If it’s terrible please tell me so I promise I can handle it 😅 It tastes heavenly it is so good. I would’ve liked a more open crumb but on the plus side butter doesn’t melt through the holes so I’ll take it.

Recipe from ThePerfectLoaf.com under “My Best Sourdough Recipe,” by baker Maurizio Leo

by Crimson-Rose28


  1. LenTheWelsh

    Why have you got a potted plant on your chopping board?!

  2. Bratwurzt_33

    I would have baked it longer, I like a bit of char on my sourdough.

  3. KillDashNined

    It looks well proofed. If you want a more open crumb that’ll probably come from shaping. I personally like this tutorial: [https://youtu.be/ZUz_X0xiRr0](https://youtu.be/ZUz_X0xiRr0). The video says it’s for batards but I’ve had success using that technique for boules as well.

  4. joenotexotic-

    Stop 👏🏻putting👏🏻raw👏🏻 flour👏🏻 on👏🏻your👏🏻loaves👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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