Trying out Hello Fresh, Moroccan Honey-Glazed Salmon, with Carrot Couscous Garlic Yoghurt & Salad

Moroccan Honey-Glazed Salmon with Carrot Couscous, Garlic Yoghurt & Salad
*Grate carrot, heat butter with drizzle of olive oil in saycepan, add carrot, add water & veg stock powder bring to boil
*add couscous, stir and cover, remove from heat. after 5 min fluff with fork.
*comb8ne salmon with Ras el Hanout, salt, and drizzle olive oil. cook salmon, add honey.
mix salad with olive oil and vinegar.
*Make garlic Yoghurt, heat olive oil add garlic, place in small bowl add Yoghurt and mix. serve food and enjoy

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