Healthy Salad Recipes Using Lentils Everyone Should Know

In this video we’re going over 2 healthy salad recipes that everyone should know how to make! These lentil recipes are high-protein, low calorie meals, plant-based, and SO easy to make.

Need more healthy meal inspiration? Watch this playlist next:

*Sumac Lentil Salad* – Serves 6, 380 cal, 19g protein

4 cups canned/cooked brown lentils, cooled
2 cups cooked quinoa (¾ cup dry)
3 roma tomatoes, chopped, seeds removed
1 small white onion, diced
½ large cucumber, diced
3 stalks celery, sliced diagonally
½ cup dried cranberries
⅓ cup sunflower seeds
⅓ cup parsley, minced (sub: basil, cilantro)

½ cup vegan sour cream
¼ cup red wine vinegar
1 tbsp sumac
2 cloves garlic, minced
Pinch red chili flakes
½ tsp salt, pepper to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients minus the salad dressing ingredients in a large serving bowl and place in the fridge to chill while we make the dressing.
2. In smaller bowl, whisk together all the dressing ingredients until well combined. If the dressing is too thick (not pourable) add a few tbsp of water at a time until it becomes slightly runnier and pourable, but still nice and thick.
3. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss well to combine. Top with additional fresh chopped herbs if you like, and chill for 30 to 60 minutes before serving. Or enjoy right away!

*Moroccan Lentil & Cauliflower Salad* – Serves 6, 440 Cal, 21g protein

Moroccan spice blend:
– ½ tbsp coconut sugar
– 1 tsp paprika
– 1 tsp cumin
– ½ tsp cinnamon
– ¼ tsp ground cloves
– ¼ tsp ground ginger
– ¼ tsp turmeric
– ¼ tsp salt
– ½ tsp ground black pepper
– ¼ tsp cayenne pepper (or more to taste)

– 2 tbsp maple syrup
– ¼ cup tahini
– ¼ cup lemon juice (about 1½ lemons)
– 2 garlic cloves, finely minced
– 1 tbsp moroccan spice blend

1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets
3 cups kale, chopped well
2 bell peppers, diced
1 carrot, shredded
½ cup mint leaves, minced
4 cups cooked/canned brown lentils (cooled if just cooked)
⅓ cup medjool dates, chopped
½ cup chopped cashews

1. Set oven rack the to the top and preheat oven to 425F.
2. In a small jar combine all the spices to create a blend, place the lid on and give the jar a good shake until the spices are well combined.
3. Toss cauliflower with 1 tbsp spice blend and ½ tbsp oil, transfer to a parchment or silicone lined baking tray and roast on the top rack 30 to 35 mins, or until golden in colour. Then set aside to cool to room temp.
4. In a small jar or bowl, add all of the dressing ingredients and whisk or shake to combine. Set aside.
5. In a large serving bowl combine the remaining salad ingredients, including the cooled cauliflower, pour over the entire jar/bowl of dressing and toss everything to combine. Chill for 30 to 60 minutes before serving and enjoy!


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these two cold lentil salads are going
to be your new favorite spring and
summer salads I pinky promise for real
though these lentil salads are so easy
to whip up they use healthy Whole Food
nutritious ingredients they’re packed
with protein from the lentils they have
lots of fiber they have so much
interesting flavor and texture and
they’re just so easy to whip up so
whether you’re looking for something to
bring to your next potluck or gathering
or you just want to make a big batch of
delicious crunchy salad to incorporate
into your weekly meal prep rotation I
got you covered and if healthy high
protein gluten-free recipes are your jam
they’re mine too so make sure you
subscribe below so you don’t miss out on
any more delicious recipes like these
ones you’re about to see and let’s get
right into these lentil salad recipes
what I really love about this sumx salad
is that it’s super filling yet really
low in calories and high in protein it’s
so hearty from the lentils the quinoa
and all the delicious crunchy veggies
we’re adding to the salad plus this
amazing creamy Tangy sauce it’s going to
literally blow your mind okay let’s get
started with this sumac lentil salad if
you’ve never heard of sumac it is a
spice that’s commonly used in Middle
Eastern cooking it tastes a bit lemony
and tart and it is great for making food
taste Tangy which is exactly what we
want for this recipe so to get started
we’re going to go ahead and do all of
our veggie prep first off so we’re going
to finally dice up one small onion or
you can do half of a large onion and
we’re going to do the same with three
large stocks of celery I always like to
cut mine on the diagonal and then we’re
going to take one large cucumber I like
to keep the skins on just make sure you
wash them well quarter them and slice
them thinly and then we’re going to take
a few Roma tomatoes that are nice and
ripe and juicy and we’re going to cut
them in half and we’re going to remove
the seeds first now I do this because I
don’t really like the seeds making the
salad kind of liquidy and mushy so just
remove them and then we’re going to dice
them into small cubes if you don’t have
Roma tomatoes you could also use cherry
or grape tomatoes but I just like how
juicy and sweet Roma tomatoes are now we
can go ahead and assemble the whole
salad together before making the
dressing so grab yourself a large
serving Bowl we’re going to add four
cups of cooked Brown lentils these of
course can be canned or they can be ones
that you cook yourself then we’re going
to add a couple cups of cooked quinoa
our diced Roman tomatoes that crunchy
celery our cucumbers and the onions and
then we want to have a little bit of
sweetness so we’re going to add some
dried cranberries which are oh my gosh
so good in the salad plus for some fresh
herbaceous flavor we’re going to add
some parsley and I personally love to
add a little bit of crunch to my salad
so we added some toasted sunflower seeds
you can just pan toast them on your
stove for about 5 minutes until they’re
golden brown and they just add the most
delicious toasty flavor give everything
a good toss and then you’re just going
to pop that in the fridge to chill while
we make the dressing so we’re going to
add to a mixing bowl half a cup of vegan
sour cream I personally like to use the
ones that are coconut based cuz I just
love the flavor it adds then we’re going
to add some red R wine vinegar for
acidity plus a little bit of red chili
flakes for just a little touch of heat
and then we’re going to add the sumac
which is this beautiful kind of purpley
reddish spice and then we’re going to
add the minced garlic you can also put
it through a garlic press I find that
just makes it a lot finer and mixes into
the sauce better then to season it just
add a little bit of salt and pepper give
everything a good mix and then I just
love the color of this dressing the suat
kind of gives it this sort of purple-ish
hue which I think is so pretty and then
you can add a couple tablespoons of
water you want to thin it out a bit we
don’t want the sauce to be too thick we
do want it to be pourable still so now
that it is pourable and the salad has
chilled for about 10 or 15 minutes in
the fridge we can go ahead and we can
pour that dressing right over top and
we’re just going to give that all
another good toss make sure the dressing
fully coats every little grain and
lentil and vegetable we want all that
flavor to be fully infused into the
salad you can serve right away or pop
back in the fridge to chill for a bit
before serving either way this salad is
so so good it is so crunchy it has the
loveliest kind of creamy mouth feel to
it from the dressing it is Tangy there’s
so much flavor you guys not only from
the dressing but from The Toasted
sunflower seeds The Cranberries the
parsley M this is seriously so good not
to mention it is super feeling because
of all the protein from the lentils and
the quinoa this is an amazing side dish
or a full meal if you want to Serve
Yourself a larger Bowl this Moroccan
inspired lentil and cauliflower salad is
high protein it is saucy it’s spicy it
is hery it is packed with veggies you
guys and what I really love about this
salad is that not only is it an absolute
flavor bomb you guys it feels and looks
kind of fancy but we’re using really
simple and basic ingredients so you can
you know impress your friends and family
while keeping things super cheap and low
budget okay this Moroccan inspired
lentil and cauliflower salad is no joke
you guys it is so good I’ll show you how
to make your own super simple Moroccan
spice blend a really delicious an easy
salad dressing that you’ll make all the
time so let’s get started with our spice
blend we’re going to add to a jar some
coconut sugar a teaspoon of paprika a
teaspoon of cumin half a teaspoon of
cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger 1/4
teaspoon of turmeric 1/4 teaspoon of
salt 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and
a little bit of black pepper put a lid
on that jar and give it a little shake
shake shake and heck you could double
triple or even quadruple this spice
blend if you want to use it in future
recipes you’re welcome now we’re going
to prepare our cauliflower so take one
large head of cauliflower we’re going to
cut it into smaller fettes as you see
here and we’re going to add about half a
tblspoon of whatever neutral tasting oil
you like and we’re going to take 1
tbspoon of that spice blend and we’re
going to toss it with the cauliflower
and the oil give it a really good toss
until it’s thoroughly combined we’re
just going to transfer that to a lined
baking sheet and we’re going to roast it
in the oven for a little while until
it’s nice and golden and delicious now
let’s make this totally delicious
Moroccan dressing so to a little bowl or
a jar we’re going to add a couple cloves
of garlic you can mince it or you can
use a garlic press which is what I chose
to do here because I just felt like it
okay then for a little element of
creaminess we’re going to add a/4 cup of
tahini which is just so good for a
little bit of sweetness we’re going to
add a couple tablespoons of maple syrup
you could also use date syrup or a goave
syrup if you like and then for all the
flavor we’re going to add another
tablespoon of that delicious Moroccan
spice blend right into the jar and then
for a little bit more acidity we’re
going to take the juice of about 1 and
1/2 lemons or so until you get about 1/4
cup of lemon juice seal the lid on the
jar and then once again give it all a
good shake shake shake until your
dressing comes out looking something
like this the spice infuses its color
into the dressing and it’s so beautiful
plus it is so delicious I could
literally drink it moving on to the
vegetables we’re going to prepare our
kale so we’re going to remove the leafy
greens from our stocks of kale and we’re
just going to chop them kind of
mediumsized is not too small not too
large just kind of right in the middle
so they’re nice and bite-sized and we’re
going to do the exact same with some
mint leaves I’m using one store-bought
bunch of mint I find rolling up my mint
into kind of like a little roll or a
little ball and then slicing it this I
believe is also called chiffonade do
that it just works well for the salad
next we’re going to chop up a couple
bell peppers and we’re going to grate
one large carrot if you’re using a box
grater use the largest whole side and
we’re going to also dice up about a half
a cup of mul dat it’s about three or
four large dates and then to the bowl of
all those ingredients we just prepared
we’re going to add our cooked lentils
and half a cup of chopped cashews now
again just like we did with the
sunflower seeds in the first recipe I
like to toast mine cuz it releases so
much amazing flavor from the cashews and
by this time our cauliflower has
finished roasting I like to let it cool
a bit so that it’s not super warm by the
time I add it into the salad then we’re
just going to add the cauliflower to the
rest of the ingredients we’re going to
pour over that delicious Moroccan sauce
and we’re just going to give it all a
really really good toss until everything
is well combined in that sauce and it’s
going to look something like this it’s
such a beautiful sunshiny salad it’s so
bright it’s so Tangy so flavorful it has
so many delicious textures we’ve got
crunch from the cashews we’ve got
delicious cauliflower crisp bell peppers
we’ve got so much flavor and heat and
Tang from the sauce and of course just
like with the previous recipe there’s a
lot of protein in this salad from the
lentils this is super filling it can be
a great main meal if you want to split
it up into about four servings or if you
want it to be a nice side dish this
serves about six people and it is just
so satisfying it is so so yummy Brad and
I gobbled up this entire bowl of salad
in like a
day I am all about the healthy lentil
recipe right now on the channel because
you guys asked for them and I am
delivering the content you want so make
sure that you subscribe below so you
don’t miss out on any future healthier
recipes like these ones that I just
posted right here check out this
playlist next while you’re at it and
I’ll smell you guys later bye


  1. Looks amazing !!! I’ve never heard of sumac before and within the last week I I’ve seen it being used in recipes 3x ! A sign that I may need to buy some and try it !

  2. Love 😍 lentils and in these salads they look 😋 and thanks Janelle for sharing these recipes. I will definitely be making them. Love 🥰 the video and love 💓 Janelle & ❤Brad.

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