I went to Chicago after a long flight. First thing I did was order a Giordano's deep dish. I am a bit of a pizza snob so was a bit skeptical. It's a controversial opinion but I won't lie – it was damn good.

by unrulyhorse


  1. TheMacintoshGeek

    Pizza is pizza. This looks mighty fine! I’d eat it, but it’s more of a lasagna without noodles. Still, looks scrumptious ❤️🔥

  2. Hardcorelogic

    That looks awesome. Yes it’s pizza. Anyone who disagrees can send this to me.

  3. BetterThanABear

    Banned. Please report directly to Chicago. Do not pass go. Please do enjoy this delicious casserole

  4. Sea_Bear7754

    I never understood the draw to this. I’ve had all the staples in Chicago and every time it’s tased like a boxed pie crust covered in canned pasta sauce.

  5. TomatoBible

    Personally, I am much more offended by a cracker-crisp ultra-thin crust with a few tiny medallions of cheese and some sparse raw leaves, or arugula, or (god help us) figs and poached pears. 🤮 This is one of many styles of delicious pizza, including NYC, New Haven, and Buffalo-Style, that I personally love!

  6. Useless_Lemon

    I don’t see anything wrong with this pizza. This looks like comfort.

  7. ToastThing

    Deep dish is fine and also delicious. I grew up in east coast thin slice territory and think the resentment New Yorkers have towards it is silly.

  8. tstewart_jpn

    I am not going to judge you. I am flying back to my home town for the first time in 4 years. Landing at 01:00 (and ~half the world away) so no real meal needed. But I am expecting technically bad pizza and garlic fingers from either greco or pizza twice the next day (both local mediocre but very local pizza places that I am fond of). Enjoy your ‘pizza’.

  9. Degenerate-Loverboy

    I love making fun of Chicago style casserole- er I mean pizza. I like eating it too! As long as I have my fork and knife

  10. If Sicilian pizza counts as pizza, then Chicago deep dish is also pizza (because they’re both actually different forms of sfincione).

  11. RandChick

    I love Chicago deep dish but for some reason do not care for Giordano’s. I prefer Edwardo’s.

  12. scrodytheroadie

    I’m a born and raised Long Islander (which I’d say has as good or even better pizza than NYC), lived in NYC for about a decade, but also in the midwest for a few years. Had the opportunity to eat and argue with Chicago natives about pizza. Extensively. I’ll die on the hill for NY style pizza…but damn do I love Chicago deep dish as well.

  13. dcooper8662

    I need to go to Chicago one day, my one experience with true Chicago Deep Dish was one of those frozen Pizza Uno things about 15 years ago. It wasn’t great! However a local chain has a Chicago style deep dish that comes with 5 toppings, and one slice of that thing was purest heaven. I don’t think it was really faithful to the Chicago experience but it was good enough that I want to try the real deal some day

  14. I’m Italian don’t scare me like that (south)😨

  15. Opiumthoughts

    Putting pie back into pizza.


  16. You may not be banned here on Reddit but if you ever cross into Italy’s jurisdiction, straight to jail and that includes offenses to those who enjoy pineapple on pizza

  17. As a former New Yorker who loves thin crust, I’d eat that.

  18. Obscuravision

    I think one of the most beautiful things about pizza is the vast diversity of styles!

  19. DangerousClouds

    I love deep dish pizza and all pizza period! Yours looks great!!! You’ll never see me hate on any style of pizza

  20. Look it’s pizza. Purest will be purest…i tend to ignore them and enjoy what i’m spending my money on

  21. unrulyhorse

    Very surprised by how much attention this humble pizza pie has attracted. I forgot to add that I also dipped some of it in ranch sauce for that extra oomph

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