CRAVINGS: Episode 6 | Apricot, Oat and Raisin Cookies! | Georgia's Cakes

Welcome back to my series CRAVINGS where I share with you easy recipes that you can recreate at home should you have a craving for something sweet during the day! This week we have my apricot, oat and raisin cookies. I forgot how yummy these cookies were and I’m so glad I found the recipe from when I worked at a cafe a few years ago! The best part about these cookies is that you can keep the cookie dough in the fridge and bake one fresh every time! You can even swap the dried fruit for other fun fillings too.

Enjoy! x


225g plain flour
15g baking powder
175g porridge oats
250g unsalted butter
200g sugar
100g raisins
100g chopped dried apricots
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Bake at 180°C for 15-18 minutes until turning golden brown
Leave to cool completely
Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days


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hey guys welcome back to my channel and
welcome to my new series Cravings where
I’m sharing you easy make aome recipes
should you have a small craving for
something sweet during the day cuz I
know I do in this episode I’m going to
show you how to make oat raisin and
cookies I used to make these cookies
when I worked in a cafe and every time I
made them I couldn’t help myself by
eating one or two of them they are so so
delicious really simple to make as well
and the best part is that you can
actually pre-make the cookie dough keep
it in your fridge or freezer and then
bake them fresh every time so let’s get
straight into the recipe so I’m starting
with my butter in the mixer Bowl this
has been at room temperature for a
couple of hours so it’s nice and soft
and I’m going to add my
sugar and I’m going to mix this on a
high speed until it’s light and
so this has been mixing for a couple of
minutes you can see how light and fluffy
it’s become but there is a little bit of
butter pushed around the edges so I’m
just going to scrape down the bowl and
before I mix it again I’m just going to
add my vanilla so I’m just going to give
that another mix on high speeed for
now that should be beautiful and
creamy you can see how much lighter and
paler it is so we’re done with the mixer
cuz I’m going to mix the rest of the
ingredients in by hand but I’m just
going to make sure as much of it is
scraped off the beeter as
possible so into this bowl I’m going to
add my flour and baking powder which is
already mixed together and the
and I’m going to mix this
together just until all of the flour has
coated the oats evenly cuz it will help
mix in with the butter
afterwards and now I can go in with that
beautifully soft butter and
sugar and mix that
so this is the base of the dough done
basically um so these are going to be
apricot and raisin cookies but if you
don’t like apricots you can just do
raisins or vice versa you can even add
different fruits but I love the apricots
in this they’re so juicy and I’ve got
these gorgeous big raisins too so they
go straight
in and if you also wanted you can add
some lemon zest or orange
zest but
Center cuz they don’t spread out as
much now I’m going to put these in the
freezer for about 10 minutes to firm up
a little bit before
baking so here are the baked cookies now
these were baking at
180° for about 18 minutes so I would set
your timer for 15 minutes and check them
you want to basically wear wait until
they’ve opened and they’re starting to
turn golden brown but you can still see
pale parts of the cookie which shows
that they’re still going to be chewing
on the inside and I’ve left these to
completely cool before putting them on
to a cooling rack cuz only then can they
come off and stay as one giant cookie
look how gorgeous and thick it is as
well so I like to just transfer them
onto the cooling rack just so that all
the heat can escape from the bottom so
once again you can only transfer them
once they’ve cooled down otherwise
they’ll fall apart oh my gosh this is
really taking me back to when I worked
in this Cafe and I used to bake a whole
tray of these and my mouth starts
salivating so I know how good these are
going to taste but nevertheless I have
to try one right now right especially
cuz they smell so good I’m going to go
for this one here a and they’re still
soft enough that when you tear it apart
you can just tell how chery they are I’m
going to get a bit with apricot in as
wow better than I remembered them maybe
because of the fragrancy
but so good I think I’m really going to
play around with these um and you can
too you can swap the raisins for other
fruits like I mentioned but something
about the apricot gives it this like
juiciness and sweetness it’s perfect it
satisfies my Cravings I hope it does for
you too don’t forget you can find all
the recipe in the description box below
and I hope you make them and if you do
don’t forget to tag me at George’s cakes
and we’ll see you next


  1. Thanks Georgia! This is what we want… easy, quick, and delicious recipes. I'll make these asap… Just a quick feedback – you forgot to write vanilla extract on the description 😅😮. Thanks so much! 😊

  2. I love how simple these were, and adaptable to what I had in the cupboard. I didn't have apricots and raisins, so I put dried cranberries (and chocolate chips 😋 don't hate me 😆). My daughter loved them, we'll be baking these again for sure 😊

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