As I sat at the kitchen table bemoaning the state of my creativity as well as the contents of my fridge, half-heartedly throwing out ideas, all I have is one eggplant. I’m just going to cut it up and put it in the oven and call it a day, I became a man of action. I grabbed the eggplant, sliced it, salted it, and began actually doing the things I was musing about maybe eggplant chips. Maybe rub them with garlic like bruschetta. No, maybe brush them with garlic oil. And let’s have a sauce. With basil. By the time I was done saving the day, I was inspired, and these garlicky eggplant chips had just come out of the oven.

Greatist Collaboration: Garlicky Eggplant Chips with Basil Yogurt Sauce

These chips, though, man were they a good spur of the moment creation!  Crispy, super-garlicky and flavorful, and hot out of the oven they were better than any potato chip I’ve had in a long time.  Plus, they’re made from eggplants, which are loaded with health benefits and low calorie, and they’re baked (always better than fried, even though eggplants do soak up quite a bit of olive oil as they bake).   All in all, a super delicious snack or appetizer.

Dining and Cooking

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