
1 (14 oz) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup slivered toasted almonds,
3 Tbsp minced fresh cilantro.
2 Tbsp minced fresh mint.
Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Grease baking sheet
Add veggies, drizzle with oil and little salt.
Roast until tender, about 15 minutes you can broil for a couple of mins if you want a little char.
Whisk olive oil, lemon, garlic, and all spices. Except turmeric leave that for the broth
Bring chicken broth and turmeric to a boil.
Pour hot chicken broth over couscous and raisins in a bowl and mix
Cover and rest for 5 minutes.
Add roasted vegetables, chickpeas, almonds, cilantro, mint and lemon mixture and mix.
Chocolate Tofu Mousse
1 Pack must be Silken Tofu
2 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup
1Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
1 Pack of Chocolate Chips
Melt chocolate chips using a double boiler in a heat-proof bowl.
In a food processor add the drained silken tofu, maple syrup and vanilla, and Process until completely smooth. Add in the melted chocolate and blend again until smooth and a velvety texture. Transfer the chocolate tofu mousse mixture to serving glasses and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, or until thickened to your desired consistency.
Add Strawberries and chopped Hazelnuts or any topping you may desire.

We are making a Moroccan couscous today this is actually like really tasty and you can put it in the refrigerator have it for a couple of days meal pre with this a lot of enjoyment let me just show you the box of couscous I have a box of

Couscous here just a plain original couscous and we’re going to put our own flavor in some of these boxes they have lots of sodium in if they’re like flavored so just be careful it looks like this all right so first of all what I’m going to do I have my broth here heating

Up and I put a teaspoon of turmeric in it it’s asking for a teaspoon of turmeric so I’m just heating that up getting that nice and cot I’m going to do an extra step because they said if you do an extra step it gives it a nice

Flavor so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to heat that up put it in the frying pan for one second just to toast it a little bit just for a minute it just gets it that little tasty CH I love like anything like a little CH so this is

Definitely a step that I wanted take all right the prim pan was pretty hot before so I’m just going to put it in there for 2 minutes I’m going to R it around for 2 minutes get a little toast toast it up a little bit there yeah yeah just like a

Little toasty there once it just toasted up we’re going to put it in the bowl and I’m going to put a lid on it and literally we’re going to leave it for 5 minutes covered and it’s going to like fluff up and then I can go back and show

You after that and in the white that’s cooking I can show you like the veggies getting all the veggies together on the tray that kind the cous the little cousu is so fast it’s so great honestly it’s like I don’t make it a lot I don’t know why I don’t make

It yeah you know just to have it on some salads or whatever you want okay so I’ve toasted it up a little bit let me just turn that off I’m going to put it in here right right the turmeric I already put in the broth as I

Mentioned and I am going to put raisins in it got qu a cup of raisins and I’m going to put the froth into that going to stir it a little bit and we have to be patient and wait for that to fluff up and trust me it

Will fluff up beautiful well there’s my lid I’m going to get it out the way all right so roasted veggies simple what we’re going to do is we’re going to like put these in Chopped all these early this morning I blanched the carrots a little bit because I always feel like if I

Don’t blanch the carrots they stay a little bit too hard for my liking so I just did it for a minute okay so just like a few little carrots skinny carrots right yeah they’re a little bit harder than some of the other vegetables exactly and then we have some different

Got some red onions orange pepper red onions I went all out with ir beautiful then zucchini love zucchini it’s really really tasty when it’s got like a littlear on it also nice right so I’m going to do that I’m going to add a little bit of olive oil make sure it’s all saled

Olive oil you know so it’s nice and hard a cooking olive oil but you can CH with and a pinch of salt I’m only going to do a tiny bit of salt just because we’re going to make a dressing for this we’re going to put it in the oven at 425 for

About 10 to 15 minutes if you want to stick it on a boiler at the end you can to get that little CH you absolutely can right so going to stick that in the oven let put that in the oven right now while that’s cooking we are going to

Do the dressing which I have the Bowl here I put all the seasonings in here you’re going to put three taspo of olive oil so here’s our olive oil three tspoons of olive oil one two three and then we’re going to put lemon juice garlic cumin coriander cinnamon

And seasoning with a/4 teaspoon of salt lemon juice one two teaspoons of lemon juice we’re going to put some fresh garlic okay little fresh garlic in there so let me tell you the seasonings again we have tumin brown cinnamon dried coriander or cilantro whatever however you want to call it and obviously salt

I’m going to leave the salt Until the End cuz you can always add but never take away I’m a firm believer in that right so we’re going to mix that up and then we’re going to set it aside when the veggies are all done we’re going to

Pour that over we’re going to add the gabano beans I’ll add that to the thing after you see it fluff up we got almonds and our raisins and everything else now and also fres cilantro and fresh mint chopped up ready to go in there there’s

A lot of stuff that goes in there but honestly it’s really worth it it’s a great taste now the big thing that I made and I’m so excited to share that I made a vegan mousse I tasted a couple of things that like you know H okay you

Know like brownies and stuff but one thing I do love I tasted this and I was like this is really good I we have some silk tofu okay I’m going to put that dra all the water out bit I’m going to put that in the blender so that’s the really soft tofu

Yeah it’s the silken one yeah they have firm tofu usually firm tofu is for really for stir fries and things like that I like a yeah is definitely for like the you know desserts and stuff then I’m going to have some vanilla I had some fresh

Vanilla you see I just scraped a little bit out it’s like this you scit and scrape it I’m using it today just a little bit so I can show you but I’m also going to use the regular vanilla because you know like most people have

This on and not this you know I just happen to have this it is a little bit pricey you know I think I would like to use it and also so I’m going to put this in here with this then I have let me show you what

This is I use some maple syrup okay organic maple syrup right and then I have some chocolate melted so we’re going to put this in here right and then we’re going to blend it now the consistency is a little bit loose at the beginning but you’re going to refrigerate it and it’s actually

Perfect if you see the consistency look at that can you see that’s beautiful oh it’s perfect so now I’m going to put it in a bowl I did try and get hazelnuts I couldn’t get hazelnuts I was like kind of like thinking about a Nutella you know yeah yeah yeah right that’s Flav

Yeah I roasted some pean so let me just smooth that out a little bit so might as well do it nice although you’re going to see all right so we’re going to put some fresh peans and then we’re going to put some strawberries we have a high protein oh

Yeah very high protein right with the tofu yeah no and the protein is what keeps you full and satisfied just put a little bit of drizzle of the thing over the top and that is my chocolate mousse okay so that’s amazing we’re going to put that in the fridge and I’m going to

Break the other one so you can see the consistency after it’s been in the fridge oh yeah yeah because it firms or the consistency changes in the fridge yeah exactly so that’s that’s the yellow there with the turmeric is really beautiful yeah right and honestly put

The turmeric in the other one but that’s okay I was like oh but you yeah so you know obviously all the Char veggies is going to go in there plus this the fresh pint and cilantro plus the dressing that’s the cabanos and the toasted almonds so all we’re doing is

Waiting for them roasty veggies to come out the oven wow you can add whatever you want as your veg you know but the flavor yeah it’s real versatile yeah you see that the flavors are all there and once the veggies hit that it looks beautiful okay so and you see how nice

And fluffy it is you know see just it you know it’s light fluffy whatever all right so here is the after all right so this is your grilled couscous ready that’s beautiful all right here is your moose here is your moose I want to show you the consistency of the Moose oh wow

Little yummy yummy look it’s stiff it’s nice perfect oh that’s lovely oh that’s perfect oh man now I’m hungry we’re all jealous really really good okay and my water of the week I actually did a sparkling water this morning with just some fresh oranges I had beautiful oranges I love oranges

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