Garden Fresh Vegetables Zucchini - Appalachian Cooking

Fresh Chopped Zucchini & vegetables cooked up in a iron skillet with olive oil onions tomatoes!

Most things you have in the pantry

#southerncooking #comesitatmytable #homestead #homemade #budgetfriendly #northgeorgia #appalachia#cooking

Appalachian cooking

What can I do with all of my zucchini’s?

welcome back to the kitchen in today’s
video we’re cooking a zucchini I’m going
to show you some ideas you can do with
zucchini and squash when you have so
many of them in the summer
Welcome to our kitchen in today’s recipe
we are going to be cooking up a recipe
using zucchini it’s almost that time of
year and we’ll all have a lot of
zucchini and squash to be using up so
I’m just sharing this older video to let
you see one way that we like to use our
zucchini up in the
summertime when everybody has a lot of
it in the garden and we don’t know what
to do with with it this is just one
southern cooking recipe that you might
like so come on sit down and let us do
the cooking as we show you this recipe
on how to use all those zucchinis you’re
about to
have once your oil gets hot go ahead and
add your onions sprinkle them with just
a little salt and let them start
and then once they start getting a
little color to them I’m going to go
ahead then and add my
zucchini I have two medium siiz
zucchinis right here we’re adding to our
I like cooking the zucchini this way
because cooking them in the oil adds a
little bit more flavor in the skillet
frying them in the skillet I do bake
them in the oven sometime on a roasting
pan also but cooking them in this iron
skillet does add a lot of flavor to your
go ahead and mix them all up with the
onions real good and let them start
cooking down I’m going to go ahead now
and add my salt and my black
pepper and I’m going to also add just a
few little red pepper flakes just to
give it a little heat not much it don’t
take many of
those and now we’re going to go ahead
and add our jalapeno
pepper and let those start getting a
tender I’m going to add my oregano and
basil I love using the fresh herbs out
of the garden when we have them in the
summer a lot of the herbs will come back
they will winter over because I’ve got
some oregano in a pot that has come back
from last year
I added a half a teaspoon of peera and a
half a teaspoon of chili powder now I’m
going to add 1 tablespoon of apple cider
and now just give it a good mix and let
it start cooking down and the vegetables
get tender it don’t take long around 5
to 8
minutes now we’re going to go ahead and
add our tomatoes and our garlic I add
this last because you don’t want to
overcook your garlic
this right here is a great summertime
side dish for any
event and it’s a great way to use up all
those zucchinis and squash that comes in
in the summer when we all don’t know
what to do with them and we’re giving
them away to everybody we can always
just stir fres up one and call it supper
okay now that we have it done I’m going
to get it out of the Iron Skillet
because when you leave your food in the
iron skillet it will keep cooking if you
just leave it sitting there on the stove
so my vegetables are tender enough right
now so we’re going to take them out and
put them in this bowl and after I get
them in the bowl I’m going to sprinkle
them with a little cheese you could use
mozzarella parmesan or feta today I’m
using a feta
cheese or you could just eat it
plain these zucchinis right here would
be great with some grilled chicken or
even shrimp or steak for a side
dish but this is just one way to use all
those summertime zucchinis up
okay y’all there’s my video on
zucchinis I hope y’all like this
southern cooking recipe and don’t forget
to give us a thumbs up like share and
subscribe and like
always thanks for joining us in the
kitchen today


  1. Love zucchini..its very underrated as a vegetable but you can make so much with it… in cakes, bread, stir fry, casseroles, and quiche..

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