Foie Gras on Caramelized Apples. 15 Minutes at 57C, then Pan-Seared

by guiscard


  1. We live up the road from a free-range duck farm in Southwestern France, and we get the livers a few hours after they kill them.

    The apples are done with butter, sugar, a touch of salt and rosemary. I did a search on this subreddit and other people seem to cook their foie gras for a long time before searing. I read 15 to 20 minutes the first time I did it and stuck to that. We tried using a blow torch once, but I find the pan-seared works better. It also leaves a lot of grease in the skillet to sear the steak in for the second course.

    Traditionally the foie gras goes on top of the steak, but we find they taste better separate. Unfortunately I didn’t snap a pic of the second dish.

    The wine was a Collioure red. There is some disagreement in the house about if a sweet wine should still be served when the foie is seared.

  2. What does 15 minutes @134 do? Just warm it up a bit?

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