This week

by simpsonnooj


  1. simpsonnooj


    Basic Pasta: 2 boxes of chickpea noodles, 4 lbs of ground beef, 2 jars of pasta sauce

    Stir Fry: 1 package of whole carrots, 1 package of broccoli, 2 white onions, 3 bell peppers (sautée all these together), then 3lbs of steak cut up and cooked until almost done, then I put them all in a pan together and pour a mixture of 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1tbsp siracha sauce, 2 tsp minced garlic, and 3tbsp honey on top and let cook on low and combine together for a few minutes. At the same time I air fry 5 lbs of gold potatoes at 400° for around 20 minutes

  2. Do you eat those same things every day? (Don’t want to sound rude)

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