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welcome to the Kina St come you have
books and you have aprons as a gift to
take away with you so today we’re going
to make rort Al sparus Roto we are going
to make ravioli with spinach ricotta
brown butter and Sage we’re going to
make tal with leaks and sausage and then
we are going to make
pami out and kneading on our surface so
please everyone take an egg crack her
into your bowl and then throw the shells
into uh the other Bowl now there’s a
massive debate about whether you use
just a yolk or the whole egg in reality
traditional pasta has always been made
with the whole egg again Traditions you
know the Italians are very strong strong
with their
Traditions at the beginning it’ll take a
second you just got to get the pieces
together and then start kneading now
when we’re kneading it’s a push and pull
action okay we want to tear the dough
the tearing of the dough is what is
going to create those gluten bonds and
hold everything
together having them slightly thicker is
always nice okay so this is
six little dusting just to do stick and
then go through on
the that’s
perfect so we are seven people
eating okay so we do not want to put too
much because otherwise it will
overflow about the size of A2 coin about
an inch apart you want to get as close
to the actual ravioli as possible
because that is where we want to be
sticking no air bubbles no air bubbles
and then lay up right on the
top yeah just around you can stretch if
be there you go you need one of those
you got to push really hard cuz
otherwise you can’t go back over
it many times can’t quite do it
be my Su yeah yeah see all the knives
nice hunk butter the
plant do you like the police
or thank you sir it these are pretty big
do you garnish with fres siage too or no
one oh I didn’t mean to open yeah I was
just going to say
that I’m not well I’ll take a picture of
you we forgot the
heads guys start with
oh my
God so this is the sausage for our Le
pasta yes that
is it’s golden brown and gorgeous
I did this we it was too late that is a
lot of late for
Mama that is to
nice it’s kind of doughy this one
G uh cigars
winter we lost one you said this was too
big the feel
I’m like a big white and plastic y
table sug wait so remember two in here
four in there
okayy countown
cream in the
base okay
biscuits they absorb uh the liquid very
very quickly and again these are pavini
these are not lady fingers personally I
prefer it because I I like it more focus
on the cream with a bit of this start
half we’re literally dunking and then
out because it absorbs very quickly okay
all right and that is it Coco that is me
Coco is at then so now this is going to
go the fridge they’re just observing
Julia making sure she’s doing it
right look at them
go are you going to take that Big Bite
yes now you have go now you have you got
it Carly ready so nice cake

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