One Pan Cheesy Chicken and Rice Recipe

3 medium chicken thighs
1 medium onion
1 medium belle pepper
4 cloves garlic
1 big handful spinach
1/2 cup frozen green peas
1 1/2 cups rice
2 1/2 cups water
1 tbsp chicken bouillon powder tomato kind
Chicken spices
Chicken seasoning
Herb butter seasoning
Grill mates smash seasoning
Grill mates Nashville hot seasoning
Same spices in the rice

#chicken #rice #onepan

hey guys and welcome back to Misha’s
Corner today I’m going to show you how
to make this cheesy one
pot chicken and rice recipe so let’s get
into it easy to make juicy cheesy
ridiculously delicious these are my
chicken thighs use whatever part of the
chicken you prefer I’m actually making
meal prep for work this week and so I’m
only doing three chicken thighs and
they’re kind they’re kind of big um but
if you have a bigger family just double
the recipe you know it’s just me I’m
making you know a meal prep and it is
what it is so I seasoned the chicken up
nice and good you can use whatever
spices you prefer I use the herb butter
seasoning the uh ghost pepper no the
Nashville hot and the allpurpose
seasoning all over the chicken you want
to get it nice and seasoned season the
chicken some of y’all be scared to
season chicken you ain’t got to use
salted seasoning just season the chicken
because once it starts to cook you can’t
change it once it’s on top of that Rice
it’s a done deal so now I’m going to
steer off the chicken on the skin side
so skin down so it can render out the
fat which is the most important thing
you want to do you don’t want like soggy
skin and so you want to render out the
fat from the skin and so that’s what I
did and look how beautiful and golden
they look so now I’m going to remove
them from the skillet get rid of the oil
add a couple tablespoons of butter and
then add garlic onions and peppers and
some peas optional well no put the peas
up in there some of y’all need
vegetables put the peas up in there
there I’ll gra some frozen peas they’re
not going to hurt you’ll be all right
pretty much I’m just going to cook this
down for about a couple minutes not too
long because you still want your veggies
to be you know present at the end of the
dish I seasoned it with a salt and
pepper mix that I use on pretty much
everything it’s salt pepper and garlic
and it’s the mccormic brand and you want
to season this up remember all the
ingredient measurements will be in my
description box make sure you check that
out I added a big handful of spinach
down in here for more
you know fiber and just flavor and you
want to sauté this down until it wils a
bit just like this now I’m going to add
my washed rice make sure you well child
at this day and age you can’t even tell
people what to do but that was my washed
okay and I’m going to mix this up get
the rice nice and toasty and delicious
and ready to go now I’m going to add
water just enough water to you know come
up and cover the rice a bit um you can
use broth I chose you know that’s what I
had I had water child I didn’t have no
so here we are so now you’re going to
season this up good I’m going to use the
chicken buan powder the Tomato kind the
Caribbean seasoning and other spices
like I said description box is where you
need to be at and once I get that nice
and mixed in I’m going to let it come
back up to a boil before adding the
chicken what I loved about this dish is
you know it’s only slower because I have
to show you guys how to make it but it’s
actually really fast and easy to make
and you’ll be cool cool as a fan just
making it so I put the chicken down the
chicken juices that you know were in the
bowl with the chicken and I’m going to
cover it and allow it to cook on medium
heat after that after about 20 25
minutes this is what it looks like
amazing delicious the chicken is cooked
through if you’re unsure about your
chicken being cooked just use a
thermometer but after 25 minutes
especially after you steered it I’m
pretty sure the chicken is cooked if you
did it right your chicken ised cooked
okay um I added some cheese on top I’m
going to cover it again so the cheese
can get nice and melty and then that’ll
be it the cheese is optional for people
that don’t like cheese or don’t want to
add cheese but it was just a nice touch
uh to the dish I also added some chopped
parsley and now I’m going to cover it
and allow the cheese to
melt don’t y’all be over there laughing
at my Skillet okay my lid cuz this pot
didn’t come with a lid so that’s what I
had to use this is the beautiful juicy
delicious chicken it was so moist you
guys and just really good and I’m just
plating it up so you guys can see it
okay there’s no cap in my cooking like I
always say you got ve more veggies to
this do whatever you want to do I just
packed some fruit uh a candy bar water
my coffee and I was you know and that
was it but um yeah so this is how it
looks so pretty vibr the colors are
great perfect for spring summer it’s not
a lot of ingredients so you only use one
pot but thank you guys so much for
watching I you know this is what it
looks like when I sliced it open nice
moist okay look at that chicken I’m
using the butter knife by the way I know
y’all see it I am using a butter knife
on this chicken okay but yeah I’ll catch
you guys in my next video thank you for
your support by the way the people
that’s looking for the pizza it’s more
pizza coming tomorrow okay
bye guys


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