Watermelon and Cucumber Salad | Watermelon and Cucumber Feta Salad

Watermelon and Cucumber Salad | Watermelon and Cucumber Feta Salad
#healthconscious #healthydelicious #healthyeating #watermelon #healthyeating #healthyfood #salad #cucumber #healthysalad #healthysaladforweightloss

cucumber and watermelon salad recipe
cucumber and watermelon salad
ingredients one seedless watermelon
cubed two cucumbers sliced 1/4 cup fresh
mint leaves torn 1/4 cup crumbled feta
cheesy 2 tablespoons lime juice salt and
pepper tar 76 e instructions one in a
large bowl combine the watermelon
cucumbers mint and fet cheese two
drizzle with lime juice and toss to coat
three season with salt and pepper to
taste four chill before serving calories
an average serving of this cucumber and
watermelon salad contains approximately
80 to 100 calories making it a light and
nutritious option for a summer meal or

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