Reckon these will live if I plant them, or will the shock of cutting off those roots kill them off?

by RegionalHardman


  1. qui-gon-gym501

    Maybe try to pull the roots up through the holes you might not have to cut them off much at all. They should be alright I think the plants look very happy the roots are white, I’d just try to be as careful with the roots as possible and I reckon they’ll survive

  2. I don’t have direct experience with peas (always direct sow) but i reckon they’d be ok. If you don’t mind eating the pots you could carefully cut them open. They look great, I’m sure they’ll be fine. Never hear though, just direct sow. It’s much easier, for the plants and for you!

  3. mountianchuck

    Also peas are cold tolerant for the most part. I planted mine January 1 in upstate SC been harvesting since March

  4. Look if my hyper sensitive fukien tea tree bonsai can survive getting its roots cut by scissors then your easy to grow peas will make it ok

  5. Jamesdafarmer

    They’re still salvageable. Just try to minimize the damage to the roots when pulling them out. If you soak the bottoms they’ll probably loosen up better.

  6. DragonGateLTC

    Seedling tray buddies! I really like mine, seems to work better for getting the root ball out intact than the big plastic one I tried a year ago. And just enough cells for the small timer, really didn’t need 72 cells.

  7. Potomacker

    Pea shoots are edible if it can be a consolation

  8. machinery-smith

    They were like, if the Human isn’t gonna put us in the ground, we’re gonna walk there by ourselves! Beans and peas can be so enthusiastic like this ☺️

  9. SofiaFrancesca

    Get some scissors and cut between the drainage holes in the seed cells. That should enable you to get the roots out with less damage.

    I’ve had to do this several times with root bound plants and it works much better than just pulling and hoping for the best! These are absolutely salvageable!

  10. InsomniaticWanderer

    Peas don’t like being transplanted

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