Uneven crumb

by bicep123


  1. bicep123

    Good ear. Good oven spring. Very excited when it came out of the oven. 2 hour cooling to reveal — a holey uneven crumb.

    First time use of a new starter. 100% wholewheat with dry raisins as a yeast supplement. Waited a week until I got consistent doubling of the starter after feeds before use.

    – 100g 100% w/w starter
    – 290g water
    – 10g salt
    – 350g bread flour
    – 100g wholewheat flour.

    64.5% hydration – About 68% hydration factoring in the starter.

    All into a bowl, fermentolyse for 1 hour, 4x stretch and folds every 30min for the first 2 hours, then 3 hour bulk ferment, shaped into banneton and into the fridge overnight (about 10 hours). Bake in dutch oven 25 min with the lid on at 230C. Then another 35 min with the lid off at 220C.

    Maybe I should have done a pre-shape and rest before final shaping into the banneton, but I normally don’t do that with my 100% rye starter and I usually get good results.

  2. trimbandit

    The large oven spring combined with giant caverns in the top half are classic underproof sign

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