These things had some of the most beautiful marbling I've come across in my area and they have a nice thin streak of fat through the middle that after cooking gave it an absolutely wonderful buttery mouth feel. I cooked them via Sous Vide at 132 for 1.5 hours then finished in the broiler on high. I'm not very proud of the crust compared to something like ghee in a cast iron but it was probably one of the better steaks i feel like I've made.

She told me she loves a true medium rare and hates overdone or dry. I'm not great on the grill so I figured I was taking the safest bet guaranteeing the desired temp. Especially with cuts that look this nice.

All I used on them was salt and pepper. It was like the most basic of basic cooks. But she had one bite, got a strange look on her face, and proceeded to eat the sides and politely decline the meat.

I'm genuinely confused. Am I doing something wrong with how I'm preparing my steak or was this just a weird case of someone being a picky eater.

Doubly confused because she's obviously very interested. She stayed the night and we have plans for tomorrow as well So I have to assume I didn't just weird her out or anything.

I don't understand what I did wrong

by siccoblue


  1. PoemSpecial6284

    Bro if you cook like that, I’ll fucking date you.. top, bottom your call, but you make those steaks..

    I dunno.. steak looks fine to me.. you sure she’s not a closet vegan ?

  2. siccoblue

    Please feel free to downvote the main post by the way. I promise I’m not trying to bait upvotes or compliments or anything. I’m genuinely just wondering if I’m doing something incorrectly with my prep/cook

  3. tangential_quip

    In the picture of the cut portions, there are striations in the meat that look like under-rendered fat and/or connective tissue.

    Did you try the portions that she declined?

  4. Glittering_Apple_872

    Sometimes people say words that they think are true because they also think you will like those words and end up in a hole with a steak too rare for their taste

  5. Only thing wrong in my opinion is that you chose the wrong date!

  6. soulstonedomg

    Let her go bro. You nailed it. Find another one who can appreciate something like that.

  7. Residual_Variance

    She’s vegan, just still in the closet.

  8. ALoveSpellOnYou

    Personally I don’t like just salt and pepper, maybe it was that it just didn’t have much flavor for her


    Did she ask is it was grass finished? Cause if so she might care about her health… it’s a long shot but figured I’d say

  10. siccoblue

    Just wanna say thank you fellas/ladies. I appreciate the love. I came in looking for genuine advice believing I did something wrong but it seems like pretty much everyone agrees my execution was alright. This makes me stupidly happy to hear. I probably sound like an idiot but I mostly cook for family and I was starting to second guess if they were just being polite and if I was actually just making crappy food.

    Please keep being an absolutely beautiful group of people and encouraging others 🥹

  11. Artisttype1984

    If you told her the process and time, she might be scared to tell you she prefers more medium or even MW maybe?

    Those steaks look awesome!

  12. Daedelus451

    Dude, I’m straight, I would straight up eat that shit!

  13. SmileParticular9396

    This literally looks perfect. Maybe date is used to having steak like shoe leather? Idk

  14. Daedelus451

    BY the way, for feedback.I am 58, wife 56, she likes it more cooked, I do her medium rare ++ I do mine medium rare once you find your way, use the finger test to figure out. Thermometer ok, but finger test better. Chef told me to figure out doneness by density of finger touch. It works

  15. winter83

    Ask her?? If she wants medium maybe it was too red for her.

  16. NeverSkinnyBBQ

    So what 8 have learned from my wife is it may have been too fatty. We see it as marbling/flavor but I wonder if she viewed it as purely fat and was turned off. My wife will trim every piece of fat off any steak and will perfectly trim the fat cap off picanha. She will leave little pieces if there is fat on it and it drives me crazy. I’ll consider divorce if it keeps up.

  17. Digiturtle1

    Lots of people out there see pink and think raw. They just don’t understand. I was helping a coworker grill at a work bbq and some people complained that the steak was raw because there was still pink. Of course all the non idiots loved it.

  18. lasttimewasabadtime

    Must be you pal. The steak looks great

  19. 99percentTSOL

    Was your date one of those snobs at /r/steak?

  20. venounan

    I think that sous vide can sometimes give the steak a different texture, and she just may have been weirded out by the cooking method? If it’s not something You’ve ever seen before it could be off-putting

  21. ScallionZestyclose96

    NTA, drop the date and marry the steak.

  22. Fuck-MDD

    Should probably have asked your date how they like their steak before cooking it

  23. bigkutta

    Did you check to see if she would like steak?

  24. Total_Piano_4778

    Always buy the chick a filet, that steak looks lovely but all the women I’ve been with 100% want the Phillip mig non…rookie move haha

  25. manchambo

    I can’t tell if this post is full of double entendres or I’m just especially sophomoric.

    I’m inclined to recommend some manscaping.

  26. batissta44

    That’s too rare for most women not on this subreddit

  27. CraniumEggs

    Definitely on the rarer side of mid rare but looks great to my taste. Maybe she likes mid rare +. Don’t sweat it and remember it for next time. Also maybe melt compound butter over it.

  28. Celeres517

    Where you went wrong was with your date.

  29. obscureorca

    Nothing wrong with that steak it looks perfect. Definitely something wrong with your date though.

  30. ManufacturerFew5235

    She must have meant medium or something else which is on her bc thats a perf medium rare. weird

  31. jchesticals

    Have you tried asking her? Probably the best course to the correct answer

  32. Dry-Squirrel1026

    Do you actually want a woman who wouldn’t eat that???????????????
    Me…. fuck no!!!!

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