How to make Blueberry Pie | Delicious Farmhouse Pie Recipe | Heartway Farms

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Our amazing pie crust recipe:

In this yummy baking tutorial, we’ll guide you through creating a traditional Blueberry Pie bursting with juicy berries and a flaky, homemade crust!

Master the art of farmhouse baking with Heartway Farms! ‍

This recipe is perfect for beginners and experienced bakers alike. Learn all the secrets to a delicious blueberry pie filling, from thickening to adding a touch of citrus zest. We’ll also show you how to create a melt-in-your-mouth pie crust that’s guaranteed to impress.

Get ready for a taste of summer with this homemade, traditional, dessert!

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Property of: Heartway Productions / Heartway Farms / Heartway Microgreens – 2024

every year we visit my grandparents in
Southern Michigan we always stock up on
the freshly picked blueberries this
recipe is a delightful way to use them
to a large bowl add in five cups of
Frozen or fresh blueberries
one cup of cane sugar 1 3 cup of flour
one half teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon
vanilla extract 1 4 teaspoon of cinnamon
and one tablespoon of lemon juice mix
well and set aside
make a single recipe of our pie crust
you can find the recipe video in the
description box below
preheat the oven to 425 degrees
roll out your pie crusts onto a lightly
floured surface
place the bottom pie crust into a
greased pie pan
fill the pie and crimp the top crust to
the bottom crust today I decided to do a
classic pie crust
with a single beaten egg
bake for 50 to 60 minutes
I like to line a baking sheet with tin
foil and place it under the baking pie
to catch any overflowing pie filling I
also cover the pie with tin foil around
halfway through baking to keep the crust
from getting too dark
allow to cool and enjoy
these pies are a perfect way to savor
the last months of Summer and Usher in
the Autumn season


  1. You outdid yourself again, Julianne! That pie looks and I know smells….incredible!!
    Luv from Louisiana ❤️

  2. Young lady this is an Outstanding beautiful video. You did such an amazing job. Your pie crust was absolutely perfect, and I’m a piecrust/dough, perfectionist. I look forward to trying your wonderful looking recipe. Thank you so much.❤

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