Gordon Ramsay Makes Scrambled and Fried Eggs | Cooking With Gordon | HexClad

Gordon Ramsay steps into the HexClad kitchen to show you how to make perfect scrambled and fried eggs.

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What Makes HexClad the Absolute Best Cookware You Can Have in Your Kitchen?

HexClad’s patented cookware design technology is unmatched in today’s world of cooking. A well-seasoned HexClad pan will provide the cooking experience of stainless steel, non-stick and cast iron in a single pan.

In addition, HexClad is metal utensil safe, oven safe up to 500 degrees and dishwasher safe.


  1. Men are so good with cooking because they’re good with the mechanics and technique!
    Women on the other hand are good because they are precise and add emotions to a dish ❤

  2. He is such a qualified cook. But am I the only one that cringes when people use steel utensils on a non stick pan????

  3. I always knew who Ramsay was but I became a big fan during his pandemic cooking at home with his family. This reminds me of that. Him cooking at home and just loving to cook. No berating other chefs or yelling. Just pure cooking and joy.

  4. I don't have any seasonings because I just moved into an apartment, but I did have butter for my scrambled eggs. Best eggs I've ever had in my life.

  5. Looks like Gordon went to Raju Omlet in Surat for training. This is literally diabetes on a plate. Also is he trying to show off using a steel spoon on a non stick pan. Roookie

  6. Why shouldn't we use a wisk for scrambled eggs. I do and my scrambled eggs taste delicious. You just have to remember NOT to over cook them.

  7. Lots of cooking shown in youtube, but only Gordon..and maybe Jamie too were able to draw you in by the way they illustraye the process.

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